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    Dearest Serena,

    You were truthful; I was totally mesmerized upon viewing Delilah from afar. My husband and I attended the New Year's Gala adorned in our entire splendor; black tux, evening gown, and pearls. I observed the regal black goddess from a distance and could not take my eyes off her. Beauty was her definition. Her yellow chiffon dress only highlighted her ebony skin; her full breasts clung to her outfit; her air of dignity, elan and sophistication exceeded anything I had observed in another person. As we all danced and celebrated the evening I was not aware I had been gazing and staring all night at the divinity until we inadvertently visited the ladies lounge together. She confronted me most directly.

    "You seem so preoccupied this celebratory night, you've barely shown your husband the attention he deserves," she confidently stated. "You must be preoccupied with other thoughts."

    "Yes, I suppose I have," I demurely responded.

    "Do you always act so aloof from your husband, or is this some phase of yours? You've spent an inordinate amount of energy and time following my whereabouts for the better part of the evening. I suppose you've wanted to meet me," she continued in her assured manner.

    "Oh really, I must have been evening dreaming," I responded with a cute and lying quip.

    Sternly she retorted, "Don't be insolent. I demand respect and obedience. When I take a pet I expect total adherence to my rules and disciplines. You want to be my favorite, don't you? I see the signs within you. Dryness of mouth, palpitating heart, ogling eyes, wetness in the loins, you have all these symptoms."

    "Was I embarrassingly noticeable?"

    "Only to me," Delilah asserted. "My pet, you have an objectionable air about you, a sense of haughtiness which can only be corrected with proper instruction and training. I'll expect you at my abode tomorrow, nine o'clock a.m. sharp. You are to ring my porch doorbell naked save for your strand of pearls. I love gifts. As for tonight, when you leave this lounge, I expect to see you giving not only your husband some attention but other gentlemen as well. You are to remove all your undergarments and deposit them in the lounge receptacle. I will be observing your first test of obedience. So for now, ta-ta, I'll see you in the morning."

    She strode from the lounge with such an aura of grandeur, self-assurance, and sovereignty. I was more than taken aback. I could not resist this matron. Was I so completely mesmerized with her, so totally under her spell? Yes, and yes again. I endeavored to quell the beating of my heart, I sought to quench my thirst, my loins were damp, my head spun like a schoolgirl's. A force seemed to have over taken me; I stepped into a cubicle and quickly removed my undies, slip, stockings and bra. My gown now, in the right light, would reveal my own firm young body for all to see, my nipples, now erect, were clearly visible through my dress's bodice. I cared not; I had to obey my new mistress. Discarding the garments, as ordered, I strove out of the lounge and proceeded to dance the night away with my husband and all who frantically cut in on him. I thought of nothing save my new goddess. The dress stain from my aching loins were not directed at the men at the ball but the desire I now craved for my meeting with Delilah.

    I arrived at Delilah's early, not daring to miss my appointed hour. Her front porch offered no cover from the sporadic traffic occasionally passing her spacious and elegant home. I slowly peeled off my shorts and tank top, removed my sandals, and stark naked rang her bell, hoping no cars would pass and that she would answer quickly. Neither wish was satisfied. Delilah kept me waiting; two cars with teenage boys slowly passed leaving a trail of hoots and whistles. Humiliated and on the brink of tears, Delilah finally answered the door. My goddess stood before me, her waist and legs clad in an African wrap-around, her full black breasts bared, strands of pearls draped from her elegant neck.

    "My pet, I see you're beginning to follow my orders. Your pearls, please, thank you for the gift." As the command so effortless rolled from her lips, I immediately surrendered my gems. She placed them around her neck adding them to her collection. "Your training commences now." With that said, she demanded I get on all fours and crawl into her sizeable living room being instructed to follow at a subservient distance.

