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    Story's fetishes: zoophilia, bestiality, oral, dog sex, masturbation, toys.

    Laying in my bed, I had just woken up from a very arousing sexual dream. I could feel the tension in my body needing a release. I turn on my night lamp and reach down and open the door to my night table and bring out my favorite dildo.

    I throw the blankets off my naked body, and accidentally throw them over my dog, Sal, waking him up as the blankets hit him. "Sorry Sal," I say, "I did not mean to wake you," and I reach over and give him a pat on the head. Sal moves over closer to me for more attention. "Sorry Sal, I have a need that I have to take care of, but you can watch if you like", as I smile at him and a thought starts to form in my head.

    I lay back down with my dildo in my hand and start caressing and rubbing my clit with the tip of it. I spread my legs farther apart as I feel my body starting to respond to my actions. I insert the dildo into my hot wet pussy and start thrusting it in and out slowly. I take my other hand and rub my clit and hard knob of pleasure. I feel the pressure in my body building as I continue these motions, and my mind wonders to thinking of how nice a tongue would feel down there right now.

    All of a sudden, a tongue is there, a long, raspy warm wet tongue licking me and my fingers. I suddenly sit up a bit and see Sal. Its his tongue that is licking me, and it feels very pleasurable. "Hey Sal," I say. "That feels good, I think I will let you continue, I was hoping you were going to help me out." So I remove my dildo and fingers, and let Sal take over and finish the job that first my dream and then my self started.

    I prop myself up on my pillows and watch as Sal licks me all over my pussy and ass. I admire his golden colored fur, as he buries his head deeper in between my legs. I can see his deep pink shaft, coming out of his protective sheath, and wonder if I would be able to take him all in my body. I have seen his erection before, though not totally hard and it looked big to me even though he is a Golden lab.

    I lay my body down to feel the sensations going through my body. I feel Sals tongue, smooth but yet rough and oh, so very nice and long. I feel him working his tongue into my hot pussy, his cold wet nose pressed against my clit. I think to myself, wish I had thought of this sooner as I feel my muscles swelling and throbbing as Sal licks me all over. I feel him working his long raspy tongue.inside of me. wiggling back and forth, trying to lap up all my juices. I feel my body react, my muscles swelling and throbbing with the motions of his tongue.

    I take my hand and start playing with my breasts, rubbing my nipples making them hard and erect. I play with them both, pinching and twisting them in motion with Sals tongue licking my pussy.

    Hmmmm... this feels wonderful, my body now totally aroused. I then feel Sal removing his tongue from my pussy and start licking my ass. Oh, I can't hold off any longer, I feel the pressure building up inside of me. Sal wiggles his tongue around my ass and pussy, trying to slip his tongue into my ass. His long nose almost inside my pussy... I feel my self coming as his long tongue slips into my ass. I feel my muscles contract around his tongue and also the tip of his wet nose. I squirm and wiggle up and down trying to get him into me more as my body jerks and spasms with convulsions as my pent up desire is released.

    I am not done yet though, and neither is Sal. I lay there for a few minutes to catch my breath. Sal continues to lap his long tongue all around my clit, pussy and ass, getting my body aroused and ready again.

    I now sit up and lean over Sal as he continues licking my ass and pussy, making my body needing more yet. I bring my hands down and start stroking his shaft. I feel that he is getting hard and he is moist.

    Sal brings his front paws onto my shoulders, his tongue licking my face and back. and tries to enter me. I feel his belly fur tickling my breasts and nipples making them hard and erect with the friction that is created, as he is humping his body back and forth against mine. His claws are sharp, and I see my socks on the floor by my bed. I reach down, grab them and put them on Sals front paws. "Ah, that is better Sal, now my skin wouldn't get so scratched" as he resumes his humping motions. I move my hands back down to his shaft and start stroking him harder, feeling his shaft coming out of his protective sheath more.

    I am not ready for Sal to enter me yet, but I continue to stroke him and then bring his hardening shaft to my lips. I first run my tongue around his wet tip, tasting his slightly acidic, oily juices.

    Hmmm, I think to myself, he tastes pretty good, different that a man, sweeter actually. I open my mouth and take his shaft more into my mouth, sucking and stroking as I do. I feel Sal getting harder as I bring him in and out of my mouth, I feel his throbbing and decide to see if he can enter my now throbbing insides.

    I know Sal is a ways from coming yet, but want him inside me before his knot gets to big. I turn my body around, and put my ass into his face.

    Sal needs no assistance, he knows what to do. I feel his shaft seeking my opening, his paws tight around my waist. I reach down with my hand and help guide him into me, feeling him filling me almost completely, and he is not fully hard yet.

    I feel my body reacting as he enters me completely. My muscles pull and contract trying to bring him in deeper.

    Now Sal starts humping me. Slow for the first few strokes and then faster and faster. I feel his shaft getting harder with each thrust, his knot getting bigger.

    I feel myself coming and coming hard. "Oh Sal, you great dog, you are just what I needed" as my body shudders as all my muscles contract and pulsate with my release. Oh, I moan as my orgasm climaxes, pushing my body against Sals, matching his strokes.

    Sal is not finished yet though, he continues to hump me, getting bigger, I feel his shaft throbbing and stretching my insides as they have never been stretched before. I feel his large knot filling me completely and more. I love the feelings he invokes in my body and feel him hitting the ends of my bottom and beyond, giving me a little pleasure pains with each thrust, as Sal pushes harder against my pussy, fully inside me now. I feel his balls slapping against my clit, giving me little shocks of pleasure each time. I feel his body strain hard against mine and feel his fur against my bare ass, giving me more pleasure.

    I feel my desire building with his and I come again, as I am filled to the hilt of him inside me. I moan, with the feelings of pleasure. The little pains make me come harder, make my muscles contract more and pulsate more giving me new sensations and a harder, faster orgasm.

    As my muscles continue to throb and contract, I now reach my climax, Sal pushes in harder yet. I feel his deep penetrations of me, I feel the pressure and heat as he starts to shoot his oily seed deep into me, thumping me as hard as he can as he comes, his seed shooting deep into me, his shaft buried as deep as it can go... I feel his pulsating and throbbing as he slowly stops his humping motions.

    Sal leans his head on my back, his tongue hanging out as he catches his breath. His shaft is still buried deep inside me, but I can feel his swelling starting to go down. His seed spills out of me and onto the bed. There is not enough room inside of me for him and his seed. I enjoy the sensation of it though as it runs out of me and down my leg and clit, and onto the blanket.

    Sal slowly removes himself from my body, sits down, and starts licking himself, his shaft still partically extended. I turn around, face him and rub him behind the ears. "Thank you Sal, I hope we can do that again another night soon" Sal looks at me and then put his head down and starts licking his seed from my pussy and legs.

    Yes, I think to myself, Sal and I are going to do this many more times as I feel his tongue licking me again.

      | Author: Devil | Comments: 5 | Print Page | Send to Friends

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    i liked the story.

    Aug 22 2007 23:49
    Thank You! Good story.

    Nov 19 2008 13:08
    It was OK. Thanx...

    Jan 28 2010 05:59
    I wish I was with you & sal

    Jan 2 2011 02:41
    its hot if is real i also use dog u know

    Dec 12 2011 09:40
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