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    A friend of mine was watching an episode of the Oprah Windfrey show with the lovely Julia Roberts as the guest. She told me how Julia discussed going to Africa to film a wildlife documentary. She said Julia was telling one incident where a large male animal grabbed her hard and sat her on her lap. Julia was scared even though the story is that the animal did not mean her any harm. My friend suggested that she thought the beast wanted to fuck Julia Roberts.

    I got so turned on my the image of Julia Roberts in the middle of a Gorilla gang-rape that I just had to see if I could write a scene that does justice to my vision.

    I am not planning on striving for any sense of realism in the descriptions of what is about to occur. I am no expert on gorilla mating habits or even the animals themselves for that matter. I intend to make the beasts huge for the purpose of this story. I also intend to explore the idea of inter species breeding so if you are so hung up that you can't get turned on by the imagery of Julia Roberts beaten into submission, stripped naked and then savagely brutalized and bred by a group of savage animals, read no further. For everyone else, please enjoy Julia Robert's Gorilla Rape.


    The scene as I see it -In the jungles of Africa, Julia Roberts and her brave little film crew are trying to capture mating footage of the great gorilla's they are studying. There are about thirty-three animals in the pack including a dozen adult males who are 'in the mood'. As is customary, the strongest gorilla is doing the honors on the female in heat while the lesser males stand back frustrated, waiting for any opportunity.

    Our heroine, Julia Robert's, is fascinated by the brutality of the fucking she is witness to. The lucky male doing the honors is almost merciless in his desire for it's own satisfaction. Fortunately for the female in heat, she is sturdy enough to withstand the assault and even take satisfaction for herself to have such a powerful lover to father her cubs.

    Julia Robert's feels herself blush as she quickly steels glances at her film crew to assure herself that no one was observing her interest in the proceedings. Julia is hugely impressed with the sheer animal passion of the mating. She certainly had never experienced such passion herself with Lyle or her other lovers. She didn't want to admit even to herself, but the fact was that she was getting wet in her panties.

    Julia continued to watch as the gorilla 'rapebreeding' continued and did not even notice her 'visitor' until he was almost on her. The grunt of the beast brought Julia's attention immediately back to her blind which suddenly had a huge male just a few feet from her.

    If she had time to worry about the animal's intentions, she certainly did not have time to do anything but give out an excited little call to her crew before the animal had a grip around her slender waist. The gorilla was so fucking strong that Julia Roberts was basically a rag doll in the apes paws as he took several sniffs at her with his gorilla nose.

    Julia might have laughed if she wasn't so shocked and frightened. Somehow the beast 'smelled' her and even though she was a world famous movie star, the gorilla now thought of her as nothing more then a bitch-in-heat ready for breeding. It was so ridiculous to the celebrity. She was a human being. Roger and Jake from the crew were rushing over to encourage the animal to release her. No one could have anticipated what happened next.

    The gorilla was so fast that Roger could not have pulled the trigger on his rifle if he'd wanted to. The gorilla almost decapitated the guide, as the blow from his powerful paw sent Roger through the air almost fifteen feet. Roger did not move as he hit the ground. Jake barely had time to cry out before he was in the paws of the gorilla and sent against a tree so hard it broke him open and blood started soaking his face. The gorilla looked down at the gun and seamed to realize the danger as he finished up his attack by snapping it like a toothpick before turning back on a suddenly, very horrified, Julia Roberts. The last two, unarmed, members of the film crew would be nothing more then helpless voyeurs for the gorilla rape of Julia Roberts.

    The beast looked at the beautiful movie star, shocked into silence, and seamed to give pause as though wondering what to do with 'this' type of bitch. Julia managed a step backwards, so the animal reached out and enveloped her head in his mighty black paw. Julia screamed as her world went black. The animal squeezed as though startled by Julia's scream and the actress almost felt her head crushed.

    It was a nightmare. It had to be just her worst dream ever. Julia could never survive an attack from a gorilla. She was a human. The beast did not really want to fuck her? Human's don't really go into heat? It was so unfair. She only wanted to save the gorilla's life and now she was going to be hurt by one. It was a delicious irony that might finally teach all the do-gooders of the world to mind their own place.

    The gorilla knew that Julia was not a typical bitch but she still had the smell, so if she worked like female apes then he had to figure out how to find her hole. The gorilla had Julia by the head and she seemed to have a hole there so he pushed down and put her into place.

    Julia could not believe as the powerful animal maneuvered her head towards his weapon. Gorilla's didn't do oral sex. She had no idea how the beast knew to put her mouth down there. Fortunately, for Julia, the beast was as of yet unaware of the pleasure possible from Julia's pouty red lips and deep, wet mouth. The gorilla did not even get Julia face up against his slimy black cock but actually ended up humping the right side of her head. The only hole that was fillible was her ear, but although it got fucked a couple of times the gorilla was unable to drive his huge dick through the movie star's head in the time he had before the second beast was on the scene.

