I met Brandi during my senior year of high school. She was dating my friend, Rick, who was constantly trying to get me to meet her. He said she was one wild bitch.
I finally gave in to his whining, and drove him to Bartonville where she lived with her divorced mother. I learned later that she basically lived there by herself while her mom stayed at various boyfriends' houses. We got out of the car, Rick checking to see if her mother's car was there, which it wasn't, and he let himself in with his key.
There Brandi lay on the couch in her short-short cutoffs and tanktop. She looked to Rick and smiled, then looked at me. She seemed a bit surprised to see me there, apparently she wasn't expecting anyone but Rick. She stood up and walked to the doorway, the jiggle of her breasts and the hard nipples revealing that she wasn't wearing a bra.
She stood about 5'3", short cropped blond hair, with pale skin, but not pale enough to be going for the vampire look, but pale enough to seem untouched.
"This is Jack," Rick said as he walked to her. I smiled and said hi.
"I thought it was only going to be us," she whispered to Rick, thinking I couldn't hear.
"It'll be ok. Jack is cool. He won't do anything unless we ask, will ya Jack?"
"Not unless you ask," I said, feeling like an intruder.
"Besides, Jack can always play with Mutt." Tick smiled at me, obviously knowing something I didn't.
Brandi took Rick's hand and mine, and led us downstairs to the basement and her room. Mutt was waiting down there for us, and Rick and Brandi went into her room and closed the door. Fortunately for me, it had the old type of skeleton key locks on it, so I could get a good view of what they were doing. I watched as Brandi stripped for Rick, revealing her pale tits with deep crimson nipples that looked like ripe strawberries ready for tasting. Rick must have thought the same thing, because as she was pulling down her shorts, he was sucking and teasing those nipples as best as he could.
As her shorts dropped, I could see she wore no panties. She had a small treasure trail leading to a nicely trimmed bush that glistened in the light from her obvious wetness. I had never before seen a women that wet that her pubes glistened! Rick went further down and buried his face in her crotch as she stood there motionless, moaning occasionally when he must have licked her clit. He stood and dropped his pants, and that was when she moved.
Instantly she was down on her knees, sucking his 5 to 6 inches of hard cock into her mouth, burying her nose in his pubes. She bobbed like that for about two minutes, Rick groaning the whole time, and me with 8 inches of hard-on in my jeans making me uncomfortable. I started rubbing myself through my jeans when Rick called out.
"Hey Jack! Why dontcha play with Mutt for awhile. We're gonna be 'bout twenty minutes or so..." He trailed off with a long moan as I saw Brandi take both of his nuts into her mouth.
Mutt, upon hearing his name, came over to the door and almost knocked me over. Mutt is just that, a mutt. The most recognizable breed in him is German Shepherd, but that is only recognizable in the head. He stands about 20 inches high at the shoulder, is a mottled coloring of browns, reds, blacks, and white, all of short bristly hair. He was also quite aroused and was dripping from his partially exposed penis, which had to be a good 6 inches long.
Seeing his dick made me a bit curious, so I bent down to look and Mutt lifted his leg as if to piss. Naturally, I backed off, and he put his leg down and walked over to me and lifted his leg again, his dick now harder than before. Obviously he was waiting for me to do something that others had done, so I rested myself on my knees and gently grabbed his dick. He put his hind leg back down, but then put his front paws on my chest and began humping my hand. This was very new to me and was curious to see what he would do. I was also curious as to what Rick and Brandi were now doing.
Rick had Brandi bent over the edge of the bed, her feet on the floor and him behind, fucking her like crazy, while Mutt did the same to my hand. Rick pulled out every now and then to let Brandi suck her cum off him. When she did this, I could see his legs tighten and his balls start to bounce a little. When that happened, she stopped and returned to being fucked from behind. Brandi was very quiet, barely moaning, but Rick moaned and groaned as if he had pulled a groin muscle.
From the ooze covering my hand, I could tell that Mutt was going to cum. I moved, losing my sight of Rick and Brandi so that Mutt could orgasm without getting it all over me. He was very accommodating, returning to all fours so I could pump his cock. That was when I noticed his knot. I had heard about them, but always having owned bitches that were spayed, had never seen one. It looked huge! His dick was about an inch and a half across normally, but at the knot it was about three and a half inches.
I pumped that cock and Mutt came like a fire hose. He shot his first spurts about five feet in front of him and then kept cumming for about five minutes straight, spurt after spurt. These didn't go quite as far, maybe about a foot or so, creating a puddle on the tile floor. His last few spurts just kind of leaked out covering my hand. Mutt, when finished licked up his own cum from the floor.
I was so horny now that I needed relief. I undid my pants with my clean hand and lowered them so I could take my cock with the cum soaked hand and proceeded to masturbate. His cum felt hot on my dick and on my hand still. Mutt was no stranger to males masturbating either, because he came up and stared nuzzling my balls, and licking me from asshole to balls to dickhead. As I came, he tried to catch it in his mouth, succeeding a couple of times, but mostly getting on his snout and head, while some hit the floor, which Mutt proceeded to lick up. I found a pair of panties near the bedroom door and wiped off Mutt just in time.
For the first time, I heard a loud moan from Brandi. Then, I heard Rick yelling "I cumming! I'm cumm..." followed by a loud groan and sigh.
