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    "You've got a long way to go with your initiation, starting tonight. But let me give you a teaser about your animal fantasy. Close your eyes and follow along. Imagine yourself preparing for the wildest day of your life. You're mind is driving your entire body to lust of having sex with horses, and your husband is going to witness you stepping over the line into the animal kingdom. I can pretty much guarantee that Jodi will play some games with you that day to heighten your experience, but I'll leave that for a surprise. Let's just say that during your stay at the farm, you won't wear much. Being exposed, you'll feel sexier, and you'll have easier access to the horses and them to you.

    I suspect that your introduction will be hosted by Traci, the owner, and Jess and Jodi will be there for moral support. I can't say for sure what their plans will be, but they'll start you off by letting you feel one of the horse's cocks grow in your hands as you stroke it. The feel will be pretty much the same as handling a man's cock, but the size and shape is what's important here. Instead of measuring in inches, you can almost measure in feet depending on the horse. The skin is smooth and silky as it's unsheathed, and the head is usually in the shape of a slightly flared horn, sort of like an elephant's trunk. The pee hole is rather large, but it's that way to accommodate the volume of semen. We'll get to that in a minute, but you can imagine that with balls the size of small grapefruit, the amount of cum produced is enormous.

    The girls will probably have the horse get a good whiff of your pussy, which should be quite wet by then, and will have you stroke the animal's cock until it's at full length. Then they'll position you so you're using both hands and jacking the beast off toward your face or upper body. They may instruct you suck on the horse dick and taste the precum, and they may even have you open up to let the monster ejaculate in your mouth. Either way, when the horse starts flipping its tail up and down, get ready for the stream. The animal will burst forth in about six or seven strong gushes of hot cum that will fly across the room if you don't catch it on yourself. The force of the pulses will be about like having a Super Soaker pointed at you, except that you'll be soaked in fresh hot sperm that is very much like a man's. Depending on the horse, and the man you're comparing him with, the taste may be very similar, so you can dream of having huge amounts of potent seed poured all over your body, covering your hair, mouth and face in a wonderful life giving slime. Of course, the whole event will be taped, and the farm hands preparing the horses will be there to watch along with other invited curiosity seekers. Jodi always insists on never losing the opportunity to record a girls first time with a horse."

    Mia had her eyes closed and was moaning as she imagined her experience. I knew enough to back off on my clit rubbing at certain intervals, building her excitement, then letting her back down before the next buildup. I was tinkering, making her ready for one huge explosive climax. My wife and her sister had entered what I called their casual sex mode. It's the time of a fuck party when each man has emptied his nuts about twice, and settles into a more casual approach to intercourse, rather than the feeding frenzy that goes on at first. Casual, but still active, the girls were riding another black cock, straddling their partner as they rocked up and down on the meat impaling them. As they did so, they even joked with the man fucking them, or someone close by as if they were cooking or something. I had absolutely no doubt that they were cooking!

    I continued with my story, "Now, after you've jacked off the horse and had your taste of cum, you'll probably assist one of the women in positioning themselves under an animal for direct intercourse. You need to learn this, because the kick from a horse can be dangerous, not to mention what would happen if the animal fell. Once the horse's penis is inserted, the girl won't want to turn over the reigns to you, so you'll have to wait until she's been blasted. Then it will be your turn to get into position. Let's just say that it would be advised for you to have been loosened up before trying this. Something large, something long, anything that would stretch your pussy should be used to get you loose. As you lie on your back, one of the sisters will help you take the horse's meat and rub it up and down your slit. You can get the feel of the cock head before it penetrates, and once that is done, it will be time for the biggest insertion of your life. You'll feel like you're being split as the massive cock stretches your cunt lips. It will be the closest thing to having a baby that you can imagine, but this time the seed will be going in. Take as much as you can; hopefully, you will have learned to take a cock through your cervix by then. You won't have enough experience to let the horse thrust into you, so you'll have to rock back and forth when he pushes. Everyone in the room will be watching you get fucked by the biggest black cock you will ever have, and it won't be long before the horse's balls will tighten and empty into you. At first, you'll feel the streams of hot pre cum dripping into your insides. Then, just like you saw before, the horse's tail will begin to twitch as he begins his powerful orgasm. Massive jets of hot thick semen will burst from his cock head, and you'll be flooded with cum. The force of the blasts is what will surprise you the most. It will feel like your very inner soul is being tickled as the strong jets hit every corner of your womb. Even your cervical opening won't be able to block the force of the stream, and you'll endure six, seven, maybe eight strong pulses of sperm as they flood your body. That's when you will know that you've just become one of the dirtiest spectacles imaginable to your audience, especially if some are curious sophisticated females. You'll lie there dripping fresh sperm from your hole, as your cunt is filled to overflowing from the amount of semen. The girls assisting you will try to catch or scoop up as much of the fluid as possible, and redistribute the cum over all your body parts. In the end, you'll emerge as a cum filled, cum covered slut that is completely sexually satisfied, albeit for the viewing pleasure of the invited guests."

