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Domesticated Passion

A tiny sob escaped my lips. I'd felt this man's cock in my ass before. I'd felt his love and desire buried deep within my bowels. I'd listened to his whispered words of love and encouragement as he filled me with his seed. How could he turn on me and violate me like this? The pain was increasing as Bo's need for penetration escalated. "Please," I begged. "Please ... no."

He grabbed another handful of my hair and raised my face to his. "How does that feel CUNT?" he hissed with hatred. "You like getting fucked like that? You like pain? You think Alice liked it like that?" he growled. Tears streamed down my face. The pain in my ass was nothing compared to the pain in my heart. His harsh words continued to lash at me, inflicting deep wounds in my soul. "You're gonna take his knot Julia! You're gonna take his fucking knot in your ass! Then, maybe then you'll understand what you've done to her!"

Terror raced through my veins. The searing pain of Bo's cock in my ass was more than I could bear. I knew I couldn't survive his knot. And even if I did, being tied to him could mean up to twenty minutes of ass tearing hell. Oh god! What have I done? I silently prayed.


I woke up in my own bed. Oh thank god! It had been a nightmare ... but as I started to sit up, the burning pain in my bowels told me otherwise. I leaned back against the pillow and gasped for air until the hurting passed. My mind raced with questions. Foremost, was Alice ok? Where was she? Did she hate me for what had happened? Then my thoughts turned to Dave and the doctor. Did they hate me? Were they through punishing me? Was it over? Would I be forgiven or would they be so sickened by the sight of me that I'd have to leave? Leave my home and my lovers. Leave the only family I'd ever really known. I couldn't bear the thought. I pulled myself painfully out of bed and wrapped my robe around my tender body. I took a deep breath and opened my bedroom door.


I peeked into their bedroom and was shocked to find Alice nestled lovingly in Dave's arms. Dave's eyes were closed but Alice smiled at the sight of me. "Hello darling," she whispered. "Come on in."

I ran to her side of the bed and dropped to my knees. "I'm so sorry Alice. I'm so, so sorry. I never meant to hurt you," I sobbed.

"I know that sweetheart," she whispered as she stroked my face. "I'm ok ... really! I just need a couple of days to rest and I'll be back on my feet."

I looked up and found Dave silently watching me. The fury of last night was gone but the love I'd felt in the past seemed very far away. It would not be easy to earn back what I'd lost but I vowed to try. These two people were just too important to me. I climbed onto the bed and tenderly kissed Alice's lips and then Dave's.

Part 6

Who knew that pregnancy could make me so happy and contented yet at the same time engulf me in such misery and despair? I remember the horrible feeling of fear and self-loathing when I realized what was happening to my body. It seems like a lifetime ago. I was so naive, such a child.

At first I thought my worst nightmare had come to pass. I was sure that I was carrying Bo's pups. I wondered in terror what it would be like to give birth to babies who were part human and part dog. What would they look like? How would they survive? I was so frightened and so ashamed of myself. I tried to hide my condition from Alice and Dave but they soon realized something was going on.

When they finally confronted me with their suspicions I fell apart. I remember Dave and Alice holding me and trying to comfort me. They laughed when they realized I thought Bo had impregnated me. In all the time I had been mated with Bo, no one had bothered to inform me that it was a physical impossibility. I just assumed that if he could fill me with his sperm he could get me pregnant.

Dave and Alice were reluctant to tell me the truth about my pregnancy at first but I'm not that naive. I can certainly count backwards and figure out who I'd been with in the last few months. They finally admitted what I had been too blind and innocent to see when it was happening.

Dave's vasectomy was irreversible but both he and Alice wanted desperately for me to experience the miracle of childbirth. Everything had been prearranged. Without my knowledge, the doctor had been monitoring my ovulation cycle for some time so that he would know when my body would be ready to accept his seed. The entire weekend I'd spent with he and his wife a few months earlier had been carefully orchestrated with the single goal of my impregnation. It was difficult for me to accept that I was carrying Dr. Stein's baby. I barely remembered my stay with them but I remembered enough to know it wasn't pleasant. My baby had not been conceived in love. He or she was merely the result of a cruel and clinical series of fuckings.

At first it was all very confusing. How could two people I loved have done this to me without considering my feelings? I tried to be angry about what they'd done but their happiness was contagious. Soon I found myself starting to enjoy the changes in my body. I loved to run my hands down the gentle swell of my abdomen and imagine the life growing inside me.