    Julia's two remaining crew members could not believe what they were seeing. Julia Roberts had somehow got the attention of the other gorilla's desiring breeding privileges and after already watching Roger and Jake pay for the Hollywood bitch's cock-teasing, Billy and Tony were going to stay back a safe distance. It was almost obscene to believe that Julia Robert's, the all-American sweetheart was about to become the ultimate porn star but Billy knew an opportunity to make millions when he saw it and quickly told Tony to get the camera's on the action. It was not the breeding film that PBS was expecting, but in the world of the Internet, it was a film that would buy an awful lot of good times for both Billy and Tony.

    The initial gorilla who had started the fun with Julia seamed to have a low spot on the pecking order of the tribe. Now he was being challenged for his prize. A second gorilla took a grip of one of Julia's gorgeous, long, slender legs and gave a yank. Julia almost felt herself rip in two as the first gorilla did not let go of her head. It was a gorilla tug of war and Julia's sexy body was the rope.

    Normally the first gorilla would have backed off rather then risked a beating from his larger opponent but something told his animal instincts that this female was a piece of ass worth fighting for. The animal realized his grip on Julia's head just before he was about to rip it off and jumped the new beast. The war was on, but Julia had been suffocating while she was being held by the head, and she did not have the strength to take advantage and crawl away as the two males fought over who would rape her.

    Then a third gorilla entered the picture. He was the groups number two male. Any question of who would have Julia's cunt were now settled, providing the animals could get into her panties. As a now very excited Billy filmed, he wanted to shout out at the stupid ape to rip the actresses pants off but he knew Gorillas did not understand English. Billy hated to admit it but he actually had a hardon. He wondered if Tony was 'up' for the scene too. The film would make them millions but the stupid animals had to get the Hollywood bitch striped for the real money shots to begin..

    Then the god of perversion smiled on Billy. The dominant gorilla reached down to where Julia was sprawled helplessly on the ground and managed to slide his big fingers into the back of her pants while trying to lift her. Julia was in some baggy khaki shorts and as the gorilla shook her a couple of times like playing a yo-yo, the shorts gave out. Julia Roberts went falling back face first into the dirt below and all the actress had left for protection was her simple, white, cotton panties. They did not stay on for long.

    The dominant gorilla snapped Julia's panties and then grabbed the bitch by a leg. He hefted the actress up and held her upside down. She screamed but there was no one to save her as the gorilla positioned her head at his erect cock. The beast somehow understood that she could pleasure him with her mouth and this time Julia was facing the right direction.

    The gorilla cock was not overly long in comparison to a human cock but still was inches longer then Julia's ex-husband's. The real size was in the thickness and Julia's lips were actually stretched going around the head of the gorilla's erection.

    The gorilla gripped Julia's head as easy as a coconut as he just held her in place and took his animalistic satisfaction. As the gorilla forced his massive ape dick deep into her cock-sucking mouth, Billy could not help but worry that the beast would snap the actresses slender neck with his desire to use her.

    Julia Roberts may not have been as sturdy as the savage beast's normal mate but that was not going to spare her even the slightest of animal fury as she got gorilla raped. Billy was especially pleased as he zoomed in for a close-up of Julia Roberts' stuffed mouth and caught the unmistakable little trail of some escaping gorilla cum from the corner of the actresses' cock-sucking lips dribbling down her chin. There could be no denying that every time the choking bitch managed to actually swallow, that she was drinking another gulp of actual gorilla sperm. Tony must have been zooming in for a close-up for the mouth shot too as he suddenly got sick. Screw him, Billy thought. Maybe watching Julia Robert's, the famous Hollywood actress, suck off a gorilla was not Tony's cup of tea but Billy knew lots of Internet sites that would take millions of hits once he had the video posted. Even if the Hollywood slut did not survive her little adventure with the gorilla's, nothing would stop Billy's tape from being the most famous porn ever filmed.

    Billy wanted some more action. Julia was still choking as she got mouth raped which was a good sign that she had not drowned in the gorilla's load or had her slender neck snapped yet. Billy was actually at the point of hoping that Julia did get fucked to death as it would make a lot less hassles for him publishing the video, but first he wanted her kicking and screaming as she got cunt fucked. Billy was just a film guy and no expert on gorilla mating habits. If stupid Jake had not got his head cracked open then Billy could have asked when the first gorilla would be finished in Julia Roberts' mouth. As it was, all Billy could do was keep the camera in focus as the beast had his cum down the star's throat.

    Tony finished being sick and took up his camera again, "Fuck, Billy. I ain't never seen shit like this."

    "Yeah, well keep that camera going and we are both going to be millionaires."

    "There is no fucking way she will survive it."

