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    Story's fetishes: zoophilia, bestiality, couple, voyeur.

    My husband and I got married at a young age seven years ago. I was eighteen and he was twenty-two, Harry my husband has been the only man I have known. Right from the start I found sex to be great, we never wear cloths at home, we especially enjoy us both being bald. We have a nice place out of town that is really very private, unless you knew where the place was it is hard to find and see. We both did a lot of nude sun bathing.

    The fact that we lived so private my cousin had a beautiful Alaska Malamute, they are part wolf and dog his name was Junior. He was only two years old and a very loveable dog. My cousin Helen had to move to a place where she could not take Junior. I know this bother her a great deal.

    Helen felt we would take good care of Junior, Helen knew us well enough to believe we would take Junior. We always played with him when she would come visit us and let Junior run. An Alaskan Malamute gets to be a very large dog, they are twice the size of a husky.

    I would guess Junior weigh was around ninety pounds, on all fours he came up to my hips, and when he stood up he was as tall as me. I am five foot five and weigh ninety eight pounds I have a small frame, small breasts, around thirty-four B's. I do have a tight ass as Harry tells me.

    We where always dressed when Helen would come, I just did not want Helen to see My Harry in the buff. Helen always had Junior with her and we played with him around the house.

    We took Junior in and he was just as good now as then, there was one problem Junior would always stick his nose in my pussy. I would just push him away and that was it. Harry told me Junior like the way I smell to him and thought it was funny.

    Harry also told me Alaska Malamutes mate for life, but not to worry it is only other dogs they go for.

    Some times Junior was A pain in the ass when I did my house work, especially when I did the kitchen floor. I was always on my knees and had to keep chasing Junior a way. I finally got smart and put Junior outside when I was doing the kitchen. There where times Junior would give my pussy a quick shot of his tongue and it always felt like electric to me I did like it, only I belong to Harry and I love his tongue action not the dog's.

    As I said I love sex and the feel of Harry's cock in me, I felt full all the time. We did have sex in all the positions Harry could think of his favorite was always doggy style as he call it. Harry was a sales man and did travel allot he would be gone for a day or two tops. Only with Junior here I never worried about being by myself as I did before we got Junior.

    Junior would stay very close to me when it was just he and I. I swear he would almost push me over for how close he was. He was just my protector.

    Well Harry was gone I decided to do my house work, it was a warm day so when I put Junior out I just closed the screen door the old wood door type. I was working in the kitchen on the floor when I felt Junior lick me. It was like an electric shock as I did not expect him but the surprise of his tongue felt so good, so he got in a couple more licks before I pushed him a way with my foot.

    Hell did Junior scare me he went past my foot and jumped on me. I tried to stand up only he was way to heavy for me. I even told him to lay down only that was not doing any good. I tried to swing my arm at him, I guess JUNIOR got tired of my trying to get him off me that he just grabbed my neck in his mouth and growl low to let me know enough.

    I was really scared at this time as I did not know what to expect, that is until I felt him start to hump me. I could feel his doggy cock hit the inside of my leg. I could have sworn Harry told me they only mess with other dogs. Well I know different Junior kept trying to find my hole, then He pulled me tight with his front paws that scratch the hell out of me. I had hope to make it hard for Junior, only he squeezed my neck. I position my pussy for him.

    I then felt his cock start to go in me, then he slip out. I thought thank god he could not stay in me. Only Junior was not happy he squeezed my neck a little more so I push back for him. I thought I was going to die his cock felt much wider and longer then Harry's cock Only A dog was doing it to me.

    It did start to feel good I never knew a big cock would feel so good in me, and a dog cock at that.

    I kept pushing back to try to get all that doggy cock in me. The pressure of his cock going in me did start to hurt me I started to feel some thing big trying to go in me so I help Junior to get his cock in as my body. Dam that hurt but now I know what it is like to be full. His cock kept going deeper in me I thought it was going to come out my mouth.

    I thought, 'This was it, I'm going to die on a doggy cock,' no matter how good it felt. I just kept having one orgasm after another, I forgot about the pain this dew claws was doing to me and how deep and big he was and how much that hurt. I only knew I was going to die, when a really big orgasm made me lose my mind for a few minutes. It felt like I was getting fuck for hours with JUNIOR.

