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    She sat eyes downcast in the front seat of car, biting her lip, Knowing there was trouble in store when the arrived home. Little did she realise just how much, she would not forget this night in a hurry.

    They had been at a restaurant with some of Masters friends, celebrating someone’s birthday. She had been enjoying herself drinking wine and chatting to the person next to her when suddenly Master stood grabbed her arm and said Sorry to leave so soon, to the people on the table, and I apologise for my worthless sluts behaviour. With a firm grip on her arm, in a soft commanding voice the whole restaurant heard, we are leaving slave.

    She was mortified, a blush coloured her cheeks, and a tear sprung to her eye, what had she done.

    The only word Master spoke as they got in the car was Think. She racked her brain, but it was so hard to think, Masters Silence was oppressive, she knew she had let him down somehow.

    Arriving home she was placed in the corner of the room while Master set up, she could hear Master setting up the camera tripod, moving the bench and drawers opening and closing, she started to tremble what was he doing. The wait seemed to go on for ever. She heard him settle in the chair and light a cigarette.

    Right slut, turn and face me "what have you to say for yourself."

    "I’m sorry Master truly I am but I don’t know what I have done," her eyes took in the array of floggers and paddles, and toys master had laid on the table, the whipping bench in middle of the floor, the camera attached to the computer, which was on.

    Spock their Doberman in her place at Masters feet before daring to lift her eyes to Masters stern countenance.

    "How about disobedience and disrespect for starters." She went cold she there was no point in arguing with him when he was in this mood. She knew he would list all her faults, suddenly she blushed she realised one thing she had done.

    "Something comes to mind slut" it took you long enough.

    "My underwear Sir" she mumbled.

    "Yes I bought you that lovely white dress to wear tonight, and told you the red underwear would look nice with it, and what do you do bitch you wear white." He seemed to erupt from the chair and in one stride was upon her and ripped the dress from neck to hem. She staggered under the force.

    "Stand still or it will be worse for you," he turned and settled calmly back in the chair, stroking the dogs head as if he hadn’t moved.

    She stood there what was left of the dress hanging of her shoulders. "So why did you disobey me?"

    "It wasn’t meant Master. I put on the red as you suggested but it showed up through the dress. I didn’t want to ruin the effect of the lovely dress you choose, so I called down to ask if I could wear the white set but you were already waiting in car, So I rushed."

    "Stand before me, legs apart. Now what are you?" as he reached up undone the front fasting of her bra and eased her panties down to mid thigh.

    "I’m yours Sir," she flinched as with that answer she received a hard slap to her right breast. Followed immediately, to one on the left. "I’m your slave Master," three rapid slaps to each breast.

    "You are my slut slave, and a slut should have worn the red, I wanted all eyes on you, I wanted the men to see what a total slut you are, showing off your underwear for men to gaze at. In your hurry you also forgot the black velvet choker that proclaims your slave status when we are out, I gave you leeway not to wear the leather and this is how you repay me. You know when in public its eye contact with me that gives you permission or not don’t you, but you kept filling your glass without asking permission and twice you went to the ladies room, and the final insult to me was when I was talking, you dared to contradict me."

    "Oh Master I’m sorry I didn’t realise please forgive me."

    "NO you have become to unruly, I have threatened before to punish you on open cam, this will happen tonight. You are a slut and a slave here for my pleasure, grabbing her cunt lips between thumb and forefinger he pulled them wide. And, gazed at the dew, gathering in the folds of her inner core. "See a total slut even when in the wrong you cant control yourself, your craving."

    He bent her over the whipping bench, the cool leather supporting her stomach; she knew this would soon become moist and slippery with her sweat. Her arms were tied and stretched attached to a bolt on the floor, which caused her to raise on her toes to avoid the strain on her shoulders, presenting her ass high and proud. He did not restrain her legs enjoying the fact that she would kick and squirm exposing more of herself unselfconsciously.

    She heard him at the computer typing away, her legs started to tremble under the strain, the punishment hadn’t started yet, but already her eyes were full of unshed tears. He could not be doing this, exposing her to strangers.

    Coming back to the bench, he tenderly pulled her panties which were still at her thighs back up covering her ass, not that the thin material would offer much protection, she felt relived.

    He bent and whispered in her ear, remember I love you, and don’t let me down again tonight. There are 23 watching some will be on mike as I will. So you will hear them, oh and seeing as you are so found of these white panties, I will shred them tonight. You will learn you have nothing, no choices only mine and your body is mine to play with as I choose.

    Now gentlemen, this worthless slave of mine has shown disrespect, hence her punishment. She quivered as she felt the strands of the flogger trail down her back, softly like a lovers kiss, He then laid it in the centre of her back, to build up her anticipation. she let out a gentle sigh of hope, Just as his hard hand made contact with her ass, Not too hard , but a rapid tattoo rained down on her cheeks, causing a warm glow.

