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    Story's fetishes: zoophilia, bestiality, horse sex.

    I had just gotten a new horse. A problem case, all I could afford at the time. He was a magnificent stallion about five and a half feet tall at the withers with a beautiful black coat. His breeding was sensational but there was only one thing wrong. He was completely wild. When being led he'd rear, pull, and kick and he couldn't be ridden. I figured if I could tame him I'd be able to make twenty grand on the sale at least.

    I work as a trainer on a small farm that I own myself. Unfortunately the area I live in is losing popularity and all the places near me have been forced to close. Training this horse was my last hope, if I failed then the bank would come in and take my place. This stallion however was something else. He was a pure thoroughbred out of a daughter of Man O War. However things weren't going well. He was strong and smart and could think of many ways to avoid submitting to me. His previous owner hadn't known much about horses and I figured that she had been exaggerating the problems. That misconception lasted about one hour after I got him back to my barn. He is fine in the stall and so I went in put a bridle in his mouth and a saddle on his back and mounted up. As soon as I was on his back he bolted from the stall and out into the pasture. I have never seen a horse that went as crazy as he did. I was able to stay on but only barely using all the skill I had. He crashed into the fence over and over again until the saddle flew apart. Without the saddle I was sent down the next time he reared. I immediately got to my feet and ran for the fence. Once I was off him though he was fine calming down almost immediately. In order to get him back to his stall I had to lasso him with a stout rope and practically drag him back. I began to think that perhaps I had taken on more then I could chew.

    The next day as I dressed I though it over. I am five ten with nice 34 breasts and as I quickly pulled on a t-shirt and shorts after my shower I realized that I would need to go slowly and step by step. I didn't desperately need the money for another six months so I had the time I thought I'd need. I went down to the barn and clipped a lead line to his halter. As I expected once I got him out of the stall the fight began.

    I was working him inside because I wasn't sure that I'd be able to catch him if he ran away from me outside. That day's lesson was "learn to be touched." This involved a long lead line and empty space for me to run. While trying to get him inside one of his kicks came close enough to tear my shirt in half and so I had to take it off. I wasn't wearing a bra and my nipples were getting erect from the cold air. What I did is slowly approach him starting at about ten feet with the line in my hand. Every time he reared I came close, giving up slack in the line until I was standing just one foot away. Still holding on I slowly reached out and patted his shoulder. He stood rock still as I began to rub my hand against his flank and then just as my wariness went down he struck out with a fore hoof. Another item of clothing was ruined as I jumped out of the way. I took of the tattered strip of cloth that had been my shorts, standing there just in my panties. I didn't want to try and get him back into his stall without any clothes on and couldn't just leave him unattended and so I decided to continue on with the lesson. I repeated the approach and initial touch.

    He stood quietly while I slowly rubbed his shoulder moving on until my hand was resting on his lower back. I slowly made my way down his chest and still no movement. I began to hope that maybe the lesson is getting through. Suddenly I felt an urge down in my groin. I had to pee. I cursed knowing my options were limited. Working with him while my mind was on something else could be a fatally bad idea. I couldn't leave him loose and there was nothing convenient strong enough to tie him to. I didn't want to end the lesson just when it was going well. I decided to just go in a corner of the barn and hope for the best. I led him over to the corner making it through three kicks and two rears as well as a good amount of resistance but nothing that came close and finally managed to drag him over to a corner and squat. As the golden liquid came out of my pussy he became very interested. He shoved his nose straight into my stream and curled his lip back. From my squatting position I began to see a massive erection growing. The size of that dick began to turn me on.

    As I got up the stallion rushed me and knocked me down onto a bale of hay. He moved his cock right over my crotch and thrust. The first hit nearly knocked me out but the next one landed right in my hole. His dick was at least six inches across and twenty long. With all of it buried inside of me my clitoris was hit like I would never have believed possible. I had never known anything like the orgasm that splashed through my body at the wake of that thrust. He gained speed and began thrusting harder and harder. The pounding was wracking my body, each one driving me to a higher state of orgasm then the last. This went on for ten minutes although it seemed to last forever. All of a sudden he came. Almost three gallons of horse cum splashed all over me. Now he stretched out his neck and licked me. As I slowly stood up, still coming off the high of that massive orgasm, I hugged the horse who thirty minutes ago wouldn't let me touch him. I looped the lunge line around his halter, tying on the other side to serve as a bridle and mounted up. Naked I rode him bareback out of the barn. His training wasn't complete but he was definitely much easier to handle after that. I didn't have to worry about him trying to hurt me and he was willing to be ridden, groomed and led without much fuss. I never had sex with him again but after that no man comes close. Somehow I never got around to selling that one. I still wonder if this is how I should start out all the horses I train.

      | Author: Gubs | Comments: 4 | Print Page | Send to Friends

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    Rating: Rating: Good (votes: 77)
    Your rating:
    to short needs to be a longer story.. but well written

    Jul 11 2006 18:36
    Great story pity there isn't another episode

    Nov 28 2006 10:43
    Good story.... it gotting me horny!

    Mar 21 2007 04:47
    3 gallons of horse cum? Get real!

    Apr 21 2007 08:50
    You should register before adding comments. proudly presents premium bestiality sites

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