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    Darlene was smiling with anticipation as she unlocked and opened the car door. Her nylons whispered as she sat in the overly sun warmed car, swung her slim legs in and shut the door. She started the car and cranked up the air conditioning as sweat beaded on her upper lip above a wide sensuous mouth. She placed her purse and well worn Bible in the front seat. The lap belt was fine around her small waist but she had a hard time adjusting the shoulder belt over her breasts as usual and had to settle for the strap resting between those 38DD's.

    She always thought of herself as fat but her husband Jim swore her boobies were his favorite feature. It didn't help that she was only five feet two with humongous tits that stood up proudly even without a bra. She was constantly aware of the stares and unsolicited attention by the opposite sex even in church; despite the care she exercised in dressing to disguise her 'assets'. She often felt self conscious and embarrassed by her 'fat deposits' and wondered why men found them so fascinating. Frowning briefly down on her prominent natural protrusions, Darlene decided once again that the 'twins' were a mixed blessing.

    As Darlene drove home she thought about the Sunday morning sermon and what the Pastor said about marriage. Her husband Jim believed in God but rarely attended church services so he was going to be pleasantly surprised by what this new Pastor said about sex and the marriage bed. Both she and her husband had been struggling with their past sexual issues and fixations. When Darlene was nine years old a 14 year old neighbor had trapped her in a barn and made her suck his throbbing erection until he ejaculated down her throat.

    She couldn't tell her Mum who was always late getting home from work at night, because of his threats and because she was so mortified. The next time he caught her after school in the park with some of his friends and they kept her there for hours until her knees were raw and her throat gag impulse no longer affected her. The third time she saw him was after she got off of the school bus and there he was with his friends. They took her for a ride in his 16 year old friends' car while she acquired a permanent taste for sperm and a strong oral sex fixation.

    The forth time those boys cornered her, she went willingly and unwillingly lost her virginity. She soon became the local neighborhoods poorly kept secret and "Making it with Darlene" shortened to the candy phrase "doing M & M's" was the in thing for the locals. She was spared any unwanted pregnancy as she got older simply because she stuck to titty-sex and blow jobs after her menses. By the time she was sixteen she had a vast experience with both men and boys.

    When her Mum finally found out, they moved away and her mother placed her in a Catholic all girl's school until she was 18. She didn't have sex until she met and married Jim when she was 21 in a whirlwind courtship. After nearly a six year sexual dry spell, it became painfully apparent that her two years of Catholic guilt had left their mark. From that time until today, she had been religiously convinced that oral and breast sex was a sin worthy of damnation.

    The vaginal sex was great but the other factors made any sex with Jim strained and often filled with personal anxiety. In her secret self she longed for a taste of cum and the feel of a cock filling her throat or spilling on her breasts. Until now, she had been searching for answers to both of their sexual dilemmas and only now after eight long years did it seem that God was finally answering her prayers.

    Jim had his own hang-ups stemming from a childhood incident just before his mother left, divorced his dad and disappeared out of his life forever. It was when he was just five and he asked his mom and dad where babies came from. They explicitly described how it was just like when the family dogs' red penis was inserted in the bitch, when boy-dogs climbed aboard and began humping, that babies were made.

    His dad briefly mimicked the behavior (fully clothed) by climbing on his mother who was sitting on the couch while his mother spread her legs giggling and wrapped them around his dad. Their family dog just happened to run away three days after the 'explanation' and two weeks later his mother was gone. After she left, his father kept making statements about his mother like, 'That bitch deserves what she gets!" and 'Stupid fucking bitch!'

    Unbeknownst to Jim, his father's infidelity had caused the incident, but the impact of his mothers' abandonment and the loss of the family dog along with his father's many poisoned comments made a lasting impression. Jim's child's instincts told him his mothers' leaving was over a sexual issue, but in his confused five year olds mind it was because daddy didn't give his mommy (the bitch) a dog for sex.

    His was another dysfunctional family that didn't communicate personal issues. Jim's boyhood abandonment and the events surrounding it became a sexual fixation all the way into adulthood. His fathers' later religious conversion drummed damnation for moral sins into Jim's brain and that religious attitude coupled with the mamma-dog-fucking sexual fixation, made physical intimacy a struggle for him too.

    It didn't bother her that Jim liked to imagine her being poked by a dog while they had sex. This was why Jim didn't go to church, because he fanaticized about women having canine sex just to get an erection and such mental fantasies were condemned by his fathers' religion. Darlene also suspected that while growing up, Jim had developed a chronic habit of masturbating while fanaticizing about women with dogs, which just added to his fixation.

    Darlene smiled as she recalled the pastors' words: "I see a greater number of ladies in attendance and I know some of you are having marital problems. I want to talk to you regarding your husbands' fidelity. Many studies have shown that unfaithful marriage partners don't stop loving their spouses, but the unfaithful mate is drawn away by the lure of a stranger who is better at fulfilling their sexual needs. Ladies, do whatever it takes to keep your man in your bed.