    He slipped his hand into her pants and rubbed gently easing the slight stinging, again he felt her relax under his firm hand. He bunched her pants in his hand and pulled sharply upwards, causing them to rub against her clitoris and anus, she opened her legs slightly in a bid to ease the pain and soreness of the wet material against her tender nub. Now with her ass cheeks on display, He proceeded to hit harder, until it looked as if her ass had a bad case of sunburn. "That gentlemen is how it should look, ready and prepared for punishment to start." She heard murmurs of approval.

    She knew then she was in for a long evening, He gently smoothed her knickers back over her flaming ass. And she heard him say. The reason my slave is not yet naked is because she is wearing her favourite pair of pants, and thought to defy me by wearing them tonight. She has to learn like the dress that is still covering her arms, nothing belongs to her, its Mine as she is and I wish to destroy them. And amuse Myself at the same time.

    She felt a sharp pricking sensation, He was running a pinwheel over her ass ,it was catching in the flimsy material, tearing small holes. Although her eyes were teary she permitted herself a small tremulous smile knowing it must look an erotic sight and she was in a small way making up to Master for her mistakes. She felt the weight of the flogger now leave her back. Hopefully this would be the end of it, she must stay strong.

    The first blow hit squarely between her shoulder blades, hard enough to hurt but not to mark, he methodically striped her back, down to the curve of her buttocks, often the curled strands would strike the sides of her breasts, her armpits. The leather was now slick with her sweat her squirms and wriggles to escape the lash not succeeding, as Master was an expert at this.

    Ignoring her ass he proceeded slightly more gently to the back of her thighs all the way down to her knees. She mewed with shock and pain as the flogger came down hard on her sore buttocks, the fire radiated all around, and she felt her cunt muscles contract. The loose leather strands caught in the holes shredding more and more of her only protection from the lash..

    Master ripped the last of the flimsy material away with his hand the waist band not wanting to give and leaving a red welt on her stomach as it finally gave way. She was exposing more of her cunt and ass as her legs kicked, then she scrabbled to regain her tiptoe position to relive her aching arms.

    "See how the slut just loves to show off her ass and cunt to you all, perhaps I should help her." Straddling her and the bench he grabbed a burning globe in each hand and pulled them wide apart. The small brown star was in full view he felt her squirm under him and smiled, he knew the wine the bench digging into her and now his weight was having the desired effect.. he looped two thin cords of leather round her buttocks and clipped them to the o rings on the bench, this held her ass cheeks apart.

    Now he tied her ankles to the bench so she could not kick out, and silently placed a tin pail on a towel on the floor between her legs, She wondered what was happening she could hear murmurs but no actual words, She made the mistake of presuming Master was going to insert a butt plug, so she tried hard to relax.

    She could not stop the howl of anguish that burst from her throat, as her body lifted off the bench and slammed back down, Master had struck her hard with the riding crop between her ass cheeks right over her anus. He struck her again and to her horror her bladder released, She heard it strike the pail and could hear laughter in the background, at this the tears started to flow in earnest, She sobbed like a baby.

    Master came round to the front of her, ran his fingers over her cheeks catching her tears, then licked his fingers, Thank you for your gift my little one, he whispered. I’m proud of you, but we are not done yet.

    He released all the straps and helped her stand, massaging the feeling back in her shoulders, She leaned into her head against his shoulder him, grateful for the contact. He held her chin and gazed into her tearful eyes, reassuring her of his love and pride.

    "Now gentlemen the slut still has more to come she will not sit comfortably for a few days, but he laughed, while we allow it a while to recover some, there is plenty more to do. This slave will learn her place." He placed her face up along the bench, Her ass just off the edge. Her wrists were locked beneath the bench and her legs in ankle cuffs clipped to eyebolts in the floor causing her to spread obscenely. He ran a finger over her nether lips, and round her clit watching as her body strained to make his fingers touch her core.

    "Look how the slut pants for it, she just refuses to learn this is for my pleasure not hers." She bit her lip again she had let him down again, but she hungered for his touch. He was so right she was a slut nothing but a bitch on heat. "Her cunt lips are already swollen lets see if we can make them more so," he told the audience as he picked up the small pussy whip.

    She jerked as her cunt caught fire, she strained to close her legs but the bindings had no give in them. He concentrated on her cunt and inner thighs until they were a nice healthy shade of pink. She had only just managed to keep quite through it. She did not think she could take anymore.

    Going to the small fridge in the corner he took out some ice cubes, placing one against her cunt lips it soon melted but ohhh the relief she felt. With others he teased her nipples, to erect hard points before snapping on a pair of clamps with a silver chain between. Supporting her heavy breasts with his arm he placed the chain between her teeth. "You let go and there will be another twenty on top." He took his arm away and she was effectively pulling her own breasts upright, the fire radiating out from the clamps as her nipples were taking the whole weight of her breasts, showing the soft underside.

    The riding crop bit into this soft flesh, leaving a stark red line against the white, she moaned softly ,the chain making an effective gag as she dared not open her mouth and let go. Two more followed, then using the leather fob in short rapid flicks he teased and worried the nipples, before more stokes to the top of her breasts. " good Girl only three more"

    She could do this though the metal chain was slippery now coated in saliva.