With my pregnancy also came a feeling of empowerment. Dave no longer expected me to perform sexual acts solely for his pleasure. Suddenly he showed great concern over my well-being and my physical comfort. I soon realized that by simply placing my hand over my womb and moaning I could control his every move. He would stop whatever he was doing. "What is it baby? What's the matter?" To his credit, he became quite adept at satisfying his own needs. It became a sort of game to me. Seeing how far I could take him and then sitting back and smiling while I watched he or Alice finishing the job.

I think Alice began to have mixed feelings about my pregnancy. She wasn't jealous of the pregnancy but rather my new status with Dave. When the three of us were together, she now had the burden of assisting him to achieve sexual satisfaction. It was a role she had not played in a long time and she was not happy to be demoted in the family hierarchy. Knowing Dave as well as I did, I took perverse pleasure in begging him to fuck me in the ass and then crying that it hurt too much because of the baby. When Dave sets his mind to an ass fucking, nothing else will do. Now it was my turn to comfort Alice as she begged him to stop. I was enjoying this new role in our relationship.

To my dismay, Dr. Stein played the part of the proud papa to a tee. He'd show up at the house and kiss me possessively while he stroked my swelling belly. His wife, like Alice and Dave, could only stand by passively and watch him lavish me with attention. My prenatal exams were a strange mix of erotic foreplay and clinical exploration. He examined me internally using both his fingers and his tongue. I tried to control him like I controlled Dave but my moans didn't seem to have the same affect on him. He would merely whisper words of encouragement and instruction as he continued his work. "I know sweetheart. Try to relax. I'm almost done here. Deep breaths now. That's it. You're almost there." All of his exams, no matter how uncomfortable, always ended in my orgasm. I tried to fight it but he seemed to take great pleasure in forcing me to enjoy his touch.

Jen and I became closer than ever. My pregnancy was just one more thing we had in common. The fact that our babies were siblings was another strong bond, which drew us together. She and I would sit for hours comparing our pregnancies. She was so young and naive when her baby was born but I realized that I could hardly be considered 'worldly' in these matters. I had seen the video of her childbirth and I was scared to death. I didn't think I was strong enough to go through what she had.

There was one other lover whom my pregnancy had a profound impact. Bo, my beautiful, loyal Bo. It was decided early on that Bo and I could not mate while I was pregnant. Although the doctor did not believe the baby would be in any physical danger during the union, he did not want me put in such a vulnerable situation. When Bo is in full rut he is driven by animal instinct. If anything were to go wrong during the mount, there was the fear that he and Dave might not be able to separate us.

Not being allowed to mate with Bo was the single most difficult part of my pregnancy. I missed his masterful strokes and the feel of his hot cum shooting deep inside me. It was painful for me to watch as Jen readied herself for him but I knew in my heart it would be cruel to expect him to remain abstinent for the rest of my pregnancy. I loved him enough to want him to be sexually satisfied even if I couldn't be the one to satisfy him.

Jen had been with him once before but I had been staying at the Steins that weekend, the very weekend I'd conceived. Dave and Alice had not said much about the encounter. They knew it only upset me. Jen herself had told me it was wonderful but I'd tried to block the image from my mind. Bo was my lover in every sense of the word. I hated the thought of sharing him with another woman, even Jen.

I thought about staying in my room during the mount. My emotions were reeling. I didn't want to see him with Jen but I felt that my not being there was a sign of abandonment. I wanted to be there for him. I also had mixed feelings about Jen. I was so jealous I could scream but at the same time, I loved her like a sister. I wanted to be there to help her through this, to show her my support. The decision was made for me when Dr. Stein agreed to let Bo lick me for a few minutes before mounting Jen. I would crawl through fire for the feel of his tongue on my clit. I could only hope that the pleasure he gave to me in those few minutes would carry me through and give me the strength to witness him pleasuring another woman.

I lifted my maternity dress and spread my legs. I could already feel myself getting wet. Alice and Joan were across the room helping Jen out of her things. I glanced at her occasionally but my attention was on the door where my lover would soon enter. Dr. Stein brushed the hair back from my face and tried to ease my tension. He adjusted the fabric of my dress in my lap and busied himself in trying to make sure I was ready.

Suddenly everything became so sharp and focused. I held my breath as I saw the brass door handle move, ever so slightly and heard the click of the latch as it released. I saw Dave's hand and I heard Bo's breath. He was already starting to pant in anticipation. It had been weeks since our last mating. Bo was too virile a creature to suppress sexually. I heard myself whimper as his head became visible through the doorway. I loved him so much!