    "So we film a snuff movie. Some fuckers get off on that too. I mean maybe she will survive. It is not like we can fucking do anything. Roger was suppose to be the god damn hero and you saw what happened to him and Jake too. The way I figure it the bitch must have got herself all horny otherwise the gorilla's would have not known to breed her. This is all her fault and she should be the one to pay."

    "I don't even fucking know. I guess we would be idiots not to make our money but I hope she survives. I always wanted to see Pretty Woman II."

    "Yeah well if she gets hit in that face of hers many more times, I don't think anyone will be calling her pretty woman again."

    If the film crew's disgusting comments carried across to Julia Robert's ears, the actress could not do anything about their total lack of respect. She was in a light state of shock, which was probably the only thing keeping her from being driven insane. She seemed to realize that she was still fixating on how unfair it was for some a good and caring girl as herself to be hurt by the very creatures she had been trying to help. She wanted to curse her lord for delivering onto her such a perversion as to be mouth-fucked by an animal, but she could not focus enough even to make that much effort. She felt the hot, wet splurts soaking the back of her throat, and the sliminess and pungent taste as she managed to choke the occasional swallow. The actress did not know just how many inches of gorilla cock she had fucked between her wide stretched lips and invading her abused mouth and throat, but from her initial understanding of gorilla autonomy coupled with the fact that her nose was scrunched against the fur of the beast's belly, she had no choice but to understand for herself that she was truly deep-throating the ape's fuck stick.

    Then suddenly Julia could breath.

    Billy almost wet himself in anticipation. King had finished with his gorilla-bitch and was now making the scene to see just what all the excitement was over this new little fuck-toy. Even at number two on the pecking order, the ape raping Julia's mouth knew better then to resist King. Julia fell to her face on the jungle floor as King made his advance. It was almost like a scene out of a X-rated version of Mighty Joe Young as the big black gorilla gripped a paw full of Julia Robert's long red hair and just lifted the naked actress up off the ground.

    Julia Robert's screamed as she was hung by the hair and the shrill noise upset the beast causing him to lash out with a powerful paw across the helpless star's face. Julia's head snapped back despite the fact that she was being suspended by the hair and a little trickle of blood seamed to be proof to the camera that the bitch had her nose broken. As strong as the gorilla's were, Julia was probably lucky that the blow did not decapitate her but the formally pretty woman felt anything but lucky as the big ape suddenly tossed the movie star down onto the ground again; this time for a purpose.

    "Fan around Tony. See if you can work behind the beast and see if you can get some film of the bitch getting it in her cunt."

    "Fuck you. Look at all the animals. I ain't getting any closer or they might attack me next. The little perverts on the net are going to have to satisfy themselves with what they get."

    "Yeah, well, the way that animal is going to pound the bitch, she will probably end up getting spun around and flipped a few times anyhow. I mean if they jump all over each other when they fuck just wait until he starts jumping up and down on that slut as he breeds her."

    Both crew men had hard-ons as they watched the savage beast mount and penetrate the idol of millions. Julia Roberts was still alert enough to fill the air with an awesomely sexy scream of anguish and shock as she took the most obscene of violations. The big ape was hesitant for an instant or two as he seamed a little confused by the difference in movie star cunt from gorilla cunt. He was experience as a breeder and began to use his super muscled monkey ass to power his massive cock into the Hollywood slut's wet cunt. It was extremely fortunate for the famous bitch that she had become aroused earlier because the lubrication was the only thing stopping the gorilla's huge weapon from doing irreparable damage.

    It was a totally typical gorilla fucking except that the bitch getting bred was a world famous human Hollywood movie star by the name of Julia Roberts. The gorilla was a magnificent lover for what it is worth with amazing stamina. The beast almost seemed to take some sort of secret perverse pleasure in using as many positions as imaginable. Julia was buried under the furry beast's huge body as he just fucked her senseless.

    Billy allowed himself a giggle as the beast managed to actually step all over Julia Roberts while keeping her penetrated. He wished that the chicken shit, Tony would move in for some close-ups of Julia but he was glad that he had been correct in his belief that the rape would be animated enough to give multiple angles for the camera from a stationary position. Billy was able to shoot from the top giving a glance of Julia Roberts' mouth watering tits getting squished by the massive chest of the Gorilla as he pressed into her and Billy was able to shoot from underneath, giving a nice zoom in on the gorilla's massive dick filling Julia's love tunnel, stretching her cunt to full capacity.

    "Hey, Billy. Do you think she will get bred?"


    "You know. I mean everyone says that we are almost like those fuckers. What if she gets all knocked-up with some kind of fucking monkey boy."

    "Shit, wouldn't that be such a laugh. Can you imagine the headlines in the National Enquirer? I bet the slut will breed with the fucking animals. I mean the slut has not even screamed since the bitch smacked her head. I don't think the slut is even trying to get away anymore. I would not be surprised if that Hollywood whore comes all over that filthy monkey cock in her cunt and copulates."

