This past spring, my friends Jeff and Amy got married. I guess they decided to make it official after living together for about four years. It's the second time for both of them, and I wish them all the best.
Jeff and I have been friends for quite a few years, and when he asked me to take care of their two dogs while they were on their honeymoon, I accepted. I had recently lost my own canine companion of 14 years to cancer, and while I wasn't quite ready to take on a new dog of my own, I figured that dog sitting my friends' pets might help to fill the void, at least temporarily.
Gretchen and Galen are purebred Bernese Mountain Dogs, both champions, in fact. They're about the size of Rottweilers-Galen is around 120 pounds, and Gretchen is a little smaller. They have long, thick coats, mostly black, with tan and white markings on their faces and legs, a white Swiss cross on the chest, and thick, bushy tails with white at the tips. In spite of their size, they are very laid-back and well behaved, and they gave me no trouble at all. They have had two litters together, and if I'm ready by the time they have another one, I might consider taking one of their pups for my own.
Jeff is one of a very few people who know that I am a zoo. When we were kids, we had fooled around with a few of the neighborhood dogs, examining their sex organs, fingering bitches and jacking off the males. We once even arranged an illicit mating, just so we could watch. We eventually discovered girls and Jeff lost interest in animals, but somehow I never did.
Jeff discovered that fact a few years ago when he dropped in on me unexpectedly, and caught me in a 'compromising position' with my dog Jesse. Surprisingly, he was pretty understanding about the whole thing. He told me he didn't really have a problem with it, especially since we had done that sort of thing when we were younger, and he admitted he still had fantasies about it. He frequently remarks about how well hung Galen is, and has even (jokingly, I think) suggested that I "take him for a test drive."
The day after the wedding, I stopped at Jeff and Amy's place to pick up the dogs. As Gretchen and Galen jumped into the back of my van and I closed the doors, Amy waved and said, "Take good care of our kids, now..."
Jeff looked at me with kind of an evil grin. "I'm sure he will!"
After the dogs had been with me for a couple of days, I was lying on the living room floor watching TV. Galen lay beside me, half asleep. I was idly scratching his neck and shoulders when he rolled over on his back to have his chest rubbed. As I petted his chest and belly, I suddenly felt something warm and wet touch the back of my hand. I turned to find that it was the tip of his penis!
He had a pretty impressive bulge near the base of his sheath, and about two inches of pink meat were protruding from the opening. He was just feeling good, I suppose. I reached back and gave his knot a squeeze, and it throbbed a little. A couple of drops of precum dribbled from the pointed tip into his belly fur. I got hard myself almost instantly, and leaned over to take him in my mouth. Just as I was about to connect, Gretchen leaped into the middle of everything, bowling me over.
Before Galen had a chance to get to his feet, Gretchen had him pinned to the floor and was lapping greedily at his cock. She put her muzzle around it and slurped noisily, bucking her hips as Galen squirted his load into her mouth. He just lay there on his back with a silly grin on his face while Gretchen had her way with him.
After about fifteen minutes of humping, snorting and thrashing around, the dogs were finished with their... well, whatever it was that they were doing. As Galen wandered off to clean himself up, I decided to see if Gretchen would be interested in doing the same thing to me. I pulled out my cock and offered it to her, but she just sniffed at it a bit and took a couple of licks. I was disappointed at first, but as it turned out she had other plans for me. She turned around and backed towards me, with her tail twisted to one side.
Gretchen's romp with Galen had gotten her VERY aroused, and visibly so. Her vulva twitched up and down, and it looked very wet. I got on my hands and knees and started licking her and pushed my tongue into her. She shoved herself against my face so hard that the lips of her doggy-cunt spread apart, and I felt her clit against my lower lip. I licked it a little, then sucked on it, and she smacked her lips loudly as she bucked her hips some more. Then she pulled away and ran across the room, then galloped up and down the hallway a few times, letting out a bark each time she stopped to turn around.
After about the third trip through the house, Gretchen returned to me and licked my face profusely. She had the musky smell of Galen's cum on her breath. I put my arms around her to hug her, but she wiggled free and turned tail to me and pushed her butt into my crotch. There was no doubt as to what she wanted from me! I mounted her like a dog, but I wasn't able to penetrate her due to the upward angle of her vagina.
I tried sitting on the edge of a chair and pulled her against me. It was too high, so I lifted a seat cushion off the sofa and sat there. Gretchen tried pushing herself into my crotch again, but instead she plopped down into my lap, knocking me backwards against the back of the couch.