He looked around the room hungrily and Dave had all he could do to contain him. Bo could smell pussy and he was driven to claim his prize. Jen was closer and he almost knocked Dave down in his rush to get to her but Dave managed to pull him back before he could get a taste of her sweet juices. That's when Bo must have gotten my familiar scent for the next thing I new his massive head was buried between my legs and his tongue was snaking its way inside my cunt.

I gasped with pleasure and threw my head back against the couch. I pulled my knees up and spread them apart in an attempt to give him better access to me but no matter how deep he drove it, it was never going to be enough. I couldn't get enough of him. Suddenly I knew this had been a mistake but I lacked the strength and willpower to stop it.

I felt a warmth spreading through me and knew I was having an orgasm but my body was too excited to scream. Or perhaps I was screaming and my body was too excited to realize it. I only know that I felt the most overwhelming sense of despair and emptiness as he was pulled from me and led to the center of the room to mount Jen.

I sobbed dejectedly and rubbed my sensitive clit as I watched him lower his head and sniff her ass. She squealed as he tasted her there and then moved to taste her cunt juices. Alice and Joan stayed by her side to comfort her but it soon became apparent she needed no comforting. She was thoroughly absorbed in the feel of his tongue and the strength of her own desire. Dr. Stein hugged me lovingly to his side but I could see his erection straining at the crotch of his pants. His breathing was getting heavy and he was moaning words of encouragement to Jen under his breath even as he gently kissed my face. He unzipped his fly and put my hand inside his pants. Tears of frustration streamed down my face as I attempted to please him with one hand and myself with the other.

I watched as Jen gave Bo the subtle signal that she was ready for the mount. It's not something that you can be taught to do. It's a completely unconscious move that your body makes in preparation for the mount. It was a move that I must have made a hundred times before but did not realize until I sat here and watched someone else doing it. I knew the exact second when Jen was ready for him. Her hips parted ever so slightly and her torso lowered just enough to tilt her pelvis to accommodate the angle of his cock. It was beautiful to watch and a tear slid down my cheek as I realized the true beauty of this mismatched mating ritual.

At that moment it didn't matter to me who was taking the mount. I was just happy to be able to watch this incredible experience. Bo positioned himself for entry but Dave needed to guide his eager cock to her cunt. Jen grunted in pain as he initially pushed his massive tool into her. Soon she was moaning in pleasure to the rhythm of his strokes. Alice reached down under her. I knew what she was doing without having to see her hand. She was strumming Jen's clit. I closed my eyes and remembered the feel of Alice's fingers on me. I knew it was meant to help Jen to open herself to him and eventually accept his knot.

Suddenly I realized I was strumming my own clit, harder and faster. I was preparing myself for the knot even though I wasn't being mounted. I could feel myself losing control. The doctor was brushing the hair back from my face and encouraging me to keep going ... but I couldn't. I needed to stay focused. I needed to watch Bo. Everything was out of control. I needed to concentrate on Jen and Bo so that I could know exactly what was happening to my body during the mount and watching them was the only way I would ever know. I released his cock and pulled my hand away from my crotch. I sat up for a better view but the doctor's fingers quickly replaced mine and I gasped as I struggled to stay focused on what was happening around me.

Bo was buried deep inside Jen but the knot had not yet penetrated her. It pushed against her cunt lips and then slid back just as two of the doctor's fingers slid inside me and then slid back. Bo thrust his knot toward her again and then pulled it back. I felt three of the doctor's fingers sliding into me and then pulling back. Jen was groaning through gritted teeth ...

I moaned and gasped for air. I knew this was the most difficult part of the mount but if she could withstand it, it was also the most rewarding. Bo thrust again and this time she seemed to open a little more. The doctor pushed four fingers inside me and I cried out with pleasure as I reached down and pulled my thighs farther apart for him. Bo pulled back and thrust again with more force. Jen let out a long scream as the knot disappeared between her greedy cunt lips. I swallowed my scream as the doctor's fist forced its way inside me. Bo's strokes became short and purposeful.

I groaned with pleasure as the doctor's fist continued to pummel inside me. Jen's slender body was pushed and pulled with each thrust. My swollen belly moved rhythmically up and down, taking in as much of the doctor's wrist and forearm as I could. Jen had become a part of Bo and he a part of her while the doctor and I performed our own lustful bond.