    She howled dropping the chain Master had used the riding crop on her pussy, the pain was intense, he had caught her clit .two more rapid ones followed before she even had time to draw breath.

    She was babbling incoherently, Sorry Master, ill be good, please no more all the words running together over and over.

    Twenty more I said and I never go back on my word. He released the clamps and the blood surged back to the tourtured nipples engorging them as they filled once more with blood, using the pussy whip, he gave her ten on each breast making sure he covered the nipple each time.

    He was watching her carefully and knew by the eighth one her submission was again complete, he saw her body relax and accept, It never failed to amaze him how she fought her own mind and body, every time it was like new. He wanted to hold her and comfort her right now ,but she had to learn he thought. He knew he would now have a week or so of absolute submission but before it could pall and be boring she would be back to her old feisty self, that’s what made her special and she was all his.

    He released her and gently turned her over no ties needed this time. With every stroke of the paddle against her sore ass she pushed back to meet it. Standing on tiptoe thusting her bottom at him, she never begged this one her body did the talking for her.

    He walked away and typed goodbye and turned of the cam, this next bit was private though she would not know that.

    He rubbed soothing lotion over her back and ass, she was almost purring under his touch,

    "We are almost at an end but you did scream, I wonder if I should get you another Master because I have to work."

    He watched her slump lower on the bench, heard the choked cry she tried to suppress. He smiled, she loved him as much as he did her. There was the proof.

    "Nothing to say bitch?"

    What could she say her heart was breaking, he didn’t want her.

    She felt him rubbing her pussy lips she thought it was the lotion not that she cared, then it started to tingle and burn, she knew then it was toothpaste.

    "Did you know Spock loves the taste of toothpaste, your other Master," he clicked his fingers and she felt a cold nose touch her upper thigh, then a wet tongue snaked up and licked her, she didn’t move, trying to get her head round the fact Master still wanted her she was going nowhere and disgust and excitement at what the dog was doing.

    "The dog had eased the burning of the toothpaste, but the harsh rasp of the tongue was causing her muscles to tighten all sensation was centering at her groin, she knew she was close to orgasm, her eyes flew open and looked straight into Masters eyes who was kneeling in front of her.

    "Yes little one let it go," the dog was snuffling at her clit while his long tongue was inside her, it was her juice he was after now the toothpaste long gone. She could no longer hold back the eruption of the hot volcano inside her, she screamed with bliss, but Spock never stopped his momentum for a moment another orgasm hit just as strong as the first, She felt Master pulling Spock away, as the after shocks racked her body She realised yet again what a slut she was.

    Suddenly something cool draped over her back, and she heard Master Say up boy up. Two paws landed on her back the dogs weight pushed her down again , automatically she lifted her ass higher, She felt something against her thigh, she was about to be fucked by her pet. She was dimly aware of Master settling back in his chair lighting a cigarette, he was going to watch and enjoy her final humiliation.

    She felt the dogs cock enter her, no finesse just raw humping, fast and furious as if the Dog thought this bitch would get away from him, she could feel his hot breath and saliva on her neck,, lucky the leather was protecting her back from his claws,, she was slammed repeatedly into the side of the bench and tried to shift to ease herself, this was rewarded with a soft warning growl, She had never heard Spock growl she froze, and heard Masters laughter in the background. Suddenly another explosive orgasm hit, and yet another and Spock showed no signs of tiring.

    She hung limp over the bench, spent, a true slut, just a body to be used as her Master saw fit.

    She could not help the groan as the knot forced its way into her abused hole, stretching her sore pussy lips further than before. Spock pumped her full of dog cum, before nearly pulling her of the bench as he turned, they were locked.

    "Oh slut you will love watching the playback of this Spock looks very happy with his bitch as I am. So do you realise now what you are, a slave, a bitch to serve me and the dog, nothing else, unless we choose to give it. Now I could throw cold water over you, but while you are captive I think time to explain your new Masters rules. While I am at work, he is in charge, at midday you will play and put toothpaste on your cunt and ass.

    "This will be videoed I will set up timer, If Spock wants to mate you let him, I will have a harness made to protect you, As he gets used to idea he may nose your cunt at other times. You let him by dropping to all fours no matter what you are doing. Don’t worry if I'm due home and he wants to fuck, can't think of a more erotic sight to greet me."

    She cried, no noise just silent tears tracking down her face, she felt so utterly degraded so low, she was nothing but a worthless bitch slut.

    Master came to her side and held her gently, as Spock released her his knot having subsided, but before the dog cleaned his cock he turned to her and licked the tears from one side of her face, Master did the same to the other, "See my precious you have pleased both of us, and we love you."

    He picked her up and sat on the sofa cradling her in his arms, Sleep my little one, you deserve it, and I am so proud of you, With a contented sigh, she fell into a deep sleep, safe in the arms of the man she adored.

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    what a great story, more please.

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