    "You know I might be sick but I think it would be funny."

    "Yeah, while the gorilla's are probably going to fuck her to death but if the cunt survives then she can be stuck with a monkey boy. She will probably be unconscious at least after the gorilla's are done. We will get a local native to keep her until it is too late for any bullshit abortions. Fuck. We can even fill the delivery. There are guys who would pay good money to get film of Julia Robert's all naked with a huge belly all full of some freaking money boy taking all the pain of childbirth as she fucking delivers out here in the fucking jungle."

    "Man, what are we talking about. We can't get away with this. We are going to get trouble for not saving the bitch."

    "No way. Jake and Roger ain't speaking. As far as anyone knows we tried. We weren't able to do anything. We publish the movie in another country where no one gives a fuck. We are going to get away with everything. The bitch better survive."

    "Hey, King looks like he is finished. Maybe we will get a chance to grab her."

    "No chance. They may only be stupid animals but look at those fuckers. They all want to have themselves a good time and the little Hollywood slut is in no position to refuse."

    As the minuets slowly ticked by turning into hours that seamed to last forever, the two men steadied their cameras on the action as one gorilla after another used and abused naked Julia Roberts. The final film was shot and still the apes were taking the use of Julia's cunt for their pleasure. The sun was sinking lower into the sky and neither Tony nor Billy relished the thought of being in the jungle after nightfall but if there was any chance to somehow recover the thoroughly fucked movie star to fulfill their hopes that she had been successfully bred, then they were prepared to take the risk. It was getting frustrating that the apes just kept taking turn after turn. Billy thought the apes were a little too greedy going back for their third and forth goes at Julias' cunt. He did have to laugh that at least the bitch would never be able to know who the father was as the poor little slut's cunt was so filled with gorilla sperm that she could be knocked up with triplets.

    A concern was that Julia had not moved or made a sound in over an hour but her body was still nice and flexible as the animals slammed her around and raped her. Finally the last ape lost his interest in the totally fucked Hollywood bitch.

    Tony pressed his ear down to Julia Roberts' naked cumcovered right tit. "She is still breathing."

    "Fuck look at that puddle of cum under her ass." Billy added shining the flashlight down on the unconscious slut.

    "We better carry her back to the jeep before any Lions find us."

    "Elevate her legs. We don't want all the ape cum to run out before it finished breeding her tummy full."

    "Hey Billy. Do you mind if I take a turn with Julia Roberts after we get her cleaned up again. I mean first we will make sure she is pregnant with the monkey boy but then I just have to have a piece of her famous ass."

    "Hell yes. I am going to have me a few turns with the bitch too. We will blindfold the cunt so she can't finger us. We will just tell everyone that the gorilla's dragged her off into the jungle to explain our innocence. Of course, we will have to let Umtombo put his big black cock to Julia's creamy white body too. We will hold that off until after we are done with her. Julia thinks they all look alike anyhow it will teach her right to get herself black educated. I am sure that all of Umtombo's village will have their fun. Julia Roberts might get herself so fucked over that she will turn to the world of porn full time when she gets back to America."


    And so the naked Julia Roberts was trucked back to the village of Umtombo. She was unconscious for three days before awakening to find herself in chains. Men she could not see through her blindfold ignored all her pleas for release. She knew when she was being tested for pregnancy and the movie star spent the next week crying herself to sleep night after night until the proverbial rabbit died. The man had evil in his voice as he sneered the news to the new mommy. Then two men who did not speak took their turns with the bound cutie. Julia Roberts too her first double penetration of her life. Julia Roberts would never know it was her own surviving film crew members who sandwiched her.

    The blindfold would come off as Umtombo had the white movie star service his desires. Native after native educated Julia Roberts to the exotic magnificence of black cock. She became living proof of once you go black, you never go back. It was obvious Julia Roberts was a broken bitch as she came to full term and made her delivery. She had months to accept the abomination and she was able to accept it with the full love of a mother. The gossip rags ran wild when Julia's delivery footage went on the net and in the end it was the great Oprah Windfrey, in an attempt to do battel with Jerry Springer, that had the new mommy and her little boy on the show to meet the world. A new ratings record was set as the nursing Julia Roberts faced the camera once more and announced for the world that she was expecting another package as a last result of her trip to Africa.

    Did Julia fall victim to a second gorilla gang-rape? Was it her jungle-bunny captors that filled her white tummy with their black offering? Did Billy do the job or maybe it was some fucking elephant or Lion that bred the Hollywood star. Maybe I will give you the answer in my next post but until then use your own imagination and enjoy. As always, I am Mkarl. Comments to: (mkarl2000 [dog] hotmail dot com)

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    as always mr. Mkarl is one of the best, he dose it all.

    thanks you

    Dec 16 2007 15:35
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