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    They did, clinging to one another's hand, Jean stumbling once over an unseen rock, but quickly catching her balance. Then, as they rounded the bend in the hollowed-out cavern and the flickering light grew more illuminous, they saw them! Automatically, the two young wives halted side by side in shocked apprehension! Neither could find her voice... but before them, stretched out on what looked like soiled mattresses and blankets, lay three naked men... no... boys!

    "Good God... !" Carol gasped, the words choking from her throat! "Wh-What is this... ?"

    Jean had yet to speak, but a myriad of unwanted reflections were racing through her brain! The three of them were little more than teenagers... and smoking crudely-made cigarettes in the candle light surrounding them! The small area reeked of the sweetish aroma, but it was not that as much as their lewd nakedness and the still unexplained attack upon her nights ago that sent clammy chills rippling upward along her spine! Somehow, at that horrifying moment, she knew that these were the three masked attackers Caesar had driven off that first night... !

    "You dumb fucks!" Morgan vilely barked out from behind them, each young wife sensing her own particular reaction to the graphic four-letter word. "A whole goddamned army could march in here and you pricks wouldn't know it!"

    As if some authoritative monarch had spoken, the pair of trembling girls saw the three naked, teenaged boys bolt erect from their mattresses to face them open-mouthed, their eyes glazed with the effects of the marijuana.

    Jean, as shocked as she was, couldn't keep her unbelieving stare from raking over their partially hardened young genitals, the thought lewdly occurring to her that they may well have been carrying on a homosexual orgy... !

    "Geez, Chief... we didn't hear you, honest!" the tallest, a skinny, pimply-faced boy blurted out, obviously trying to focus his eyes on them as he absently clutched at his half-hard penis.

    Carol had yet to accept the absolutely obscene spectacle as anything but a lurid nightmare! She clung to Jean's hand while she watched the thin, acne-faced youth fondling his naked, half- erect penis, as were the other two, and at the same time try to talk to the terrible man behind them! God almighty! What had they stumbled onto?

    "By the looks of you cock-heads," Link Morgan obnoxiously spat, "you've not only been playing suck-suck, but you've been smoking up too much of my profits, damn you!" With that, he set down his rifle and cupped both Jean and Carol's rounded, full buttocks in his big hands, moving between them to force them forward into the hollowed-out, high-roofed enclosure. "But we'll settle that later. Right now, look what I brought along, luscious, tender cunt... and you boys ought to remember the blonde one, our noble deputy sheriff's wife?"

    Link Morgan's obscene use of words, as well as his goatish hand manipulations, were not unfamiliar to Jean. Even so, she couldn't help the unwanted, acid-influenced sensations they set off in her trembling, soft belly. Though she was choked right up to her tonsils with unashamed fear, her immediate concern for Carol was foremost in her aghast mind. Jean continued to cling encouragingly to her friend's shaking hand, hoping to God that Carol would forgive her if they ever came out of this horror alive... !

    "Yeah... I remember her, Chief!" the long-haired, runtish boy of the three exclaimed, lewdly working the foreskin of his semi-stiffened penis back and forth before Carol's fixed, disbelieving eyes! "She's the broad we were all going to rape, eh? You know, the night the goddamned wild dog broke it up... !"

    "You see what I mean?" Morgan roared. "I can't trust you cocksuckers!"

    "Goddamn you, shut-up, Billy!" the third, a strong, well- built teenager ordered. "You want to get us all hung?"

    "You're already hung, you pricks!" the police chief spat, sitting down on a rock-formation? "Maybe, we all are... but we're going to go out in a blaze of glory! Come on, damn you, strip these broads! I intend to have my cock sucked!"

    With Link Morgan's foul-worded intentions ringing lewdly in her ears, Jean gazed regrettably into Carol's shocked eyes. God, had she not been such a stubborn fool; if only she'd turned back when her friend wanted to... ! Yet, there was no power on earth that could have made her do that, she realized! But more horrible than all else, now she would never be able to warn Caesar... ! Oh God... !

    Suddenly, the thin, acne-faced boy whom Jean knew to be Leo Vincent, a local young hoodlum, began to jump up and down in an imbecilic sort of dance, causing his partially rigid, teenage penis and hanging testicles to luridly waggle and jounce. "I've got it, Chief!" he squealed in his drugged world. "I've got it! We'll get 'em high on pot first, then we'll have a real orgy!"

    "Hey, that's wild!" Corky White, the bigger, good-looking brother of the runtish, long-haired one, agreed. "How about it, Chief... ?"

    "Fuck, I don't care what the hell you do with them!" Morgan spat, his cruel eyes reflecting the ungovernable lust again mounting inside him. "Just get 'em naked and give me the black- haired bitch! She's got that wild gleam in her eyes that I want to watch as she sucks me off!"

