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    The dog's cock roughly thrusts past her cervix into her womb and started flooding her with it's cum. The wild dog pulled out of her battered pussy followed by a massive rush of its cum. Jessica tries to think how long she had been unconscious and judging by the pain of her body and her weakened state she guesses about 24 hours at the least. She weakly tried to get up but was quickly pushed down by another dog mounting her. Its weight roughly pushes her face down into the ground as it started to hump away at her trying to gain entry to her pussy.


    She pushed herself up weakly into a doggie style position so she can see what was happening between her legs. With one last hard thrust the dog sunk the head of its cock into her, not in her pussy but into her once tight ass. She screamed in utter pain and terror as her ass hole once again forced to accommodate dog cock. He grips her slender body as hard as he can with his sharp claws drawing blood from her as he started ramming his cock into her ass a couple inches at a time.

    Jessica slumps back to the ground screaming in pain. Within no time the dog had its entire 14 inch cock buried in her ass hole making her mind real over how its possible she could take such a large thing with barely any pain. As the dog started thrusting in and out of her she starts feeling sick like the need to throw up. She quickly realised that her rectum is already filled with cum and they must have been fucking her for hours already. All of a sudden the dog pulled out too far making his cock pop out, he thrustsed forward nice and hard but instead of going back into her ass he drove his cock slowly into her tender pussy.

    Jessica squealed in pain as her pussy is roughly forced open around his massive cock. As the dog forces himself deeper into her he starts drooling and panting for breath. Jessica groaned out in disgust as massive blobs of his saliva drips down onto her hair. Her eyes start to fill with tears from the pain

    The dog started panting hysterically and growling in pleasure as he fucks her pussy with earnest. Then finally with one loud deafening howl his cum pours into her overstretched abused hole. Jessica groaned out in pain and discomfort.

    Her belly was already bulging slightly from the massive amount of cum forced into her through out the night. It literally leaked out of her like a running tap She was filled with so much dog spunk that it pooled on the track surrounding her till she was practically swimming in it. until finally it was over, and the dishevelled girl lay obscenely spread out on the earthen spot dampened by her own and animal cum.

    Then a shadow fell over her. Jessica jerked in fear and looked up. My God, she thought in horror, No More!. Her First canine rapist had returned

    The Alpha male was not yet finishedthere was one last thing to do before he could leave. He had to mark this bitch as his property. The giant wolf hound's cock was practically touching Jessica's face when he lifted his leg and let loose a big forceful stream of piss that splattered all over her face.


    She opened her mouth and let the bitter dog-piss fill her mouth before spitting it out, but she accidentally swallowed some. Her throat burned as the piss slid down her gullet. Jessica, her mind numb from her previous traumatic rape, accepted her role and gave in to her aggressor. Her mind seemed to snap as she accepted her humiliation and degradation.

    She placed her lips on the dog's cock head and let him piss directly into her mouth. The actress swallowed down all of the acrid dog-piss and gagged as it burned her throat. She placed her hand around the base of the dog's big dick and rubbed the piss-squirting head all over her face.

    She let the piss fill her mouth before letting it pour out and run down her chin and down her tits.

    The cameras capture the whole image as the dog pulled away and squirted the rest of her body down with his piss, drenching every inch of her body.

    Jessica lay still, the shame of what she had done and the humiliation of the knowledge that her own body had betrayed her--and betrayed her to animals--seeping slowly back into her mind. She didn't dare move or open her eyes. She couldn't bear the thought of looking at them. It would always bring back the horrible, depraved memory of what they had done. Nothing could ever be the same again.

    Jessica fell onto her belly, then rolled on her side. She curled up in a fettle position, hugging her knees against her titties and sobbed softly to herself as darkness overtook her.

    BLINK... CLICK...


    She woke as they as had left her,. She lay exhausted on the ground for hours unable to move slowly she stood swaying backwards and forwards in a terrible numb anguish and saw with horror the wet smears of cum that covered her body. Jessica began to sob openly, her pussy and ass were red, bloody and swollen and ached something terrible her breasts hurt too. She was bruised and battered and a sense of extreme nausea. Her belly was churning with animal sperm and she suddenly felt her stomach begin to expel its contents.

    When she finally gets the strength to sit up she shoves a pair of fingers down her throat and makes herself throw up She vomited violently. She throwing up great globs of cum and blood and after a few minutes she felt somewhat better. Jessica had passed out from the exhaustion of vomiting steadily for over 90 minutes. She lay in a pool of solid cum flat on her stomach, with her legs still spread obscenely out on the mattress of the forest floor... Her smooth skin completely covered from her navel up to her hair in the clumpy white sludge. Even her amazing firm chest was sheeted entirely and dripping with the slick goo.

    Once, she raised her head to look around as a gasping tremor seized her half-naked young body in its lewdly splayed position. She was alone... quite alone... !... They were gone... gone!

    She straightened and backed stiffly away from the centre of the trail. She turned and looked fearfully behind her into the darkness between the trees, but the shadows were empty, only the gently whispering of the pre-dawn breeze disturbed the tree limbs. Nothing, only the summer wind creaking the trees, only the hungry moon on her bare skin.