    As I was nearing the end to my description of her ordeal, I hastened the motion of my fingers on her clitoris. Moments after I finished, Mia shook violently in her most shattering climax of the day. She must have been imagining herself being fucked by a horse while on display for a group of strangers. My intuition told me that her future definitely held a visit to the farm, but also told me that she would require some loosening before the event. It didn't take a brain surgeon to figure our that her conditioning would have to come from some heavy hung customers, and the most readily available large cocks resided in the sisters' harem of black men. The only question was, when would Mia begin her black sexing.

    Mia closed her eyes in shear exhaustion after climaxing, and drifted off to a sound sleep that was probably filled of all kinds of nasty dreams. As she was doing so, I looked up just in time to see my wife buckle under her own climax as she rode her black cock stallion over the brink. She often came in reaction to being filled with cum, and the man below her was pulsing his sperm deep in her belly. Jodi was also shuddering from her own climax in reaction to having her poop chute filled for the second time in a row. I watched for a while, as the drink my wife served me was extremely strong, and was getting the best of me. In faded scenes, the two blonde nymphs continued to play with their masters' cocks, but in a more leisurely fashion. The last I heard was something in their conversation about the real possibilities of making videos for profit. Both Jodi and my wife were lying across the laps of one black who was either fingering their cunt or stuffing it with his black meat, while at the same time they leisurely sucked on the cock of the man in who's lap their head landed. After more turns at having their bodies filled and splashed with sperm, the men started fading. The girls had virtually all their available holes filled with copious amounts of black semen, and were almost assured of being impregnated. The final comment was someone saying, "How many can we take? Well, personally I counted something like 128 loads in one night, but I'm sure if we tried together we could....." It never registered whether that was Jodi's voice or Jessica's.

    Chapter 8

    Mornings are always bad for me, especially when I keep waking up in the middle of the night. Maybe it was the strange surroundings, but it probably was due to the noise being made by either my wife or her sister when one of their black lovers wanted a little nooky. Sometime during the night Mia and I managed to pull some covers over our naked bodies and fell asleep in the comfort of the massively padded loft. The others carried on all night, sleeping for short stretches in between fucking the two blondes.

    I awoke to the sound of morning music, the smell of fresh coffee and frying bacon, and the all too familiar sound of someone having intercourse. As I rolled over, I noticed Mia lying on her stomach, her chin on her hands, and watching Jodi getting a morning fuck by one of the blacks. I joined her watching the action, and after a few minutes, Jessica entered the room carrying a tray of coffee cups and fresh brew. She was still nude, of course, and her serving duties seemed efficiently mixed with sensuality as her tits bounced and jiggled. Making a round trip back to the kitchen, she next brought a full tray of assorted breakfast meats, scrambled eggs and pastries. Jessica almost paid no attention to her sister getting laid, and went about inviting everyone to help themselves to the food. She indeed was being the proper slave, helping the men satisfy their hunger.

    "I wonder how this coffee would taste with a little bit of milk?" inquired Lee.

    "Hold on, one milk coming up," responded Jess, as she immediately began massaging her breasts to produce some milk for the man's coffee. Aiming directly into his cup, she expressed several good streams of her fluid before asking if anyone else would like to try some. She went from man to man, milking her own tits for each as she leaned her nude body over their cups to take dead aim.

    Jodi and Denzel finished up with a big load being deposited in Jodi's pussy, and Denzel's balls emptied for the umpteenth time. They both joined the others in breakfast as did Mia and I, who rolled down the soft mountain to the main level. Jodi and my wife took turns at replenishing the food trays, serving the men like good slaves. Of course, Mia couldn't stand to be waited on by another female, and eventually joined in the serving duties. Jodi supplemented the supply of breast milk, as she and Jess took turns for the men. Mia wasn't lucky enough to be lactating at the time, but the girls assured her that, if she were interested, they would see to it that their doctor friend would give her hormone injections to start the process. Mia hesitated, but eagerly agreed when the men encouraged her by saying that they would love to suck on her titties.