I'm not sure if she planned it that way or if it was purely by accident, but somehow we connected, and as she fell on me I slid into her to the hilt! She felt wonderfully hot and juicy inside though just a bit tight, and her doggy-pussy tugged and squeezed at my cock. Something deep inside of her felt like a fingertip pressing on the underside of my cock-shaft with each contraction.
I leaned over onto Gretchen's back and wrapped my arms around her middle, and began thrusting rapidly. She quickly matched my rhythm and grunted softly in time with her contractions, which were becoming stronger. I held back as long as I could, but she sneezed and startled me enough that I let loose into her. It had been a very long time since I'd had an orgasm the likes of that one, and as the last pulsations of it were fading, I happened to look over at Galen.
It hadn't occurred to me that he might object to having me humping on his 'female,' but it looked like I need not have worried. In fact, he appeared to be enjoying the show! He sat a few feet away, panting happily, and he was half-hard and showing a lot of pink. His dick bobbed up and down with each breath, and a small bead of clear fluid had gathered at the tip.
I reluctantly pulled away from Gretchen, and she lay down at my feet to clean herself. As I sat back down on the sofa to catch my breath, Galen padded over to investigate my penis. He sniffed me for quite some time, seemingly fascinated by the combined smells of Gretchen's and my sex. He licked me clean, and the amazing action of that huge tongue was getting me a little bit erect again, even as spent as I was.
I wasn't the only one getting aroused... I reached between Galen's thighs and found that he had a pretty fair knot going. I couldn't resist the temptation, so I dove under him and sucked him off. He had only a very brief orgasm but managed to give me one small squirt before his erection wilted and disappeared back into his sheath. Gretchen had done quite a thorough job of draining him. Exhausted but extremely fulfilled, I lay down on the floor next to Gretchen, and was joined very shortly by Galen. I quickly drifted off to sleep, sandwiched between the two huge, warm canines.
The following morning was Sunday, and it was warm and sunny, so I took the dogs to the flea market at the airport. It's held outdoors on a runway that is no longer used because of a noise abatement, and according to a sign at the entrance, dogs are welcome as long as they "keep their humans on a leash." Galen and Gretchen are very friendly, and they love meeting new people and other dogs.
Probably twenty people stopped us and asked if the dogs were St. Bernard's (Standard answer: BernESE, not BernARD!), but one young woman sitting behind a table offering cheap tools, knock-off watches, and laser pointers knew the breed and questioned me endlessly about obedience. I couldn't offer much in the way of answers since I've only been to an obedience trial or two as a spectator.
I know that both dogs have obedience titles, but I'm not sure who has what, and I'm aware that they're Canine Good Citizens, for whatever that's worth. The woman ducked under the table and came out in front of it, and made quite a fuss over the dogs, especially Galen-he has the more outgoing personality of the pair. She talked baby talk to him as she rubbed him behind his ears and tickled him under his chin. She then lifted up his muzzle and gave him a long, passionate kiss right on the lips! Now, it's possible that I'm mistaken, but I'm fairly sure I saw her slip him some tongue! Damn... Why didn't I ask for her phone number?
By mid-week the weather had turned crappy again with the spring rains, so after dinner I was sitting around the house catching up on some reading. Gretchen was asleep and Galen was bored. I had tossed his tennis ball down the hallway about a hundred times, and we were both getting tired of that game. He stood next to me and pushed his nose against my leg and under my elbow repeatedly. He made it clear that he wanted something, I just couldn't figure out what. He had already been fed and there was plenty of fresh water, so that wasn't it. I put him outside, but he just ran to the end of the walkway, and back inside.
I decided he might like some cuddling so I got down on the floor with him. That was OK, but it lasted all of five minutes before he started trying to mount me! It occurred to me that it had been far too long since I had last tasted a nice, big load of doggy cum. I got down on my hands and knees and nudged Galen's flank with my head. He tried mounting me from behind but I'm not into that, so I convinced him to try another angle.
He tentatively placed a paw on my shoulder, unsure of exactly what was expected of him until I reached between his thighs and started jacking him. He got the idea rather quickly, and wrapped his thick front legs around my chest and began thrusting. With my guidance, the point of his penis found my mouth just as he launched his first spurts of precum.
In the many hundreds of times I had done Jesse, my late, lamented Doberman/Shepherd mix, I had usually taken his knot in my mouth. He was only around 65 or 70 pounds, though, and not especially well hung. Galen is almost twice that size, and hung like a prize bull! He was only half-hard, and his knot was already massive. No way was I going to try taking that monster! It wasn't stretching his sheath too much, so I left it in there to keep it from drying out. He thrust faster and faster until he reached his climax, then suddenly stopped humping and I felt him shudder, then relax. The spurts of cum had become almost a steady flood. There was so much that some of it dribbled down my chin!