    "I'm quite pleased with your willingness to follow last nights instructions. I observed you becoming the 'bell of the ball'. I'm sure an arrogant lady of your standing enjoyed your new experience of being groped and fondled by strange men; your gown stain belied your air of haughtiness. You'll lose this air of stuffiness, this attitude of superiority soon enough. Now, my pet, I need pleasuring." She turned her back to me, bent over and exposed her luscious derriere. "Give this ass a complete kissing and licking, and I do mean complete." I crawled to my Queen and obediently commenced kissing her black butt. Each ebony orb was completely covered with my devoting lips. Knowing what was expected of me by her stern instructions, I spread her ass checks and inserted my tongue into the crevice of her anus drawing in the musk of her womanly smells and tasting the ring of her sphincter. As she moaned with pleasure I instinctively and desirously increased my delving into her most private part. I was becoming her pleasure pet, and I loved it.

    Such was my initiation and decent into the joy of satisfying my Mistress's carnal desires. All her wishes, commands, and orders I immediately and gladly obeyed. Serena, I was becoming her slave, her concubine, and her servant. I never believed I would lose my arrogance, my conceit, and my hauteur. I was as you tried to explain, becoming one with myself, I was finding my purpose. By becoming her slave, by degrading myself, I was discovering my destiny. As I descended the conventional steps of shame, my body and mind only craved more humiliation, more disgrace and more embarrassment. But at last as you predicted, I felt vibrant, alive, and focused.

    As the months rolled past I continued to adopt my behavior to my Queen's requirements and instructions. No longer did I submit to my husband's bedroom needs. Now, at my Mistress's direction, she dictated our sex routine. No longer was he permitted to enter my vagina, no longer was he allowed to touch my body. He was properly milked each morning and evening. He was instructed to arouse himself and position himself on all fours, I then milked him into a small jar, his sperm to be borne to my Mistress for her daily bath, he had become a function, a provider for an African woman's rituals and customs. Upon my Queen's whim he was unknowingly treated to an occasional chance to suck from my pussy a "special " jism. After awhile I dedicated my time, my devotional duties, and my obedient obligations wholly to my Queen, my efforts blissfully resulted in my ultimate reward and prize.

    "Today, my pet, you shall receive a devotional trophy, you have earned it," she announced. "I want you dressed accordingly for our little venture. Wear my favorite tennis outfit, but no bloomers, keep the top four buttons undone, I want to be proud of you and show my pet to all. We're off to my favorite mall."

    I immediately donned her outfit. The dress barely covered my ass, the unbuttoned top clearly allowed a view of my ample breasts. But I was in heaven; I knew I would be receiving a most precious gift, well earned by my devotion. I now relished the opportunity of being attired in the most sluttish garments; my Queen adored exhibiting her pet. We proceeded to the mall and entered an intimate pet store, where the female clerk, Gwen, was obviously acquainted with my Queen.

    "My Queen desires the purchase of a dog collar, may I see your samples," I sheepishly inquired.

    "What size is the canine's neck, my dear?" replied the shapely Gwen.

    "The collar is for me," I awkwardly muttered.

    "Ambrosia has earned her collar," Delilah proudly pronounced to her acquaintance as I quickly beamed with anticipation and honor.

    "Congratulations, let me show you my stock." Gwen proceeded to display her collars. My Mistress was most adamant I purchase a high-necked collar, better to be displayed with any garment she might insist I wear. "Do you need an identification tag?" asked Gwen.

    "Yes," I proudly proclaimed, "I composed it myself. Please engrave the tag as instructed." I slipped the information to her. Upon reading the tag's wording, she smiled with satisfaction and jealousy.

    "Aah, you most fortunate lady," she cooed. Retiring to the back room I could hear her carefully engraving my new tag. Gwen was quite proud of her handy work and returning, presented me with my new identification.