Her screaming stopped but she spoke to him with her grunts. Low animalistic sounds which came from deep within her throat, begging him, begging for his seed. But I could not wait for her. My orgasm overtook me while hers was still building. I gasped for air and tried to catch my breath as I watched them. Jen was exhausted but they were still tied. My heart ached for her. I knew that she was beyond pleasure. She was at the point where you merely endure, waiting for the ultimate payoff. I put my hand against my womb at the exact instance that he must have shot his cum deep into her belly. I watched her collapse against the floor in ecstasy as he tried to pull out of her. I knew what she was feeling. I was feeling it now. It was the heaviness that only a well-bred woman can know.

Suddenly I was overcome with gratitude. Gratitude for the weight I could feel in my belly. Gratitude for the man who had impregnated me. He had given me the heaviness I was feeling now but this heaviness would not run out between my legs as Jen's eventually would. This heaviness was the culmination of a man and woman and their own mating dance. I desperately wanted to thank him for the baby I carried in my womb. I leaned back against the couch and pulled his face down to mine. I kissed him the way a lover wants to be kissed. I spoke to him with my lips and my tongue and my breath. I thanked him for the baby that was growing inside me. He misinterpreted my kiss and stopped manipulating my clit but I forgave him. I no longer needed sexual gratification. My only need was to thank him, to satisfy him. I pulled his penis from his pants and began sucking it back to life.


I wanted to sit with Jen after her mounting. I wanted to be there for her when she awakened. I knew the emotional turmoil she'd be going through, the thrill of a successful mount, the guilt of a woman who's allowed herself to be ravished by an animal. As her soul sister, I wanted to be there to comfort her and offer her support. Dave carried Jen to my room and laid her on the bed. I asked them all to leave us alone and they reluctantly agreed.

I heard her quietly sobbing before I even realized she was awake. I pulled her into my arms and rocked her like a baby. When she had calmed down a little I asked her to tell me what she was feeling.

"Oh God Julia! I feel ... I feel ... I don't know how I feel," she wept. I started telling her what I remembered about my first few times, the good things and the bad. Then I told her how I'd felt about seeing her tonight. Finally I confessed that I was just as frightened and confused about my pregnancy as she was about Bo. I asked her what it felt like to give birth. Soon we were talking and laughing and confiding our innermost feelings like two perverse siblings.



"It felt good. I mean ... it felt really, really good," she giggled softly.

"Ya, I know," I whispered. "I remember."


I also remember the day I gave birth. It's a torturous kaleidoscope of memories. I remember pain, a lot of pain. Deep, burning, scorching pain. I remember blood, lots and lots of blood. I remember sitting up and pushing. I remember the feel of my baby as it slid from my womb and I remember the terrible silence that followed. I remember praying for that first little cry and I remember screaming and screaming and screaming when it never came.

I'm told they found me outside the bathroom in a pool of blood that morning. Despite all our care and caution, I began to hemorrhage early in my third trimester. Dr. Stein arrived at the house just in time to help me with my hard labor, approximately four hours they tell me. He says there was nothing we could have done to prevent it. The baby was probably dead long before I ever started to bleed or felt my first labor pains. He tried to comfort me by telling me it was God's way of saving me the heartache of a severely damaged baby but nothing could compare to the heartache I was feeling at that moment. No explanation was sufficient to ease my sorrow.

The emptiness in my heart was made worse when my milk started to come in. Now on top of the emotional need to cradle my baby in my arms I also had to face the physical need to nurse. I begged the doctor to help me. He mentioned some options for drying up my supply but Dave and Alice were strongly against it. They asked him to wait until I was feeling physically and emotionally stronger before making any decisions about my milk. Dave had never made any secret about the attraction he felt for nursing women. In the end I was given a mild sedative and Alice applied ice packs to ease the throbbing pain in my breasts.

By late evening I was begging Alice to suck some of the milk out of me. The burning and aching tortured me and was a constant reminder of my loss. Tears of relief streamed down my face as she took a leaking nipple between her lips and tenderly coaxed the sweet liquid from the throbbing gland. When the pain began to ease in that breast I frantically guided her to the other and she worked her magic there as well. But before she could fully relieve one breast, the other was already full and engorged again.

She and Dave took turns nursing from me throughout the night but by morning my nipples were fire red and swollen. Now relieving the supply was as painful as retaining it. By the time the Stein's arrived to check on me, my emotional pain was forgotten because my physical pain was excruciating.

He gave me another shot to relax me and painkillers for my severe cramping but my breasts continued to throb and my nipples were on fire. He cleaned them with alcohol swabs and then gave me shots of local anesthetic. It took four of them to hold me down while he injected each nipple. Each shot felt like my nipple was being torn off. When the anesthetic began to take effect, they began taking turns sucking the milk from me again. My breasts were immense and my supply seemed endless. Jen promised to bring back her breast pump the next day so that I could relieve some of the pressure myself.