    Carol sensed an unreasonable tremor flutter through her sensual loins and belly at the gross man's obscenely spewed words, even as their vile meaning nauseously registered in her horrified brain! Whether her nearly paralyzing fear was as much for her own welfare as Jean's, she didn't know at that point! The entire abominable scene was such an impossible nightmare! But of one thing she felt certain, Jean could well go absolutely berserk from the effects of pot on top of the LSD this brutal man had fed her... !

    The naked, long-haired boy who someone had called Billy was confronting her then, grinning like an idiot while he filthily posed with his youthful genitals thrust forward, his hand lewdly massaging his now rigidly hardened young penis! To her left, laughingly hopping toward Jean with equally salacious gestures, was the bigger, well-built brother, his long, thick teenaged cock formidably poling out from his obscenely clutching fist, while the third sat nakedly on the mattress singing and rolling the mind- bending weed into joints!

    "Oh God... !" Carol gasped as Corky White suddenly began to pull at her clothing and she half-twisted to look pleadingly toward the evilly watching Link Morgan. "Please... do whatever you want to me, but Jean... she's still not herself from the LSD! Marijuana could permanently damage her... !"

    "You tug at my heart strings, cunt!" Morgan leered, watching with tired, lustful eyes as Corky half-tore the shirt from her, then shoved his fingers into the white lacy front of her sheer bra, ripping it away with one mean jerk! Her firm, white breasts rippled swayingly in their sudden release, and the long-haired boy eagerly clutched their rounded, ruby-nippled fullness in his dirty, clawlike hands, raising a goatish chuckle from the corrupt police chief. "Fuck her! How do you like to suck cock? That's all that interests me right now, baby!" Morgan taunted, while her drug-affected tormentor suddenly half-squatted to luridly suck the tender, pointed tip of one breast into his tonguing, teeth- nibbling mouth!

    "Oh... oh please... !" Jean heard Carol whimper out in pain and tried to turn and help her. But it was futile! The naked, strapping boy who had immediately dropped onto his knees before her and was lewdly pulling down her slacks and panties had already dug his strong fingers into the soft, sensitive flesh of her nakedly exposed hips! And as she stood there totally helpless, her jerked-down clothing fettering her below the knees, he forced her to shamefully spread her legs as he buried his teenaged, good- looking face between her trembling thighs into her defenselessly naked loins!

    Even in her fear-stricken state, Jean couldn't deny the erotic sensations that surged from her sensuous vaginal flesh through her convulsing belly and upward to her brain, at the lustfully shocking penetration of his hot, wet tongue between her pussy-lips! She not only felt, but watched his young face nestled to her loins, the unmerciful contact of his hotly lashing, ravaging tongue with her spasming clitoris completely distorting her mental capacities! Yet, somehow, she restrained the urge to reach down and clutch at his head... to pull his youthfully handsome face tighter into her rapidly firing cunt which had continuously simmered with insatiable want since they had drugged her... !

    The goddamned wild sight was more lustfully stimulating than Morgan had conceived it! The three bare-assed drug-freaks had stripped the pair of luscious bitches completely naked and were doing every filthy thing to them their warped brains could imagine! Screw! After the ball-draining session with Lydia and Annie, he'd doubted that he'd ever get a hard-on again, but there he sat with his hugely throbbing cock swollen as rigid as a wagon- tongue! Christ... ! What the hell was he going to do with them... not only the broads, but those half-queer pot-heads, when he was finished with them? Kill 'em? What else? All five were a destructive menace to his existence! Shit... he'd take care of that when the time came... but right now... ?

    His mean eyes burned as they stared at the way Corky White was making Blakely's wife stand with her shapely white legs spread wide apart, his fucking face buried in her blonde-curled cunt! But it was the pimply-faced Vincent who'd kneeled behind her and was making her spread her rounded, full ass-cheeks for him so that he could lick her little asshole that was really sending the evil- minded police chief! And his potential cock-sucker, in all of her willowy, supple nakedness, standing spread-legged while the long- haired Billy ate her pussy and simultaneously, finger-fucked her ass-hole! Christ! He had to get in on this act, himself... !

    "Okay... the pot... the pot!" Leo Vincent suddenly exclaimed, jumping to his feet. "It's the weed-time before we really set sail, eh?"

    Carol sensed her naked, full-set breasts rising and falling in uncontrollable arousal as the long-haired teenager abruptly deserted her, the hotly tingling inner-flesh of her defenseless young pussy seething with the flames he had obscenely licked into being inside her! Then, he was thrusting a joint between her lips and pulling her down onto a mattress, as were the other two with Jean! Oh God... ! There was no way to avoid the obscene things that were going to happen to them... to that, she was resigned... and maybe the pot, after all, was going to be a blessing... even for Jean... !