I finished wiping myself off with the panties and pulled my jeans back on, and sat there on the floor, scratching Mutt behind the ears, waiting for them to come out and listening to the thumping of Mutt's tail on the floor. As the door to Brandi's room opened, Mutt came up to her as she left the room first and tried to fuck her leg, but she only brushed him side, turning a deeper red than she already was. Rick came out smiling.
He kissed Brandi on the cheek. "Why dontcha give Jack a kiss good bye for being a nice guy and for bringing me over here?"
Brandi came over to me and wrapped her arms around my neck, pressing her lips to mine. I was a bit shocked, but more shocked as she pushed her tongue past my lips and into my mouth. She tasted bitter and salty, and I knew why Rick had her do it. He always liked to try to humiliate his friends and his women, and this time he thought he was doing both. Finally he pulled her away from me, noticing the hard-on I was getting again.
"Let's go," he said, as he turned away and went up the stairs.
"Apparently you know what to do, and better than he does," Brandi whispered in my ear as we climbed the stairs. "Maybe you should come back by yourself sometime. I could show you some of the things I do when he decides at the last minute not to come over." She smiled and walked me out to my car where Rick was already waiting impatiently.
The only thing Rick said to me on the way back to his parent's house was, "I can't believe you let that bitch put her cum covered tongue into your mouth."
Rick broke up with Brandi the next week, after he learned that she had tried to commit suicide by overdosing on aspirin. His lack of compassion was what finally drove a spike between us, and eventually ended our friendship. I found out what hospital she was staying in, Methodist, and sent her flowers. I visited her as soon as they would allow non-family members to visit, and learned from her that her mother hadn't even shown up. I tried to find out why she tried to kill herself, and she gave me many reasons, low self-esteem, confusion, and something else she didn't want to talk about at the hospital. She said she would talk to me when she got out, because she felt I was probably one of the few people who would understand.
Brandi was released from the hospital about three months after her attempt. She gave me a call and asked me to come over. She said she would understand if I didn't want to, but the door would be unlocked if I wanted to see her. I know when someone usually needs a friend, which she did, so I went over.
Brandi was nervous at first, but finally said she knew that I had masturbated Mutt. I tried to deny it at first, but when she said that she had noticed the cum stained panties that were freshly soaked after we had left, she knew that I had and that I shouldn't deny it. I confessed to her that I had, and that I had also watched her and Rick. She said Rick had told her I probably would.
Then Brandi told me about why she tried to kill herself.
"About a year ago," she said in almost a whisper, "I found Mutt on the street, digging in our garbage. I brought him in, and cleaned him off, and gave him a meal of leftovers. After that, Mutt wouldn't leave.
"One night after having sex with Rick, Mutt came in while I was still lying in bed. Rick had left and I was too tired to get up and shower. Mutt came up onto the bed and started licking all of Rick's cum off of me. I was shocked and frightened at first, thinking he might bite me, but after he started licking my clit and sticking his tongue inside of me to get at the cum, I just gave in to the pleasure and let him do what he wanted to. I orgasmed more with him doing that, than when I had sex with Rick!
"This went on for a while, and started questioning my sanity. I thought something was wrong with me for letting a dog do that. I thought I really was messed up for enjoying the sensations Mutt was producing in me and for having orgasmed. The next time Mutt tried to lick me, I got on me knees and kinda curled up. That was a mistake.
"Mutt was already aroused every time by the time he licked me and this was no exception. He must have thought I was presenting myself, because he started sniffing at my cunt and ass. He put his front paws on my back, so I straightened out somewhat to get up, and that was when I felt his cock slide into my cunt. It was hot, hotter than any cock I had ever had, and bigger than any cock I had ever had. I moaned with pleasure and surprise as he started fucking away like crazy. I kept feeling something bangin' against my lips, and thought it was his balls. Once again, I was wrong.
"It was his knot which I had never seen because he had never been that aroused. He was fucking me so hard and I was so wet that eventually the knot slid in. It was so huge and uncomfortable that I screamed in pain as I came. Mutt was still in me pumping away like mad, and I was trying to separate from him but couldn't. I started panicking, wondering if I would ever separate or if I was going to have to call for help. That was when he came. God, did he fill me. I thought he was pissing spurt after spurt for as hot as it was. I collapsed on the bed with Mutt still locked inside of me wondering if he was ever going to stop cumming and if we would ever separate. He came about four more times while locked in me. We were locked together with him having taken me doggie style for about a half hour. He finally lost his knot and slid out, along with a lot of his cum. That nice little puppy even licked as much of that up as he could.
"This had clenched it for me, letting him fuck me drove me to the edge. I let him do it few more times to see if I actually liked it, and I did. Whenever Rick didn't show up, I let Mutt fuck me. I also masturbated him and sucked his cock. But then again, you probably guessed that having masturbated him yourself, and having watched me and Rick.
"After you and Rick left that night, I sucked Mutt off, thinking that he might be you, fantasizing. I thought I had gone too far with acting out that fantasy about you with Mutt. The next day I decided to end it all. And that is that up to now."
By now, Mutt had joined us on her bed, rolling over to expose his hardening cock to us both. I told her she was not sick, that curiosity was natural. I told her of some of my experiences with my collie-bitch. She was amazed to hear that other people have had similar experiences, but not as devastating as hers.
I stayed with her that night, telling my parents I was staying with a friend. She reenacted her first fuck with Mutt for me. |