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Koko's Afternoon

It began innocently enough.

During the summer when my neighbor's vacationed, I take care of their dog, Koko, a German short-haired pointer. Roughly the size of a German Shepard, but heavier, Koko has jet black fur, black eyes, and an insatiable curiosity. He was six years old at the time, a hundred and sixty pounds, strong as a bear. And sometimes just as fierce.

I had cared for Koko the past three summers, one time for three weeks. Outweighing me by twenty pounds, our backyard romps were always a surprise. He bested me with ease, causing me to curl in a ball when his excitement got out of hand to avoid being mauled. I curled up a lot.

This day was a Wednesday afternoon in July, hot, muggy, threatening rain. The normal routine was feed Koko, change his water, go outside for a frolic, then I'd go home. This afternoon was different. I stuck around. Koko, no dumb mutt, noticed the change. Cocking his head, he looked curiously up.

"You stay put, okay?" I said, rubbing his head and flank. Given the chance, I knew he would interfere. He licked my hand, continued to watch, black eyes curious.

I went through the living room, then upstairs to the master bedroom, where I stood in the doorway. I wondered if I had the guts. The house was so quiet: the refrigerator hummed downstairs, and the low buzz of a lawn mower sounded down the street. Not even the air- conditioner disturbed the silence.

Excitement was there, tempered by antsy guilt--or maybe fear. Three years I had fantasized about this moment, since the Acappella's moved in; now I stood in their doorway vacillating. I was close to walking out. Come on, I said. Chicken out and you'll regret it the rest of my life.

I went in and shut the door.

The Acappella's bedroom was large and roomy, nearly filled by a king size bed and heavy oak furniture. Light blue, floor length curtains hung behind the bed, and matching lamps with blue lamp shades guarded either side. Pictures of the family adorned the long wall, a second held a large oil painting of a mountain lake. I had been in this room repeatedly, over the past three years, her King size bed the center of my fantasy. Mrs. Acappella was the focus.

Jessica was thirty-four, dark blonde short-cut hair curled under at the neck. She was five foot-six in shoes and one-hundred and ten pounds, (from her driver's license), and filled her clothes rather than wore them. It was hard to imagine her the mother of three. Just the right mixture of softness and authority, Jessica kept you guessing.

There are three daughters. Mary Beth, the oldest, is twenty-two now, a senior at Penn State University. Becky and Regina, a year apart, are still in high school, Becky a senior. All rival their mother in looks--and her small chest- -though Jessica may be the most small-chested woman I've ever known. Regardless, the four together make your heart groan.

The connecting door to the bathroom was open and I closed it also, guessing Koko's appearance was just a matter of time. This was none business of his. Looking at the bed, I thought of the many times I had lain there and wanted to masturbate, wanted to find pictures of Mrs. Acapella in the nude. I never had. But yesterday morning I had searched the room top to bottom and discovered their cache; a damned good one too--a false bottom in the smaller of the two closets. There was a full box of Jessica from which to choose. I intended to use them.

I undid my belt.

Jessica's underwear drawer was so familiar, after three years, I could described each lingerie item she owned. Inside that drawer, nested amongst her panties and bra's, was a plastic Tupperware box, a hundred pictures inside. I had looked at one. One was enough. Here in the bedroom, Jessica in her brassiere, blouse open and halfway off, still in her beige skirt. The look in her eyes and the soft curl of smile said there was a lot more.

Koko scratched the door.

"Go away," I threatened.

Koko continued to scratch.

I knew this would happen. "Fucking dog."

Koko had no intention of going away. Knowing I couldn't proceed unless he did, I got up and went to the door. Opening it a crack, I said: "What do you want?"

He sat, looking at me with doggie aplomb.

"Can't you see I'm busy?"

He pushed the door with his snout, and then suddenly he was in the room.

"Hey!" I yelled. "Get out of here!"

As though knowing my intent, he sniffed my crotch.

I batted him away. "Stop that!"

He moved to the bed and sat down, observed me with black eyes. His tongue lolled from the side of his mouth.

"I can't do this with an audience," I said, feeling stupidly embarrassed. "Go." I pointed at the door.

He continued to watch.

"Go sit in the corner, at least."

He didn't move.

Grabbing his collar, I lead him to a corner and sat him down. "Stay!" I pointed at the floor. Then I walked back to the bed and sat down.

For a time it was a staring contest. Then he went down on all fours and I thought maybe I had made my point. I unzipped my pants. Immediately, he was up.

"You're not going to cooperate are you?" He trotted to the bed and I kept him away with my foot. "How about we go in the bathroom? Okay?"

