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    My boyfriend and I have done some pretty strange things as we have learned about each other and each others body. Today was not going to be any exception. As I arrived at the door to his house, running though my mind is the phone conversation that we had, had that previous night.

    My boyfriend had gone to a sex shop in the next town and got some, what he called, neat things to try out for today. Almost as if he was waiting by the door, the door swung open as I was about to knock. I could already tell that he was pretty aroused by his thoughts of today evident by the bulge in his shorts.

    "hey your hear, that's cool" he said as he hugged me tight. I had always loved his strong arms around me, it made me feel so safe and comfortable. "I got some cool stuff from the sex shop, do you want to see?" the big grin on his face was also evident enough that he wanted to show me nothing else.

    "sure" and almost with lightning speed he grabbed my wrist and pulled me in the house and to the living room where he had everything already laid out to show. There was some interesting cuffs of leather and fur and a length of nylon rope, next to that was a strange device, it looked like a mouth piece at one end of a hollow tube and some kind of plastic cage thing at the other end; at the mouth piece end were some straps with buckles and I couldn't quite figure out what those were for.. I could already feel the moisture begin to seep onto my inner thighs just looking at these things.

    As I started to unbutton my blouse, tom picked up the tube thing and showed me what it was for. He explained like he was selling it to me, "the mouthpiece goes into your mouth and then the straps go around the back of your head , then these straps go over your head and under your chin. The one behind your head holds the mouth piece in your mouth so it cannot be spit out and the others hold your mouth closed so you cannot open your mouth to allow anything that goes through the tube escape through the side of your mouth. That way the mouthpiece is sealed in place and nothing can escape. The tube is about 7 inches long and wide enough that I can slip my dick through it with enough sticking out the end for you to suck on" a big shit eating grin suddenly appears on his face as he says "that way when I cum the only thing you can do is swallow it down.

    Even though the thought of this was not so appealing my body was betraying me and I suddenly found my self now naked and the lips and mounds between my legs were already swollen and very moist. He stopped a moment and looked at my figure, it seemed every time I stood before him, he did this same thing like he was looking at me for the first time. My body wasn't that bad, I could probably stand to loose a few pounds here and there. Standing 5 foot 9 inches at about 175 pounds, my size c cup full breasts standing out so nicely from my chest and my shaved smooth mound was always appealing to him. "well, lets get you ready for our special session" as he said grabbing the wrist and ankle cuffs, for some reason the look on his face didn't make me so comfortable at what he said, or perhaps it was just all the excitement in the air.

    With a quick motion and seemingly a snap of fingers I found myself wearing the cuffs and being guided to a near by large foot stool with big soft cushions. I didn't even see when he picked up the rope but by the time I was laying face first on the soft cushions my hands were already secured to the front two legs of the foot stool and my knees were secured to the back spreading my legs wide enough to make my entire backside and even m front side vulnerable to what ever he wished to do. This position was not uncommon to me we had done this on other occasions, just not like this and not this quickly. My ankles were brought together making a triangle and I could hear the snap of a quick clip holding the two ankle cuffs together. Then to further make sure I was completely secured tom ran the rope under the foot stool and over my body over and over again. Twice by my hips and three times about mid back then two more times over my shoulders, by body shuddered with this complete feeling of helplessness, and I could feel my juices begin to flow a bit more with this tingling feeling.

