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    Story's fetishes: zoophilia, bestiality, voyeur, wife.

    It all began a few weeks ago when I arrived at the shop. I backed into the dock loading area got out of my car and unlocked the door and entered the shop. I went to open the front bay door when I noticed that the door was already unlocked and jammed against a hook that I put in the door rail in case someone tried to break in. Well that didn’t keep the thieves out. They kicked out a panel on the side bay door and crawled through the hole.

    They took all my power tool, my gas generator, my welder, some computer equipment and probably a lot more that I will discover over time. I was furious. I called the police, filed a report, and did some investigation on my own. I was feeling violated. I was trying to figure out what to do to keep the thieves from getting in again when my wife suggested that we get a germen shepherd to leave at the shop during the night hours.

    Her sister just happened to have a Germen Shepherd that we could borrow until we were able to get situated. The next day they brought the dog to the shop. When they walked into the warehouse area and I seen Max for the first time I remember thanking I would like to be a fly on the wall if some punk tries to get in again.

    Max was the biggest Germen Shepherd I have ever seen. He was a beautiful specimen of a dog. We left that evening and let Max run free in the shop. When we got to the shop the next morning I unlocked the door to a huge growling shepherd. I talked to Max through the door to calm him down before entering the door.

    Over the next few weeks Max got used to my wife and I coming and going on a daily basis. One day I had to do some running and left Max and my wife at the shop to run things. When I got back to the shop I noticed the doors were all locked and I didn’t have my door keys to the shop with me. This was very unusual for all the doors to be locked up during the day.

    I had a thought run through my head that the thieves had returned. So instinctively I ran to the side of the building and climbed up on the roof so I could see through a skylight that gives a good view of the warehouse and the office. I slowly crawled over to the skylight so no one would hear me with my cell phone in hand ready to call 911.

    When I looked into the office area and seen my wife setting in an office chair with her legs wide open and Max licking away at her dripping cunt. I couldn’t believe it. Max was at work like a pro. My wife was humping with rhythm to the licking Max was giving her. WOW, All of the sudden she began to cum. It seemed to last for 2 or 3 minutes her juices were dripping onto the floor in a pool. I never made her cum like that. I was a little envious... Well, a lot.

    As Max backed away from my wife I noticed his huge pink cock dangling beneath him. That thing had to be 9 or 10 inches and 2-1/2 inches in girth. I thought man I am sure glad Max didn’t try to mount my wife with that thing. It would split her in half. That is when all the evil thoughts began to enter my head. I came back to myself and looked again at the office and noticed my wife cleaning herself off and cleaning up the pool of juices from the floor.

    The next day I pretended to have to do some running and told my wife I would be gone for about 3 or 4 hours. I got in my car and drove down the road and parked the car at the local grocery. I walked back to the shop and scurried up the outside wall to the roof and watched intently through the skylight for about 30 or 40 minutes. I was getting a little anxious and began to think that nothing was going to happen when all of the sudden my cell phone began to vibrate.

    It scared the living heck out of me. It was my wife so I answered. She started off with small talk and then she asked me how long I was going to be. I instantly replied…about 3 more hours. She said, "Oh, okay, I guess I’ll talk to you when you get back."

    About 3 minutes later my wife calls Max into the office and began to pet him and make over him. He sat with his tell wagging enjoying the attention he was getting. His ears perked up and he looked like a million bucks.

    My wife was wearing a real short skirt and as she sat there on the office chair she put one foot up on the seat exposing her bare cunt. Max inched over closer and took a sniff and then a lick and then sat back and looked at my wife almost as if he were waiting for her to tell him to go ahead. That is exactly what happened. Max jumped up and began to lick her pussy immediately.

    I almost fell through the skylight. He licked her pussy for about 5 minutes and then the unexpected happened. My wife was reclined in the chair with her ass at the edge of the seat and lost in the pussy licking of her life. All of a sudden Max jumped up on the chair and with the precision of a guided missile he hit the spot and drove that huge pink dick about 6 inches up her pussy.

    Her eyes popped open wide and she squirmed under Max’s weight for about 15 seconds and then began to relax, moving her hip from side to side for about 1 minute and all of a sudden Max drove it home. He buried it clear to the knot. Again my wife’s eyes popped open at first in pain and then in excitement. She took her heels and began to press on Max’s back and he began to hump with fervor.

    She bucked against Max’s knot and pushed with her heels for half an hour. I estimated that she came at least 6 thunderous times that day. I had been robbed but it was very rewarding in that I got and continue to get at least twice a month the show of a life time.

    By the way, my wife decided that Max was way to valuable of an asset for us to get rid of him.

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