I walked him there and sat him down in the middle of the floor, which Koko seemed to think was just fine. After a moment looking at the surroundings however, he decided the bedroom was better. He got up and trotted off.

"Hey!" I grabbed at his collar and missed. He sat back down at the bed. Now I was angry.

"What the hell's with you, anyway?" I fairly yelled it.

"Give a guy a break."

By way of answer he barked loudly.


I walked to the bed and sat down and again he tried to nuzzled me.

"Son of a bitch!" I swatted his snout. "Cut it out."

I was not quite sure what to do. Koko was terribly strong and I had discovered long ago that obedience was entirely his choice. He was being tolerant, in fact he might stop. Then he'd go nowhere. He propped his head on my knee, eyed me hang-dog. I shook my head.

"Forget it. You don't deserve to be pet."

He remained where he was, woeful-eyed, then coaxed himself between my legs and probed my groin.

I did something shocking.

"Okay! Let's see how much you really like it!" I spread wide and yanked Koko forward by his collar. His nose jabbed my crotch, too hard, and it made me leap.

"Whoa!" But I wouldn't let him go. "Get it out of your system!" I said.

For a moment Koko struggled, then, remembering what he wanted in the first place, butted me hard with his snout. I yelped and scrambled back.

"Take it easy! That hurt!" I rubbed my crotch. He had gotten both testicles. I looked around in guilt, eying the windows.

What a stupid idea.

Koko stood, sniffed the air, and make poking motions with his snout. I stood and moved away, suddenly and uncomfortably aware that I had a hard-on. What the hell was going on? I let a dog sniff my crotch.

"This never happened," I said. "Understand?"

My erection continued to grow until it both created a small tent in the front of my jeans and, and made me panic.

"Fuck this! I'm outta here."

I went to the dresser and removed the box of pictures, leaving the room to Koko. In the hallway, raw with anger, I stopped at the top of the stairs. I was letting a dog thwart me. If so, I must not want it very bad. For a moment, emotions warred: lust against anger, disgust with jealousy, then I said, "Fuck this," and went back inside.

"You are not stopping me," I said, unzipping my jeans. "This is my afternoon."

I crossed to the bed and sat down, undoing my belt. Koko hadn't moved; I glared at him, daring him to so much as budge.

I kicked off my sneakers and pushed them under the bed. My jeans went down to my knees. My erection, full blown and aching, I rubbed through the front of my shorts and groaned.

Koko rose, suddenly alert.

"Stay right there!" I ordered. I put out my foot. "This is not for you!"

Given time, I'm sure I could force Koko from the room. But his presence wasn't such a drawback; it was actually kind of cool. I've always wanted to masturbate in front of someone else, and it being Koko was just weird enough to turn me on.

Then I made a serious blunder. I removed my penis through the fold-overs and began to stroke. Then I got even stupider.

"Wanna sniff?" I turned toward him a little. And set off a disastrous chain of events.

I had no intention of letting him, of course, but the tease was irresistible. Koko watched intently.

"What's the matter?" I said. "The real thing scare you?"

He arose and I about had heart-stroke.

"Whoa! Whoa!" I back-peddled across the bed. "Get away!"

He followed and I held him off with my foot, then both feet, yelling: "I was kidding! Get down!"

He did not get down.

Koko fought back and I began a slow slide backward, toward the edge of the bed. I ran out of mattress and put a hand down to keep from going over. It was all the opening Koko needed. He broke through my feet and dug his nose into my crotch and tongued my penis. Like a thunderbolt I was standing.

"Get away from me!"

But my pants had me locked at the knees and off- balance, and with no footing on the bed, I suddenly wind milled to keep from going over. Koko lunged. Hitting both my penis and balls, he knocked me backwards, setting fireworks went off in my groin. I sucked air and Koko rammed forward again and got me in the groin, finishing the job. I went over like a toppling oak.


I lay there, staring. No air moved in my lungs and heat radiated from my balls in a nuclear explosion of pain, megaton range. Then Koko was on the floor, licking my face, licking my ass, licking my testicles and penis and there was nothing I could do to stop him.

This isn't happening! Please, God, this isn't happening!

But it was happening, and as the convulsion in my lungs started up, and the pain twisted sideways up and down in my gut, I lay over on my side and coughed. I retched--dry-heaving. I almost passed out. Koko licked my ass.

"Don't take this wrong," I said, when enough strength returned to turn over. I stuck a foot on his head and yelled:

"I am not ready for this!"

Koko went skidding across the floor and came up against the far wall, collapsing with a thud. He remained there, shaken and wobbly, looking shocked. I doubt anyone had ever kicked Koko before.