    I didn't know what would be happening but when getting ready for our "session" I had braided my hair which when done reached the bottom of my lower back. Well I didn't know how this could be used against me so effectively, tom grabbed my braid and pulled it gently lifting my head and opening my mouth the ropes holding my shoulders to the cushions so I could not stop him. I could feel him looping my braid around the ropes at the mid of my back and when done my head was secured in place unable to lower it no matter how hard I tried. I felt tom's hand softly caressing between my legs from front to back feeling the wetness there, "oh yeah this is going to be fun.". as he came around front where I could see him, he was already naked his member already nearly at full mast starting to bob around with his movements. But he was not ready to do anything yet, he wasn't through with my imprisonment. The mouthpiece appeared infront of my mouth and was pressed gently into place. My mouth was forced open a little wider to get the inside edges in behind my teeth and my lips had to be moved out of the way a bit as the front edges slid between my teeth and lips. I could feel the straps quickly buckled in place first behind and then around my head, tom making sure it was not very uncomfortable for I may be there a while. I then heard another thing that was a bit alarming, a small click at the side of my head by my ear. Tom then pulled something tinkling from there and I could see two keys on a small ring and his face with this same big grin. "here we will put these over here" placing them on a table in front of me about 6 feet away. "now you cant take that mouthpiece off even if you could get out of those ropes and cuffs, without the keys" a small laugh I had never heard came from him as it was apparent of his excitement.

    He brought is member over to the other end of the tube and pushed the cage thing aside, but it would not fit in as easily as he had thought it would be. The tube was dry and so was his member. He remedied that quickly enough, thinking ahead he had brought some of the special lube we had used in the past, tasteless and odorless, and quickly placed a small amount on his member, which he tried to press into the tube again and was successful this time. His member moved down the tube pressing on my teeth until the head popped out the end into my mouth about 1 or 1 ½ inches; just enough for the crown of his member, and a little bit more, to enter my mouth. My tongue was met with the sweet taste of his pre-cum that had formed at the tip of his member. My tongue went to work circling around the head and just under the head where that sensitive place is. This usually would drive him wild, and began thrusting in and out of the tube as much as he could but with his member getting thicker and the crown of it becoming more and more swollen he suddenly found himself trapped unable to move and unable to pull his member out of the tube despite the lubrication he had applied. "hey, my dick is trapped in there" he exclaimed and with those words my body shivered with excitement feeling some of my juices escape their tunnel to drip down between and on my thighs. Tom grabbed my hair and pulling it as much as he could being secured as it was, screamed "suck it bitch so I can get out of this damn tube and fuck your pussy, like you want". To oblige him I started sucking and moving my tongue as quickly as I could like I was going to make him cum hard and fast, feeling the pulsing of his members' head, I suddenly stopped as some of his pre-cum came spurting out in small jets, seeing how effective this mouthpiece was, all I could do was swallow as my mouth filled, then started working my tongue even faster caressing the crown and the underside of what was sticking through the tube swelling even further and securing itself even tighter. He was mine, he was now my captive, working the head more and more then stopping just before he could gush his white seed into my mouth and down my throat. About the forth or fifth time doing this he lost it and slapped my face throwing me off rhythm and allowing him to fully cum hard into my mouth, the jets of cum shooting hot and fast into my mouth for a very long time, thinking to myself that it would never stop and making it very hard for me to keep up swallowing. At last he slumped over and his hands pushing both my shoulders down into the cushions, the eruptions in my mouth slowed and finally stopped, his member quickly shrinking and pulling itself out of the tube.

    With heavy breath and labored speech, he was able to force out "you bitch, you just wait till I am ready again, you'll get yours." With that he stood up and walked away, I could hear him begin to step up the steps when I panicked. I couldn't move, I couldn't yell for help, all that came out was like a muffled noise though the tube, struggling against the ropes that held me tight there was nothing I could do but wait there for him to return.

    Then I heard it, the tapping of nails across the wood floor of the kitchen and the soft steps of the living room toward me. In my present condition I could not figure it out at first till Bruno passed in front of me. It was one of tom's large bull dogs, he had come in from out side to investigate what all the commotion was earlier. Seeing the dog for some reason gave me a bit of relief. Bruno was a beautiful male bull dog about 160 lbs, that his family had done some breading with because of his striking markings.