It was surprisingly tasty, kind of sweet and musky. (Jesse's cum had always been sort of bitter, especially as he got older.) I stroked and squeezed Galen's knot and gently massaged his balls, trying to extract as much of that delicious doggy-juice as he could possibly give me. All too soon, he was finished, his knot shrank and he pulled away from me. By this time, my own cock was painfully hard and slick with precum.
The commotion had awakened Gretchen, and she lay down next to Galen and tried to help him clean himself up. He backed away from her attentions, so she came over to check me out. I fingered her as she licked me, and she bucked her hips and got a little wet. I figured I'd try for another romp with her, but when I attempted to mount her, she snapped her tail between her legs. Of course, that's canine body language for "Forget it!" I went back to fingering her and even gave her some tongue work, hoping she'd change her mind. She seemed to enjoy it, so I tried once more to mate with her. No such luck... she just wasn't in the mood! She would let me do anything I wanted with my fingers and tongue, but wouldn't let me near her with my dick. Always the way with out-of-heat bitches.
I was about ready to try and get Galen to lick me when I noticed the tip of his cock was still out of his sheath. That happens sometimes, especially with longhaired dogs. I gently freed it up for him, and carefully pushed it back through the opening. It felt wonderfully warm and slippery in there, and there was plenty of room. I tried it again with two fingers; they went in no problem at all. I knelt down next to him, dropped my pants, and brought my dick up to the opening of his sheath. It was already slick with precum and Gretchen's slobber, so no further lube was needed. With just a little squeezing and manipulation, I was in!
The inside of Galen's sheath felt damn near as nice as any pussy I'd ever been in, though there wasn't much action. Maybe that could change... I pushed in as far as I could so my cock-head was down against Galen's knot, and I could stroke both at the same time. I was so horny that I came almost immediately, while he humped my hand. Even after I finished pumping my load into his sheath and my orgasm had subsided, I still felt contractions. They were his, not mine, and a warm wetness spread over my crotch and trickled down my balls as the big dog squirted his load into my pubic hair.
I was more or less at Galen's mercy, as I couldn't pull out of his sheath until his enormous erection subsided. Even though I had completely drained my load into him, I was still partly hard and having "aftershocks." Eventually, he went soft and we separated. I rubbed his cheeks and ears, kissed him on the nose, and thanked him for sharing his wonderful body with me. He sat down to clean himself, and Gretchen cleaned me. "NOW she wants to lick me!" I thought. When Galen had cleaned himself to his satisfaction, he stood up and stretched. As he did, a long, white strand of my cum oozed from the opening of his sheath. I suspected it could cause him some problems if it stayed in there too long, so I pondered ways to wash it out.
I had an idea, and took the dogs outside. It was plenty dark out there, so I coaxed them to follow me around to the back of the house where we wouldn't likely be observed. I unzipped, and 'marked my territory' against some shrubbery, hoping Galen would follow suit. Right on cue, he sniffed it and did a little dance with his back feet. Just as he raised his hind leg, I reached under him and closed off the end of his sheath, letting him fill it with urine. After filling and releasing it a few times, it was rather nicely rinsed out. It also did a fairly decent job of getting him hard again, but since he had already cum twice inside of an hour, I let him be.
Over the three weeks that I had the dogs, we made love of one sort or another several times. Not outrageously often, just a couple of times a week. Although Gretchen didn't allow me to mount her again, she would let me finger or suck her almost any time. Galen would politely request my services from time to time. No leg humping or arm grabbing like some dogs will do, but he found that if he sat directly in front of me and showed me some pink, I would find it very hard to resist him!
All good things must come to an end, and eventually Jeff and Amy came home from the Caribbean. Galen danced in circles around them, barking and wagging his tail, while Gretchen remained pretty much indifferent to the whole situation. Amy sat on the grass and put her arms around both dogs. "I missed you guys so much! Were you good kids?"
Gretchen finally acknowledged that she really was glad to see her people, and joined Galen in licking her face.
"They were great," I said. "No trouble at all. I'd take them again any time!"
Jeff playfully smacked Galen several times at the base of his tail, causing him to lick the air. "We're going to be breeding them again late this summer. Any chance you might be interested in a pup?"
I had begun to think that the emptiness I had felt recently was just due to the loss of my Jesse, but it had all but vanished over the past three weeks. Sure, I still missed him, but even more I missed just having a canine around the house. "I'm seriously considering it. Jesse's been gone close to a year now, and I'm tired of being dogless."
Jeff and Amy looked at each other and nodded. "Let us know!"
The question now was no longer whether or not to get another dog, but-should it be a male or a female...? |