    I quickly donned my new collar and snapped my tag in place. I was finally elevated and acknowledged for all to see and admire as my Mistress's pet and her canine's sexual bitch. I now had a Mistress and a Master, I had sunk to conventional human baseness, to depth's few women knew, but in my new state of awareness and sensitivity I was ecstatic. My training with Delilah's precious Labrador dog, named Bruno had begun month's previous. I cravenly anticipated and welcomed the opportunity to satisfy his carnal and animalistic desires. I had been trained to doff my clothes and assume a naked doggy position whenever my Master Lab entered the room. If I was fortunate and he was in the mood he would mount me, his glistening penis became the object of my lust. I would guide him to my craving pussy allowing him to pump me frantically until we became tied with his ever-expanding knot, his doghood would finally explode and erupt into me, filling my cunt with his hot sperm, I came to love his affection and animalistic lust. Many times I simply hungered for his prick in my mouth. I developed a technique of lying prone on my back, my mouth agape, praying he would advance and allow me to engulf his massive cock with my ravenous waiting lips and suck his delicious cum into my belly. This pleased my Queen immensely; occasionally she permitted me the honor of carrying home a sperm filled cunt to my unsuspecting docile husband's waiting lips, I was becoming the bitch and slut she had envisioned upon our first auspicious encounter. I had lost my sense of superiority, abandoned my upper class crust. I was now a lustful sultry bitch desiring her Master's dog prick and cum.

    Gwen awakened me from my reminiscing, stating, "Delilah, you've made this woman a happy pet. But, is she always so elated, happy and obedient? I have just the training tool if she should ever demonstrate the slightest tune of miscreant behavior. Even pet's can show bad behavior to their Mistress and Master." With that in the open, Gwen produced a leather-riding crop and presented the implement to my Mistress for inspection. "I've always admired pets with proper discipline and decorum," Gwen continued. "I'm suggesting a means to brand this pet for all to observe and mark her as a class of superior goods with a proper striping of her derriere, no questions will then exist as to her subservient status."

    "Excellent idea," replied my Queen. "Proceed to enlighten us with a demonstration of your skill. Ambrosia, obey Gwen as you would me."

    "Assume your favorite position," barked Gwen.

    Elation and jubilation drained from my body. I looked pleadingly toward my Queen but saw only her cruel gleeful smile, her heart now palpitated as she began massaging her own cunt. With great trepidation I assumed my position on all fours, my tennis skirt now raised up exposing my buttocks, I obediently spread my legs exposing my cunt. I shivered in anticipation awaiting the blows I would shortly receive, my only consolation; I would be pleasing my Mistress. The clerk raised her arm and delivered two stinging wallops to my unprotected buttocks. Intense pleasure-pain washed over my sanity, I could not believe the gratification I felt. The pain-pleasure caused an intense orgasm through out my entire being. I shook with the most concentrated sensations. I had been marked with two stripes across my now crimson ass. A submissive slave, a tutored pet, Bruno's bitch, a subservient woman to her Mistress's and Master's whims and desires, I now felt proud to carry these welts of servitude. Rising to my feet I thanked Gwen. She reached down my tennis dress and felt my bare breasts and gave me a long drawn-out kiss. Her tongue snaked down my throat and I responded in kind. Delilah had finished masturbating, her own cries of pleasure indicated the future held more erotic striping for my ass. I rejoiced. I was now totally owned, marked, and labeled. The sapphotic Gwen offered her own gift to me, a matching dog leash attachable to my collar.

    My Queen and I left the store and strolled arm in arm through the mall. My status was now elevated to walking along side my Mistress, my leash and collar clearly on view for all to witness and admire. Occasionally we would shop in a woman's store where my Mistress would not hesitate to order me to examine an article on the bottom of a shelf, my striped cherry-red ass clearly exposed for other female clerks curious eyes; upon purchasing an item, they eagerly read my tag, and their embarrassed smiles belied their envy.

    I had never dreamed this world contained a region of servitude, bestiality, and depravity. An area experienced by few, hence enjoyed by few. Now I know you were correct Serena; I enjoy and gladly enter your world. I can't thank you enough for inviting me to that fateful New Years Gala, but I'm sure you had a special personal motive. You enabled me to encounter, succumb, and be owned by my regal Black Mistress. You enabled me to finally fully attain a pleasurable sexual relationship with a male, my Master Bruno. I hope to share these and other mutual experiences with you in another letter, but only with my Queen and Master's consent. I don't want to put my training in jeopardy. Until then, I remain.

    Your grateful friend,

    Ambrosia Bruno's Bitch

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