    Bruno was usually my protector during our sessions even when tom had lost a little bit of control and Bruno thought he was hurting me. Then something struck me strange, Bruno had circled around me a few times now sniffing here and there, I could feel his nose on my skin when he did, but was struck me even stranger, was Bruno's member. It was sticking partially out of its furry sheath. It looked big and red and angry, then he disappeared from my site, for the longest time. Not knowing what was going on I tried to struggle against the ropes once more to no avail. Suddenly I felt the most different feeling and couldn't figure out what it was. Something was caressing me from my mound to my ass over and over again, then it dawned on me, it was Bruno, he was licking me his tongue that was soft and smooth got rougher and rougher with each lick, the pressure of each lick spreading my mounds and lips farther and farther apart until he had clear access to not only my special tunnel but my now swollen clit, sending sparks and chills up and down my spine and across my skin. I tried to struggle and scream, the sounds and movements made him stop but only for a moment, when he started again his tongue moved faster and with a lot more pressure, my body betraying me and allowing my juices to flow harder from my deep tunnel. Just when I thought I could hold out no more, it all stopped, my body left so close to the edge, I almost could not stand it.

    Then a deep feeling of dread overcame me and I felt what my worst fears could imagine at that moment, Bruno had placed his paws on my back and then secured himself around my hips on the cushion. He was going to fuck me, and I was helpless to stop him. To my relief I could feel his hot pink tool pressing and poking me around my ass, he was too tall and I sighed with relief. Bound and determined his mouth closed around the back of my head at my braid and pulled, this caused me to arch my back and lift my ass just enough for him to find his target. His member entered my bitch tunnel just an inch at first but with 3 more thrusts was filling my entrance to the bottom. Feeling him press the tip against my inner self, against the small opening to my womb. His movements rammed into me like a jack hammer rubbing the full length of my inside until I could feel that familiar feeling of sparks rushing through my body, I was Cumming, and Cumming hard. I struggled once more at the ropes that held me so tight in place only to bring those teeth to my head once more causing me to freeze, and for Bruno to push deeper into his bitch, feeling something large pressing against the opening of my bitch hole. My mind reeling with the realization of what that was but too late, it pushed passed the opening and lodged itself just inside, just enough to press against my G spot. It was his knot, I was tied to him now and nothing could stop him from impregnating his bitch now, locked into this fucking position, forcing me into another strong orgasm. This extra length pushing the tip of his member hard against the small opening of my cervix and feeling it pass through just enough for the tip to enter but enough to be lodged there in place. The pumping of his member slowed down a bit but continued as I felt the knot swell inside me further sealing his member in his bitch for impregnation.

    Then I heard it, the now familiar sound of the nails across the kitchen floor, it was Bruno's younger brother Duke. Duke almost the spitting image of Bruno was I bit different toward me, he had always tried to hump my leg from the start. And over the years I had known tom, it had gotten more and more difficult to fend him off, but I had always succeeded in doing so. But this was Dukes perfect opportunity, and I was very relieved. While I was already being fucked by Bruno, Duke would not be able to and this made me a bit happier when another strong orgasm over came my body, forcing me to struggle against the ropes and forcing a muffled scream from my throat. I saw Duke sit in front of me and his member was already protruding from its furry lair. As the orgasm finally subsided I could feel the beginnings of the hot liquid start to spurt into my womb in hot jets. My body betraying myself and starting to press back with every thrust of Bruno into by belly. Then it happened, Duke with one movement had lunged forward and mounted my head his now red hot member finding the cage and tube in the first thrust and sinking deeply down the tube and into my mouth about 3 inches, almost making me choke. His member quickly exiting its furry sheath and filling the tube at the same time, last but not least the starting of the knot, exiting and getting stuck at the other end of the tube. A relief for but a moment, believing that he could not shove his member so far down my throat that his knot could get lodged in my mouth and his member choking me as it became lodged down my throat. Then I saw the purpose of the cage as the knot of Dukes member begin to swell and lodge itself in the cage. I was not tied by my bitch hole and by my mouth through this tube and mouthpiece. A feeling of panic flew through me as I felt the stronger spurts of cum flowing deep into my womb, knowing that the same thing will soon be happening in my mouth, sealed with the mouthpiece, forced to swallow everything that enters. As the knot in my bitch hole seemed to stop its swelling, I could feel the, what was spurts of hot liquid enter my womb, start erupting in a steady stream harder and harder like a hose had been turned on, filling my womb forcing it to swell as my tummy began to swell bigger and bigger like I was pregnant. And at this perfect time tasted the first small spurts of doggy cum enter my mouth having to start swallowing hard and fast, and if that was not the worst, my body began to convulse into another even stronger orgasm, and loosing a bit of control, feeling my body push back and forth trying to get Bruno to fuck his bitch harder and starting to suck hard on the doggy cock in my mouth, making the small jets of cum become large jets of cum, having to swallow harder and breath in time to each as I watched the caged knot swell even past the cage limits and swell around the straps of the cage till they disappeared. Unexpectedly there was a quick movement at my ass and Bruno had disappeared from my back, but not from inside his bitches hole. We were tied like dogs, ass to ass as his swollen knot and member gushed its hot liquid deep into my womb, impregnating his bitch without a doubt. This must have excited Duke because his doggy cock began to squirt in a steady stream the hot liquid into my mouth and down my throat as I swallowed as hard and fast as I could, only to start to get behind on the amount of fluid was now gushing hard into my mouth, struggling to keep up.