    Chapter 27

    Deputy Sheriff Mark Blakely held up his hand to the men behind him and reined in his mount at the approaching rider. He recognized the man as Bill Watts, one of the hunters with Link Morgan's party, and waited for the other to get close enough to speak.

    "Frank Clifford sent me, Mark," he said for greeting. "Something ain't right! Chief Morgan left us over an hour ago to do some lookin' on his own, he said. We were suppose to meet up with him on the other side of Wiley's Stream, but he should've been there quite a spell ago! Frank wants to know what he should do?"

    Damn that Morgan! the young sheriff inwardly cursed. He'd given strict orders that they all stay together to avoid any mishaps, like what had happened to his father... "Frank's taken over for Morgan?" Mark questioned.

    "Yep. That's what Link said," Bill Watts replied.

    "Okay... you go back and join your group," Mark said. "Tell Frank to carry on with the hunt. No use of all of us searching for Morgan. I'll take care of that."

    "Right!" Watts answered with a nod of his head, then swung his mount around and was gone.

    "What do you think, Mark?" Steve Foster questioned, moving up alongside his friend.

    "I don't know... but I don't like it," Mark answered. "There was no reason for Morgan to separate from the others... unless he had some private business to attend to. Otherwise, he'd have taken one or two of the men with him."

    "You think he's up to no-good, eh?" Steve pressed.

    "Maybe... and then again, maybe something's happened to him..."

    "Like a fall or something... ?"

    "Possible... but not likely either," Mark said. "He's too skilled, too competent a hunter... Whatever, we better find out." Then to the others: "You men carry on as planned. Foster and I will see if we can find Chief Morgan. We'll rejoin you as soon as we can. Harry, you and Cal take over for me. All decisions, make them together. Any questions... ?"

    There weren't. Mark waved them on then, while he and Steve headed back to where they had originally split into two groups, his plan simply to try and follow Link Morgan's trail from there...


    It took a small measure of the marijuana smoke which Leo Vincent and Corky White forcibly made her inhale to send Jean quickly into a space-out high. Stripped shamefully naked by the two drugged teenagers in their own lewd nakedness, they had made her lie on her back, sandwiched between them, the rigid hardnesses of their youthful, heavily swollen penises pressed tightly on either side of her to the yielding smooth flesh of her rounded hips and thighs. Luridly, they ground their thickly throbbing lengths of stiffened boy cock against her soft, white flesh, at the same time, each claiming one of the full, pink-nippled mounds of her lush breasts to suck and nibble at as they mockingly played with the moistened, sensitive cuntal flesh between her helplessly spread thighs!

    "Oh Goddd... don't, please... ?" Jean whimpered pathetically in her mounting opiate state, uncontrollable sensations of lewd degradation beginning to churn within her exposed, defenseless body at their depraved, sensual acts! Their near-moronic squeals and sniggers as they mauled, sucked and pawed at her naked, unprotected breasts and vagina, filled the blonde young wife's whirling brain, her fears, as well as knowledge of immediate surroundings quickly failing her!

    Carol saw and realized this as she sat in equal forced nakedness upon the dirty mattress facing her friend! Eagerly, the trembling, willowy brunette dragged at the brown-papered joint, praying for its numbing effects to quickly take its morally deadening hold of her humiliated senses! She couldn't look at the warped expression on the long-haired teenager's face, who sat beside and watching her with his nude hip pressed tightly against her own. He'd drawn up his knees and made her do the same, then spread them so that she could grasp and massage his hardened, teenage cock while he played with, and worked his lewdly searching fingers in and around her rapidly dampening pussy lips!

    God almighty! What was going to happen to them before this depraved horror was over with? Already, the smoke-filled cavern was filled with obscene moans and gasps, much of them coming from her poor girlfriend, Jean, who lay helplessly spread-open between the pair of luridly writhing teenagers, both of them with fingers thrust up into the wet, pink vaginal flesh between her vulnerably squirming thighs... !

    "All right, let's get a little more action into this circus, cockheads!" Link Morgan gleefully ordered from his seated position on the rock formation. "Vincent, you and Corky get Blakely's wife up on her knees. One of you can fuck her dog-fashion from behind while she sucks off the other one!" Then, to the long-haired brother: "Bring that other hot little cunt over here to me, Billy! I want her to fish out my cock and suck it right down into her gullet... !"

    "Aw, Chief! I wanna fuck her... !" the runtish boy groaned.

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