I had to move. Sliding on my ass, I made the side of the bed and sat up. Koko stayed where he was. I inspected my groin and battled nausea after every touch. He'd really done me good.

"I could kill you," I said. Then: "Fucking dog."

Koko tilted his head and woofed, softly.

"Come over and see what happens."

Koko continued to watch.

I pulled my underwear up and over my aching balls, adjusted them with nausea dogging every move. I started to pull up my jeans. Koko stood up. Realizing his prize was lost, he moved forward half a dozen paces, stopped only when I put out my foot.

"What do you think you're doing? Stay put."

We stared.

I began to inch up the jeans and moved forward again.

This was absurd.

I said: "You're not having at me, Koko. No matter what you think. Now just move the fuck outta here." I kicked, but missed his head. He moved one step back. But Koko was insistent. Each movement brought him a step closer and soon my foot was holding him away. The pain in my groin was too great too fight for long; soon I gave in. His nose pressed against my crotch and I almost cried.

Then I lost my temper. "Here!" I yelled, yanking down my shorts. "Is this what you want?" Koko's head jerked back and forth and he suddenly stooped--for a second he growled. Regretting this latest smart move, I put my hand down as protection--hand shook badly. I put myself back inside. Incredibly, I had an erection.

Koko remained in a crouch.

"No, Koko," I said, gently. "Get away."

Leaving was not on Koko's mind. He moved forward, eyes locked on my crotch, head down, swinging side-to- side. I used both hands to hold him away. I might as well hold back a tank. Trapping me against the bed, Koko licked my crotch.

"Oh, Jesus, no."

He worked me out through the front of my shorts and

I became frantic.

"How did you do that! Stop!"

The roar in my ears was like air rushing before a subway train. I was close to loosing it. Then Koko did something truly frightening: Taking the waistband between his teeth, he pulled my shorts down, exposing it all. I sat there, pop-eyed, refusing to believe. But the plan was too complex for just a mouth, and Koko let go and the waistband snapped back on my balls. I again leapt in pain. Every nerve ending rang anew.

"Thanks! Oh-Jesus-God-stupid! I really needed that."

I fixed the shorts but Koko nosed me again and licked their front; soon I closed my eyes and and lay back. My underwear joined my jeans about my knees .

"Don't hurt me," I pleaded.

This time he didn't.

Using the rough saw of his tongue, Koko made my penis dance. He lapped the head and the shaft, my bare testicles, until gasping breath chugged in my lungs. A glistening dot of semen formed at the tip of my cock, which Koko deftly licked away. My entire body sang with tension.

Again I formed the question: What the hell was I doing?

The answer: Having sex with a dog.

I groaned, disgusted and totally turned on. Koko began to lick my balls with frenzied excitement and I jumped off the floor.

"You're hurting me!" I hissed. "Don't hurt me!"

But his tongue followed, and my testicles bounced, and the more he licked the more excruciating was the pain. Soon something really bad would happen.

"Koko," I panted, trying to close my legs. "This is insane! You can never, ever tell anyone about this."

Undeterred, Koko opened my legs.

Using doggie magic, he timed his licks and caught my penis on each backswing, slapping it against my belly and then catching it again. A quake of stimulation grabbed my gut and I shuddered like a Tokyo earthquake. My testicles were under full attack when he suddenly lunged in excitement and rammed me flat against the bed.


Agony ricocheted up my spine and the breath sucked out of my lungs. I strangle a groan and fell to my side-- little help because Koko Koko followed. He straddled me.

Panic turned to terror.

"Koko! No!"

His erection, huge and red and wet--the size of a small blimp--slapped against my mouth.

I shrieked.

His shoulders held me pinned to the floor and I struggled frantically to keep my mouth turned away. Koko did his best to capture it.


He suddenly leapt away, tore at my penis and balls, and this was the last straw. I hit him with my fist. He jerked away, barking.


I rolled onto my side and pulled my jeans high enough to protect my balls. Koko stopped them from going any further.

"Leave me alone!" I cried.

He licked my naked ass.

He licked my asshole.

"I hate you, you fucker."

He dug his cold wet nose into my crack.

"Leave me alone!"

But of course he didn't.

Eventually, the pain subsided enough to roll on my back. I let my knees fall apart, and open invitation. I had no choice. I'd been whacked with a baseball bat. Every movement was agony and when I pulled my underwear down to free my balls, even this was a torture.

"You are a fucking cocksucker." I growled at him.

"And I am a moron. A fucking gay queer moron who is out of his mind."

Koko made no comment.