    When he stopped I felt like there was a warm bath in me that would not stop, and slowly start to run down my thigh. Junior got off me and turned around till I felt his tail touching my ass hole. I had to grab his tail as he tried to walk with me hung up on his cock. It felt like he was going to be this way forever, but I knew I was in heaven and did not wish it to end.

    After Junior shrank down he pulled out of me releasing quite a bit of doggy cum. I felt it just going down my thigh. I was so spent that I just laid there and rest some, Junior went off to the side to clean him self.

    A little later Junior came over and started to lick me clean. Dam I was already hot to trot. I pulled away from Junior staying on my hands and knees. Each time Junior would come after me I would move this seem to get him excited that he mounted me, only this time I reached for his doggy cock and guided to my hot hole it did not take long for Junior to grab my neck still and start pushing this cock deep into me.

    I was at the point of no return as he kept going deeper into me, his lump or balls just slid into me. Junior made me realized what it was to be full of a cock the pressure was driving me out of my mind. I knew I was always going to have JUNIOR fuck me. We last what may seem like an hour when Junior stop humping me and he shot his cum in me. You feel the extra heat as it is release in me. I have never had so many orgasm in my life as Junior had given me. With Harry I thought all there was the one maybe two times.

    After Junior and I separated we both rested, but I just was not ready to quit now. This time I went after Junior and started to play with his cock hoping to get him to mount me again. It did take a short time to get Junior ready to mount me again. What a slut I am trying to go for a third time.

    I never wanted it to end, and for a while there I believed it would never end. This time I help Junior clean up I could rest myself on him.

    Junior help clean me up, but I knew I needed a shower fast and get dinner ready Harry would be home soon. As I was showing I felt the scratches on my sides I was wondering how I was going to explain them to Harry. When Harry got home that was the first ting he seen was the scratches and ask what happen. I told him as I was doing the kitchen floor Junior tried to get on me, and how I stop him before anything happen. Harry almost knocked me to the floor with what he said. "Why did you stop Junior?"

    The dog was only trying to mate with me and show his love. Harry suggested that maybe I may wish to let Junior try again. ( I was in heaven) I did not expect this from Harry. I pretend that it was crazy, but he if wish me to let Junior get on me then I would. This time I ask Harry if he would put socks on Junior so as not scratch me any more. I got down on my hands and knees for Junior, Harry called him over.

    It didn't take long for Junior to mount me and I reached to guide him into me. Junior started to fuck the hell out of me when his balls stared to go into me. Harry had one big hard on and stuck it in my face. I had my pet fucking me as I was giving my husband a blow job, this was total mine blowing. I suck Harry dry and he helped keep Junior on me till his doggy cock shrink.

    Harry told me since Junior gave me his knot he was tying with me. MY pet had made me his bitch and mate. Harry explain Junior would expect me get down on all fours any time he wish to mate. Really this did not break my heart that I belong to my pet. I was so proud of my self. Harry? I guess he is a stranger to me for I would never had believed he would give me to our new dog. I will not look a gift horse in the mouth.

    I know some will wonder if this is true? I don't care if you believe it or not. I've been my dog's bitch since I was 13. And now I'm Junior's bitch.

      | Author: Lee | Comments: 6 | Print Page | Send to Friends

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    It's nice to see people writing stories of their experiences or fantasies.
    It's even better when they at least know what they're toalking about.
    I's a miracle that Junior could get his balls in to you, He must be quite deformed to be able to plish that feat.

    Learn about the subject before wrighting about it in future.

    Apr 12 2006 01:26
    very good story love it , but it was the dogs knot not his balls
    thank you

    Apr 24 2006 05:46
    Good story but full of inaccuracies. Tell us about the time you were your dog's bitch since you were 13?

    May 26 2007 10:06
    I can honestly say, this is fully made up by someone who didn't do research. Alaskan Malamutes are not part wolf, they are decended from wolves. Then the author states "Something big was trying to enter her" but yet she didn't know what it was, but she says she has been her other dogs bitch since she was 13? as the one user stated, do us all a favor and research the breed and research the mating actions before you write. I found myself cringing at some of the stuff in this one.

    Oct 18 2009 17:36
    well guy's i thought it was a good story. very horny.

    Dec 20 2009 17:50
    This is not a science lesson ! This, either real or fantasy, story is making people excited... so.... Well done Lee, write more !
    Any Lady interested in chating about this topic, Here I am ([email protected]).

    Dec 30 2009 17:21
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