    I had thought that the amount of cum that had come out of tom was bad enough, my tummy was getting full fast with all this doggy cum and my womb was getting even fuller, being filled from both ends at once that seemed like an hour. My body being forced into several more orgasms through out this process.

    Just when I thought it was over, I saw a flash out of the corner of my eye, and then another. It was tom, he was taking pictures of me servicing both of his dogs. Then I could feel something by my ear "I always knew you were a bitch but these pictures prove it, if you don't do what I tell you from now on, these pictures will find their way on the internet, and every dog around will be brought to you to fuck, BITCH." Unable to do anything not even to object having to concentrate on swallowing and breath while being forced through more and more orgasms. Finally, Bruno's knot started to deflate and in a while longer slipped from his bitches fuck hole with a pop. I had expected to have all that fluid to rush out of this bitches hole but seemed like only a small amount came out with a strange feeling deep inside, like a small leak from a ballon squirting into my tunnel from inside my womb. All of his seed was planted inside my womb, all of it, and it was slowly leaking out, as bloated as I felt it would take days to all drain at that rate. There must be a gallon of cum in there. This excited Duke he started humping my mouth again and the knot which was starting to deflate, stopped, the steady stream that was entering my mouth and down my throat became stronger and pulsed in force more with each thrust. I heard a voice by my head "wow, it took Bruno 30 min to impregnate his bitch, but it seems that Duke is going for a record, he is going to fuck you bitch for at least another 20 full minutes, his knot is getting bigger and bigger, hope you can swallow all that." Then only a laugh could be heard as I seem to loose myself in my task of swallowing and breathing. Seeing the flashes continue from each picture in the background of my mind. After what seemed like forever the humping stopped and the steady stream of cum began to slow to a pace that was easier to handle now. I opened my eyes and saw to my relief the knot in front of me begin to deflate, knowing that it would not be long till I was free.

    I felt a tug at my braid and heard a rough voice from behind me "you think your trough you FUCKING BITCH" with that said I felt this hard long thing shove itself up this bitches hole. It was tom, he was going to fuck this bitch now, all I could do is hang on as he pounded his fuck took hard into this bitches hole. Finally Dukes knot deflated enough to pull free of the cage which left me finally breathing hard through the tube, the only thing left was tom fucking me hard and furious from behind. And even that was finished quickly as I felt his fuck tool release its seed deep into this bitches fuck hole.

    I thought all this was over and would be released now but nothing could be further from the truth. As tom collapsed on top of me spent, with an evil voice, he said " now bitch you are in for it, before I fucked you, I called 3 of my friends, they are all coming over with their dogs, I think it will be exciting to see just how much fuck cum you can take bitch." His member shrinking and pulling out of this bitches fuck hole on his last word.

    My mind reeling on which friends he called and which dogs they were bringing. I could do nothing but wait and see.

    The continuing session will follow when I am released long enough to write them down. Until then we all will have to wait.

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