    There was a terrible desperation in the way she ran. Jessica ran through the trees, her bare feet beating against the parched earth. She could hear him breathing close behind her, the padding of his soft paws. He lifted up his long grey muzzle and howled, his breath smoking in the morning frost.


    In and out of the trees she ran, ducking under their clutching twigs, round and around, and his breathing was closer and closer. Her lungs burned in her chest so she could hardly breathe. She clawed at the whipping branches as they slapped her defenceless body. her legs trembled, folded under her. She sank to her knees in the dirt.


    Jessica screeched, shuddering and sweating, wailing her terror into the dark, not knowing who or where she was.


    She was safe. Clawing at the wall for the light switch, sobbing now with hoarse, rasping cries. She caught the switch in her clawing hands and the pale, orange light showed her the room was empty.

    There was nothing there. She slid down the wall on to her haunches as her legs gave way under her, as she hunched herself as small as she could.

    She reached the bed, where she collapsed in exhaustion and slept for sixteen more hours.


    She was on her own in the dark, curled up in a ball, holding the bedclothes tightly round herself, not knowing what was real any more. Sleep came rapidly, a deep but tortured sleep in which the entire world was beset by nothing but hideous, ravaging monsters.

    BLINK... CLICK...

    Chapter 7

    The powerful animal had easily followed the trail left by the human bitch, cunningly stalking the scent of the evosecurity cameraive mix of canine and human cum. Silently wearing his way to man-place.

    His keen ears immediately picked up the sibilant vibrations of heavy human breathing... of an occasional sigh and the whimper of a female person. His animal senses noted that the moon was cloud-hidden. Warily circling the lodge the silent Shadow, sought an entrance to his prey, denied an easy entrance, following his instincts, the hunter, warily climbed the log pile stacked against the side of the lodge, and with an explosive leap of uncoiling steel like muscles launched his lithe body on to the low hanging roof of the lodge.

    With a scrapping of claw against Spanish tiles he gained his footing and carefully traversed the unfamiliar surface. Now, he watched, easing soundlessly to the open skylight where they had crouched. extended himself high enough to see in. Though the room was shrouded in darkness, The mastiff, with his darkness accustomed eyes, saw her on the bed in her spread-legged position as if the sun's light were illuminating her. An almost human lust flowed through the massive dog that he had no way of fathoming. His glowing eyes centred on her long, midnight black hair that was haloed on the pillow supporting her beautiful young head.

    He sensed his own feral loins beginning to enlivingly quiver. Jessica lay drifting on the edge of sleep the trauma of the days events causing her to stir restlessly and opened her eyes.

    Strange sensations rippled through Jessica's abdomen as she lay limply on her back, a maze of disconnected thought- waves suddenly swirling through her head. Confusion swept through her and she tried to move, but stopped at the sound of a low, animal-like snarl. She opened her eyes then, yet continued to lie there unmoving, the strange stirring sensations in her belly ever-increasing with a weirdly rising excitement. Her sleep-drugged brain functioned slowly in its effort to restore normalcy. W-Where was she... ? It was dark... yet through the open window across the room she could see a half-moon and... and stars... wh-what had happened... ? Thunder filled the darkness of the room as simultaneously, further charges of stimulating arousal raced through her loins and belly. Jessica raised her hands to her throat in instinctive fear, then lifted herself to her elbows to see what had awakened her. Then, by the flash of revealing lightning, she saw that she was naked... wholly and shamefully naked... saw that she was lying with her legs obscenely spread apart... and

    There was a thick silence pouring through the room, where even the skylight showed no paling of the night. The bedclothes were gone from her. The cold night air lay wetly on her stomach A blurred Shadow of solid darkness at the opened skylight... Dreaming. She must be dreaming, it was another of those bad dreams that had plagued her all day as she lay trembling, wrapped in her beds coverings, as she tried to forget the previous days horrific events.

    The skylight... the one entrance to the lodge she had missed, as she had tried to secure the lodge against any possible intruder, before collapsing in a coma like sleep on her bed... a loud, vicious growl! Again, and then again, she heard it, Jessica had never known true fear before, not this pure terror. No one could hear her; no would could help. He would rape her and then he would kill her. Her useless scream went sliding down the walls of the valley. Her half-scream caused The mastiff's muscles to tense, and with one sure movement he was in the man-things lair. Jessica lay in deathly silence, fastened to the bed by terror slowly she reached for the lamp on the bed-table and she struggled for it... turning it on.

    Her entire nakedly exposed body trembled fearfully as she watched the giant black and tan monster as he stood at the foot of the bed, massively dominating the entire room! His rounded eyes were like two glowing ovals of burning fire in his huge head, his vicious mouth partially open to display the gleaming white fangs there! Mother of God! Not again! Please not again. Jessica tried to scream, as the great beast leap agily onto the bed, then lick at his lips as he inspected his next meal, she thought, watching him raise his monstrous head high, then... move forward toward her! His powerful jaws were just above her throat!

    to be continued?..

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    long but very good love it. thanks

    Dec 15 2008 00:40
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