    The bible says to keep the marriage bed undefiled and I cannot help but disregard the literality of many of my colleagues who condemn certain private sexual practices by trying to use the bible literally as a sex reference manual. We must remember that there is nothing that happens sexually in a marriage that is a sin, as long as one's sexual practices remain private.

    The biblical sin of marriage bed defilement as I see it starts in sneaking around taking ones sexual needs and preferences to a someone willing to perform them outside the privacy of that sealed sexual relationship, that which we call the 'marriage bed'.

    In this way the marriage bed is truly defiled but not by any sexual practices." He expounded further by adding, "The sodomites tried to publicly humiliate, degrade and assault the angels visiting Lot, but if they had kept their practices private, with each other, then they would not have been destroyed."

    Among other things, the Pastor went on to say that, "Prostitution, which some refer to as the oldest profession, remains a lucrative business down till our day simply because there are too many people hung up on biblical literality. I tell you truthfully, that a marriage bed is defiled when a person leaves it and reaches out for the sexually forbidden fruit found with a stranger willing to do whatever it takes to fulfill those frustrated sexual needs"

    After the service Darlene approached the pastor and told him some of her own oral sex problems and he embarrassedly recommended she speak to her husband. The Pastor said, "Tell him what you want and ask him what he wants." He went on to say that, "Whatever you do and whatever your husband wants is ok, as long as you both agree. Don't let your partner in life be tested by the sexual opportunities that present themselves with other people simply because you are unwilling to perform them yourself," The Pastor said.

    "As a wife, you have to agree to do whatever kind of sex pleases your husband and fulfills his needs because you vowed to do so. As a wife you must learn to not only be accepting of your husband's sexual proclivities, but also accept your own as well. I doubt Jim will object to fulfilling your fantasies and sexual needs, things which you brought with you into the marriage arrangement which God has sanctified and blessed. Whatever you do is ok, just as long as there are no physical injuries. Remember that both of you came into your marriage with preexisting sexual desires that each of you symbolically and literally swore before God to perform exclusively for the other."

    Wow, Darlene thought as she pulled out of the church parking lot, now I can have my cake and eat it too. I just couldn't speak to the Pastor about my husbands' problem because it's not mine to tell. The principles are there to allow for some kind of solution to my husband's problem, but just how far can I take this? The Pastor said 'other people' but nothing about other species. I guess I will have to ask Jim what he wants, just like the pastor said, and get Jim to express himself about the subject from the heart. Knowing Jim, she thought to herself, I'll have to go at this a little indirectly.

    Darlene arrived home, eagerly parked the car, grabbed her things and rushed into the house, bursting with the news, only to find her husband Jim dozing in the recliner with the TV showing a lizard selling insurance. She checked at the living room entry, turned around and headed for the bedroom to change into less formal attire.

    For some reason the bedroom was very warm even with the shades drawn, so she set her bible by the bed, unzipped and stepped out of her heels and dress, hung up her dress and put her shoes in the closet with all the others. Removing her bra, her large breasts spilled out of their sweaty cramped containment, she tossed her bra into the clothes hamper, ran her hands over her erect mounds, cupped them and thought. 'Eat your heart out Dolly Parton!'

    She slipped her panties off and tossed them in the hamper, and as she sat on the edge of the king sized bed naked except for her net stockings, trying to cool down, she thought about what to say to Jim. Darlene decided to make a list of the principles that the Pastor spoke of, she was good at lists. Darlene picked up the notepad and pencil by the bedroom phone and wrote:

    Darlene's sex rules

    Keep the marriage bed sacred. The divine seal of approval is for any and all of the preexisting sexual needs of each partner when they meet and marry. No matter how bizarre these sexual needs might be, as long as one stays within that sexual arrangement that they symbolically and literally agreed to, it remains undefiled and blessed of God.

    Do whatever it takes to sexually satisfy your partner no matter how kinky it may seem, so that neither marriage sex-partner will be tempted to stray from that sexual relationship they symbolically and verbally agreed to.

    As long as there is no serious physical injury and what you do remains private, anything goes.

    Well, that was a surprise. There were only three basic sexual rules. As Darlene sat on the edge of the bed with her arms braced behind her looking at the ceiling and thoughtfully chewing her lower lip, Samson, their big 115 pound black faced German Shepard trotted down the hallway and into the bedroom, strolled up and boldly began licking her sweaty thighs. Darlene looked down and watched him briefly before looking back at the ceiling and once again mulling the problem over.

    Darlene raised the two year old Samson, after they moved away from the city. She was quite comfortable with his doggy behaviors and didn't mind the attention from Samson. He usually slept in the bedroom and she had a hard time keeping him off of the bed when she and Jim had sex. All three of them often slept together, and Samson always slept beside her while Jim was working swing shift, even though she slept naked.

