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    "Now you see that? You see how she swallows him all the way down to the balls and milks the shaft with her lips? That's the way I want to see you this afternoon baby. I want to see you with a face full of dick and a happy cocksucker's smile on your puckered pouty lips. Do you think you can do that for me? Can you be my little cocksucker?"

    "I guess so."

    "That's NOT what I want to hear dear, and you know it. Now try again.

    "Ok, I-- I-- I'll do it for you."

    "Do what? Tell me what you're going to do for me."

    "I'll suck it. I mean your cock. I'll suck cock for you."

    "That's a good boy. Now you finish watching the video while mommy goes and calls your 'date' and let's him know you're ready to meet him and that nice big stiff dick of his. Oh and Tommy honey, I expect you to swallow his load too baby. A good cocksucker always swallows the cum a man pumps into them. Real men like to see their sperm sucked down, but then you wouldn't know anything about what real men like, would you dear?"

    "No mom." Tommy said in a small voice as he sat on the couch watching the hardcore porn video his mother had rented for him. He hated it when his mother referred to him as less than a man, but considering that he was sitting there scrunched up on the couch in a pair of his sister's pink lacey panties with a dildo buzzing away in his ass, he was hardly in a position to argue his manliness with her.

    "Well, at least I'm better off than poor Mary Ann." He shuddered slightly as he thought of his sister. Every so often he could make out small whimpers and squeals coming from her bedroom. Tommy went back to studying the video. He'd never sucked a cock before, but he knew his mother would expect him to give her friend a professional 'slut style' blowjob. He knew the price of disappointing his mother, and had no intentions of ending up like his sister.


    Mary Ann grunted as the large Doberman plowed into her ass like a possessed jackhammer. Her own squeals and pleas for help were barely audible between all the barking and whining of the dogs around her. She screamed into her pillow as the Doberman's large red shaft began to pulse and swell inside her. If he was anything like the last two she knew what would happen next, and she was right.

    As the large beast rutted into her she could feel the base of its cock swelling up, preparing to seal her opening like some large meaty cork. His knot would bind him to her for a good twenty minutes or more while he filled her with his doggie jizz.

    "How long had it been now?" She wondered as she tried pulling at the ropes binding her. Her mother had made sure she was securely tied face down on her bed with a few pillows under her so her ass was offered up like some obscene gift to her furry lovers. Mary Ann had long since run out of tears.

    The sheets under her face were as soaked with her past tears as was the large wet spot under the vee of her legs from the countless loads of doggie jizz seeping out of her abused holes. She winced as the crazed dog on top of her added another scratch to her already sore sides as it tightened it's legs around her waist.

    When her mother had closed the bedroom door and left her tied up and alone in the room with the six dogs she'd told Mary Ann that her new 'boyfriends', as she'd called them, were less than gentle, and to expect a few scratches and welts here and there.

    Perhaps what bothered Mary Ann the most was not the scratches or the pounding fucks, but the fact that although she was alone in the room with the six doggie studs, she new that hundreds, if not millions of people were watching her at that very moment. Thanks to a small web camera her mother had set up on the dresser, every thrust of doggy cock, every spurt of watery canine cum into her was being broadcast over the net.

    This was her mother's true punishment for Mary Ann calling her a "bitch" last week. She'd slapped the man her mother had visiting that day for grabbing her ass as she walked by. Mary Ann had yelled at the man to keep his filthy hands to himself. She'd told him that he should go back to her kinky bitch of a mother and leave her alone.

    "You dare call me a 'Bitch' you ungrateful little slut!" Her mother had screamed at her, almost shaking with rage. "I'll show you what a bitch is. In fact I'll make sure you get to know the true meaning of the word!"

    Mary Ann was brought back from her memories by a tugging sensation from deep within her ass and the sound of a wet slurping pop as the dog pulled his slimy cock out of her. A small river of K9 jizz quickly ran from her overused ass and trickled down the inside of her thighs in thick rivulets. Mary Ann noticed with some dismay that her asshole didn't even hold the massive knots in anymore.

    She imagined the over stretched anal ring simply couldn't handle all the abuse and now hung open in a large sloppy gapping "O". Her ass, much like her reputation, would be ruined after her multi-dog gangbang. She could imagine all the pictures and possibly even videos that would be floating around the Internet for years to come of her like this.

    Her mother had doomed her to be known as a dog fucker for the rest of her life, a real bitch. What man would want her now she wondered? She'd never be able to get a decent job with a reputation as a dog slut who spread her legs for a group of dogs in her youth.

    The bed shook slightly as the spent dog leaped down and a new one jumped up to replace his canine brother. This new dog was slightly smaller in size than the last one but seemed to be better endowed than his predecessor. As he climbed onto her ass she felt his furry cum heavy balls sweep across her lower back before setteling down into place and sinking it's already rigid member deep into her gapping hole.

    Then as the dog got into a rhythmic pumping Mary Ann couldn't help but wonder how her grandmother was doing. She'd heard her mother talking about what she had planned for her.

    "Poor grandma," Mary thought. All alone in that adult book store... stripped naked and strapped face first to a gloryhole.

    As the dog's cock began to swell in her like a balloon, Mary Ann wondered how many dicks her grandmother would be feeling in her today.

      | Author: Bear In Panties | Comments: 3 | Print Page | Send to Friends

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    i wish i was Mary Ann

    Jun 3 2007 06:05
    please write more... i want to know what happens to the brother and the grandmother!

    Jun 5 2007 16:06
    I wish I could be the one underneath Mary Ann to consume all of the cum that flows from the six dogs and her.

    Sep 16 2016 22:11
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    All logos and trademarks in this site are property of their respective owner. The comments, video files, stories and pictures are property of their respective authors, all the rest � 2005-2006 Zoophilia Story. All stories posted here are fictional. Zoophilia Story takes no responsibilty for the imaginations and literary creations of authors who post their stories here. You may not duplicate or copy any portion of this site without permission. We strongly discourage any kind of animal abuse. Contact us / submit stories.

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