It's been a few months since my pregnancy ended. Forgive me. I find it's easier for me to think of it as a failed pregnancy rather than a dead baby. Dave and Alice and the Stein's insisted on burying it but I refused to attend the service. It's just too painful for me to deal with. It's over and I don't need any reminders of the ordeal.

Dave and I have resumed our normal sex and Alice is adjusting to her secondary role again. Funny how she resented having to fill in for me in a sexual capacity while I was pregnant but now seems to resent my return to the bed.

Dr. Stein continues to treat me as a lover and has even hinted at some group sexual encounters between all of us at some time in the future. I'm afraid I don't feel as close to him as I did when I was carrying his child. In fact, sometimes I'm repulsed by his touch. I never really loved him. I just felt close to him because he was the father of my child. Now he's just a painful reminder of my tragedy and I'm really not ready to embrace him as a lover. I'm frightened. I'm not physically or emotionally ready to risk another pregnancy at this time and I think that's his ultimate goal. He thinks I have feelings for him but to me he is just a sperm supplier and I'm not in the market.

Jen has been a godsend. She taught me how to pump my own breasts and has helped me to comfortably maintain my milk supply. You see, at first the milk seemed like a curse but now it's a comfort to me. Nursing feels very natural to me these days and I'm not ready to give it up. Jen's been nursing since her baby was born and he's not a baby anymore. I'm anxious to see how long I can keep my supply going. Dr. Stein says that my body will keep producing as long as there's a consistent demand.


In one of our intimate chats, I told Jen that I fantasized about lying beside Bo while his offspring suckled from my milk-swollen tits. A few weeks later she and the doctor showed up with a basket of five newborn pups.

The mother had died and the pups were not thriving on bottled milk. Jen and Dr. Stein had read about their plight in a local paper and gone to the shelter to adopt them. They told the shelter they had a nursing bitch at home that'd miscarried and they wanted to see if she'd raise the pups. At first I was insulted to find I was the nursing bitch they were referring to but I have to admit, hearing their weak cries of hunger was all the prompting I needed. I immediately lay down on the cold kitchen floor and opened my robe to reveal my nakedness while they placed the tiny pups on my chest. I nervously squeezed a nipple and squirted a small pool of milk onto my skin. Soon one of the pups discovered the milk and took a taste. Jen picked him up and placed him on my nipple and he began awkwardly sucking. The other pups heard him and tried to nuzzle in on the same nipple. It wasn't going to be easy nursing five of them. I laughed delightedly at the commotion as they blindly fought over the single teat. Finally someone led one of them to the other nipple. I couldn't hold my head up any longer to watch them and had to lay my head back on the floor. I sighed with contentment as the pressure in my breasts began to shift. I closed my eyes as the pressure on the outside increased and the pressure on the inside slowly began to decrease. I was nursing. I was really, really nursing. Suddenly my body had purpose. Instinct took over and I became a mother nursing her offspring and all my hurt and anguish was virtually washed away.

Alice brought me some pillows and propped up my head so that I could watch my new litter. Their tiny mouths could barely contain my human nipples but they latched on for dear life. One tiny pup stood aside and cried dejectedly as his brothers and sisters jockeyed for position. Dr. Stein picked him up and pushed my legs apart. "This won't give him much nourishment but should keep him quiet while he's waiting for his turn," he laughed. Suddenly I felt my clit being sucked on and I gasped as my hips bucked with desire.

I closed my eyes and moaned in ecstasy as I started to feed him the liquid of my love and he greedily sucked from the core of my womanhood. If I could give birth to Bo's pups, this would be the one most like his father. This would be my favorite. He was already learning to pleasure me and someday I will open myself to him as his bitch and not just his wet nurse.


Bo and I are closer than ever these days. The feelings I have during the mount have only been intensified. Watching Jen take the mount was the best thing that could have happened to me. It's given me a new appreciation of our sex, an understanding of the things I'm driven to do during the mount and the intense feelings that surge through me. Raising the pups makes me feel closer to him too. Even though they are not from his sperm, I feel that they are a part of us, a bond that holds us together. When I lay with them and feel their warm mouths pulling the milk from my breasts, I feel a part of the animal world. I'm no longer feeling the shame and stigma of being fucked by a dog. Now I hold my head high when I kneel before him for I have earned the title 'bitch' and am proud to be his mate.

Author: Sweet CumQuat

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