    Samson was warm and furry, she liked his smell and she had been snuggling with him ever since he was a puppy. When she took her daily bath in the oversized tub or roomy walk-in shower Samson shared in her ablutions. Her dog loved the water and it was a habit for her to thoroughly clean her doggy daily. She loved her dog and didn't have the heart to get him 'fixed' which sometimes caused some embarrassing moments when company was over for dinner. Darlene didn't feel so lonely with the dog around while her husband Jim was at work and on his long commutes, even though Sammy tried to hump her on occasion..

    Darlene quivered as she thought about her husband's sexual issues and preferences especially with Samson intently washing her inner sweaty thighs and calves like a salt lick. Darlene had taken the lonely puppy to bed and dry nursed him because he was weaned too early and he was whining at night. Though Samson was full grown he was still in the habit of licking her tits or any bare skin that happened to be available.

    Her husband was turned on by her closeness to her dog and loved to watch him lick her quivering breasts, so she never discouraged the oral caresses of his velvety tongue. Besides, it felt good. Darlene never saw Samson licking her as a sin and she secretly encouraged her dog pretending not to notice his intense oral interest in her boobs because Jim invariably couldn't resist screwing her after her doggy tongue bath.

    Darlene sat up and disengaged herself from the lashing tongue that was getting disturbingly close to her crotch, by gently pushing Samson's head from between her thighs, then stood up and went to the closet to get her light blue housecoat. As she slipped it on and tied is around her waist, Samson followed and shoved his nose up the back hem of the housecoat where he started licking the back of her thighs. She shivered as she pulled away.

    "You might get your licks in later boy," she said. Darlene went to the night stand and tore the list off, carefully folded it and put it in her pocket. She shivered again as she looked back at Samson who sat on his haunches at the foot of the bed, panting with ears perked up, head cocked to one side and four or five inches of pink tongue lolling out. She could also see the red tip of his rather large penis playing peek-a-boo between his legs.

    Making sure she had some cleavage showing Darlene bent over the dozing Jim and gently shook him awake. His eyes crinkled at the corners as he smiled and stared down the front of her housecoat at the large ripe mounds so strategically positioned while he reached out and gently fingered her long dark hair. "What a beautiful sight for sore eyes" he said. Jim saw a petite, curvaceous and bosomy woman with translucent skin and sparkling dark eyes with natural facial features that didn't require makeup to be photogenic.

    At five ten and a rough hewn 210 muscled pounds, Jim had the heart of a poet and was big enough to fill the oversized recliner. Darlene always felt safe with him and she was pleased with his manly attributes. "We need to talk" she said.

    He carefully sat up with a serious look because he knew that tone after eight years of marriage. "Then let's talk." Jim said as he got up and went with her into the kitchen dining area.

    They sat briefly holding hands at the dining table, and then Darlene took out the list, unfolded it and handed it to her husband. She related everything the Pastor said in his Sunday sermon as well as the brief conversation she had with him afterward. Darlene bravely asked Jim who was rereading the list, "What do you want, sexually?"

    Jim looked up from the list and pondered for a moment, and then he said, "What do you want?"

    Darlene said, "I want to give you regular oral sex and even titty-sex if you are up to it. After all, I married you with these sexual needs, and I want to fulfill them with you," she said a little shakily.

    Jim's mouth dropped open in amazement and he slowly said, "Well, it's a sacrifice, and I am more then willing to try." with a wry twinkle in his eyes, "but since you brought it up, you know about my problem, so what do you suggest?"

    Darlene pondered for a moment and then said, "We have a digital camera, camcorder, computer and printer to take pictures, and you have a sexy willing wife and a nice big dog. How about some kinky photography while I suggestively pose naked with the Samson? We could make up a binder full of the pictures and you could look at them to get in the mood. After all, when it comes to sex, thoughts precede actions" Darlene said with a smile. She told him, "I love our dog and I love you, so I will be very happy to pose for you, to take pictures in any position you want me to so that it looks like the real thing."

    With raised brows Jim responded a little shakily, "I guess I am going to have to attend church services more often."

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    Wow, what an excellent story. Loved every cum dripping moment. I'm glad your preacher convinced you that the Marriage bed is a sacred place and together you both should submitt to the other to make things work. Amen. Would love to hear more about your new found freedom and how you continue to please each others desires.


    Feb 26 2007 18:45
    Wow, loved it almost as when I did it for real! Most intense masturbationasim. Only thing better I can think of it watching some woman with my Dalmatian for real. Any takers?

    Nov 21 2007 22:02
    Wonderful story, thank you.

    Jan 19 2013 12:12
    THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO STATISTIC "that all women fantasize about a sexual encounter with an animal at one time or another, just letting the animal have its way with them"!THAT'S PURELY BULSHIT!NO SANE MIND WOMAN WOULD FANTASIZE about having sex with an animal!

    May 8 2018 02:25
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