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    Story's fetishes: zoophilia, bestiality.

    Sarah was a quiet, uneventful girl with a quiet, uneventful life until one night her life changed dramatically and irrevocably.

    She had always liked dogs, but had never thought of them as anything more than pets, never anything else, that is why the events that occurred changed here life so dramatically. She was driving home from work and she was passing through the derelict area of town when the car started to make very nasty terminal sounds.

    "Oh no, what's wrong?" she thought to herself as the now useless car ground to a halt at the side of the road, she stepped from the car opened the bonnet and pretended to know something about the smoking, steaming mess that she saw.

    "Oh well, time to phone the Automobile Association" she murmured to herself clambering over the front seat to retrieve her mobile phone. She dialed the number, the phone died, Low battery the phone beeped at here.

    "Oh shit!" she exclaimed. "What am I going to do now?"

    She locked up the car, smoothed down her ruffled skirt and began to walk to the nearest Payphone

    She had been walking for about five minutes when it started to rain, not heavy rain but drizzle that gets you very wet very quickly, within two minutes she was soaked to the skin, her white blouse plastered against her skin, and her hair plastered to her head.

    "I need to find some shelter" she thought and began to run into the nearest building she could find an old warehouse with broken windows and holes in the roof.

    "Not the Hilton but at least its dry," she giggled nervously.

    The rain got heavier and heavier and it got later and later soon it was pitch dark outside with no let up in the rain. Sarah got more dejected, more worried and more tired until finally she couldn't keep her eyes open any more and fell into a fitful sleep.

    Some time later she woke with a start and heard snuffling noises from the other side of the building; she couldn't see anything at all, as it was pitch black, she heard more noises behind here, then to her left, everywhere. She began to get very scared indeed.

    "Hello?" she called. "Is there anyone there?"

    The noises did not reply.

    She called out again, "Hello?"

    Still silence, but the noises were surrounding her now, animal noises.

    Sarah was terrified and wet herself with fright, the stream of piss soaking through her panties and running onto the cold concrete she was sat on. Something brushed against her back which made her jump with fright, she snapped her head round but her eyes had not yet become accustomed to the darkness and could not see a thing.

    She stood up and began to feel and stagger her way towards the doorway but she didn't remember where it was and just walked around in circles, her panties and legs were soaked with her piss and she was very scared and wet herself again leaving a puddle of urine wherever she walked, she could hear licking noises behind her as realised someone or something was licking up her piss as she went. She panicked and began to run, she tripped and fell and as she pulled herself to her hands and knees to try and stand she felt a weight on her back.

    "Aaah get off me. You can have my money, anything please get off!" she screamed but the attacker didn't move.

    She felt something push up her skirt and lick the piss off her panties. She suddenly realised it was a dog's snout, and the weight on her back was a dog too, she looked around and could see dark shapes all around her. A pack of dogs, a pack of horny dogs with a bitch who smelled in heat.

    The dogs all began to growl and many snouts and tongues were at her panties, licking tasting her piss soaked pussy.

    She tried to move but the dog on her back growled menacingly and bit the back of her neck as a warning, she stayed still as the dogs began to tear at her clothes, her panties were ripped away exposing her soft ass and pussy, her skirt was torn off, as well as her blouse leaving her naked at the mercy of the dogs around her.

    She was sobbing now, uncontrollable tears streaming down her face as tongue after tongue and snout after snout licked and sniffed at her shaking body... Suddenly a shock went through her body as a tongue found the entrance to her pussy and licked her from clit to ass, she felt weak and very, very horny.

    She was disgusted at herself for feeling that way, and murmured "No, please no..." again and again, but these dogs weren't going to stop now, they were going to breed this hot bitch they had found, all of them were.

    She felt warmness on her back as the dog on top began to hump, she could feel his hot, huge, red penis searching for her hole. It searched and then found and buried itself deep inside her now wet pussy, she gasped with pleasure and pain as the dog fucked her harder and faster than anything had ever fucked her before.

    He was big, so big and it felt good, oh so good. She shook her head, "Oh fuck me, fuck me harder... Use me. I am your bitch!" she heard herself say

    The dog pounded and pounded at her tight wet pussy and she felt him quiver inside her and his hot seed coated the inside of her cervix, the dog pulled out quickly and his hot cum gushed out of her pussy and down her thighs. Another bigger dog that was more powerful quickly plugged the hole.

    "Ohhhhhh," Sarah sighed as the first wave of orgasms hit her.

    The second dog filled her and a third... a fourth. She lost count of the number of dogs that spilled their seed inside her.

    A dog jumped on her front and tried to mount her face, she opened her mouth and sucked the hot cock greedily, loving the way it tasted, she sucked and licked and swallowed every drop of the seed shot down her throat.

    She was now well and truly their bitch. It got light but Sarah didn't want to leave she stayed in that position servicing these dogs all night and all of the next day, savouring the delicious filthy feelings she was having.

    Eventually the dogs left and she was finally alone. Alone but not the same girl she had been 24 hours before. She was now a girl who for the rest of her life would fuck dogs. She would be a dog's bitch for the rest of her life.

      | Author: Dogslut | Comments: 3 | Print Page | Send to Friends

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    Rating: Rating: Good (votes: 71)
    Your rating:
    Great story keep up the good work. Like here more more about Sarah and how she gose on with her life now !

    Jun 3 2006 04:37
    awesome story. you should continue the story after this event happened

    Aug 18 2007 21:22
    I love Sarah....she is my kind of dogslut...more....

    Dec 5 2007 02:49
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    All logos and trademarks in this site are property of their respective owner. The comments, video files, stories and pictures are property of their respective authors, all the rest � 2005-2006 Zoophilia Story. All stories posted here are fictional. Zoophilia Story takes no responsibilty for the imaginations and literary creations of authors who post their stories here. You may not duplicate or copy any portion of this site without permission. We strongly discourage any kind of animal abuse. Contact us / submit stories.

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