Movement in general was unwise, and sitting up was impossible. The ache extended from my groin to the depths of my chest, and generated a nausea almost unbearable. I shook and trembled and shuddered. I was covered with cold sweat. I wanted nothing more than to vomit.

Koko, two feet away, lay on the floor and watched. I gave him a kick, but missed.

"Fuck you and your mother too."

My flaccid stub of a penis hung miserably between my legs, looking like a concentration camp survivor. It couldn't have been more than an inch long. I continued to massage my testicles and after some time, felt ready to sit up. Pushing up on one elbow, I waited to see if the dizziness returned. It did not.

"See this?" I said, pointing at my crotch. "You did that. Now stay away."

He continued to watch.

"I must have been trippin'," I said. "Even to consider this. Never, ever, ever, again."

I pushed up on one foot, and Koko, never far away, rose up. One good lunge and he'd have me again. Though it took a lot of effort and was painful as hell, I sat down on the bed. I did not for one second close my eyes. Koko stayed back, eyes big and round and watchful.

Standing up was wishful thinking. I worked myself to the center of the bed and lay down. Koko lay his chin on the edge. We engaged in another staring contest, which Koko won, and I felt even worse. Things were definitely not out of control.

Time passed and my penis returned to life--which I didn't particularly like, though I was glad for any movement. It grew harder and more erect and as Koko watched with interest, it grew harder yet. I could not believe it. I will never understand why, not as long as I fucking live.

"Koko," I said. "I want some more."

It was frustration of course.

Things had gone so fucking wrong, and so weird, that I was horny beyond belief. I needed to salvage something, even if, God help me, it was Koko licking my dick. I slid off my jeans and my underwear and let them drop to the floor.

"Well? What are you waiting for?" To myself: "You are truly nuts."

Koko climbed on the bed, sniffed my hardened cock, and then he licked it.

"God," I moaned. "You are so nuts."

He tongued with some restraint, as though aware of my condition, gradually working into a rhythm. I grew stiffer with each lick. Then he licked my balls.

"Please, Koko," I begged. "If you have any regard for your old buddy, please by careful."

He licked a bit harder. I jumped. I forced myself to relax. Slowly, his tongue made the pain go away and I began to enjoy it.

"You should charge for this, Koko. You really should."

Fully erect and leaking semen, the thought of Koko swallowing it aroused me even more. I moved my penis back against my belly to make him concentrate on my balls. I was immeasurably turned on. Every breath went a little deeper and became a little more ragged, and though not yet at industrial strength action, his intensity increase. So did the pain, though I refused to make him stop. Even when a deep ache settled in, and I could only groan, I did not let him stop.

I no longer had much interest in Mrs. A or her pictures. Whatever happened now was between me and the dog. No third party was required. I removed my shirt and dropped it on the floor, toed off my socks, and was completely nude.

"What, oh, what am I doing?"

Koko moved between my legs and I raised them, intending to bare my anus. I'd read on the Internet that nothing beats rim by a dog. I'm sorry to say, it's true. But Koko wanted more than a rim job, and suddenly I was straddled, thighs pressed flat against my stomach, Koko ready to fuck. I jumped, taken totally by surprise.

"Wait a minute," I said. "No one told you to--"

He tongued me with vigor and at once I was thrilled and repulsed. His erection slapped my thighs and my bottom and my testicles, and following a couple good whacks, the dull ache turned into throbbing pain. And still I didn't stop.

"It hurts, it hurts, it hurts," I whispered.

Pain was a blossoming flower, a red Iris, a rose. Koko changed position, getting onto his knees and I groaned loudly when he batted my testicles with his club. I bit my lip to keep from crying. I began to drift, loosing consciousness to something else, while my anus spasmed wildly from desperate need. I reached down and pulled apart my cheeks and bared the whole shabang. This was the last straw. Koko suddenly was frantic, ready to mount me, and with a thickly wet slap his penis jabbed my anus and lodged.

For a split second this was a truly fine thing, absolutely logical. I was in heat and Koko, following his instincts. was about to fill my needs. But then his penis jabbed me again, dead center on my anus, and forced it open. I leapt in shock.

What was I doing!

I freaked and pushed upward with my legs, sent Koko sailing, yelping, off the bed, across the floor on his stammering legs. Try as he might, he could not stay erect. He slammed against the chest of drawers and collapsed.

Jesus-God help me! I had nearly fucked a dog!

Making terrible noises, I dragged my ass to the middle of the bed, staring at Koko, every muscle screaming to go.

RUN! I shook violently

I had almost done it with a dog! A DOG!

Author: Simplemind100

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