    Feeling quite comfortable by now, Mia teased, "If you get to suck on these, then what do I get to suck on?"

    All six black men, and their one white bro (me), all looked at each other, and in one unanimous response, we took our cocks in hand and said, "These!" It was really quite comical in that our response seemed orchestrated in one chorus. Funny or not, Mia smiled her cutest smile, and looked at me shyly and suggestively. It was obvious that she wanted me to be the one that would dictate when she would have her first black sexing, but, the truth is, I was way ahead of her.

    "Well I for one would like to shower down. Anyone care to join me? Might I suggest everyone?" Jessica said, as she looked us all over.

    "Good idea," said Jodi, "I'll start the showers." Off she pranced, tits jiggling as she hopped into the tunnel entrance to the orgy room and disappeared. Jessica and Mia immediately began cleaning up, while the men spent a few minutes reflecting on how good the girls were, and speculating on how to use their services in the future.

    "Showers, gentlemen?" asked Jessica as she and Mia came back, and she led the way with seven dangling dicks in hot pursuit. Jerry's mastery of architectural design was matched only by his ability to afford the appointments. Apparently, he had been left a substantial sum of money from his parents, which he in turn invested wisely. He preferred living for the present, and created his castle to cater to his wildest imagination. It seemed that photography was not his only talent, which is partly why the girls liked being in his harem. We all emerged in a large dressing room that was adjacent to the private master bedroom, and beyond which was the shower room. The walk through shower stall was a full six by eight feet, containing four showerheads. Although it was designed for four individuals, the nine of us crowded in and took liberties in soaping each other up. The girls washed their hair while the men ran their black hands over their bodies, lingering at their bald pussies that the women made extra available. Then it was the men's turn as the white girls lavished their attention on washing the black men's bodies, lingering over their huge black logs, and making sure that their balls and assholes received special attention. Within minutes, every man there, including myself, had a hard on from the soapy stroking they received. I was not left out, as Jodi made a special effort to clean her bother in law in the same manner as I watched my wife and Mia in action. There is something terribly erotic about wet skin, especially when the skin is white female and black male. Glistening bodies mingled and slithered together in a sensuous dance of tantalizing promises. The housewives made every effort to assure the men that they were available for any sexual service they desired. The girls' small hands seemed tiny when wrapped around the thick black meat, and they made sure to wash their partners black skin by rubbing their white tits over them while fingering the peach sized black balls.

    "This way, gentlemen," said Jessica as she broke away and led one man by the hand through the other shower entrance. We walked through a grotto like passage, complete with simulated lava rock and jungle plants, and emerged into what Jerry called the Lagoon Room. It was a room covered in rocks and plants that surrounded a free form hot tub that had a capacity of about twenty. It was unique in that it looked like a large fiberglass swimming pool. There was a dark glass wall that divided the pool in half, one side being outdoors on the huge patio that looked out over the city. The glass was mirrored so no one could see in, but was only darkened on the inside, which allowed us to look out on the sunny day.

    Feeling a chill from the shower, we all sank into the steaming water, and took our seats in the enclosed half of the pool. The water temperature was a blissful 101 degrees, and added to the relaxation we felt when the sisters teamed in opening the adjacent bar, and mixing up Bloody Mary's for everyone. Again, the combination of surreal environment and the commingling of black and white bodies provided a sensual excitement that was the intended theme.

    The two sisters curled up between the men, and Mia sat between Lamont and me. We sat talking as if we were in a community swimming pool, only the conversation streamed back to Jessica and Jodi's potential in videos. Chandler and Lamont heaped their praise on the girls' talent for posing in still shots, and eventually got around to talking about the possibilities of making a few films. Prodded further by the girls, the men went on to say that they wanted to focus on the white girl, black man theme, but they also were looking for something unique. Some story line that was shocking and forbidden should be the angle. They said that one unique angle was that Jessica and Jodi were real life sisters, not to mention that they were good looking blondes, and married. If they could play that up, then any other ideas would have just that much more impact.

    "If we did try making some videos for you, where would we be doing it?" asked Jodi.

    "Well, most of my production has been split between Las Vegas and Southern California. At least that's where all my equipment is, not to mention my source of personnel," offered Chandler.

    "Actually, I have quite a collection of amateur videos on club members," Jodi offered. "Whether they know it or not, I keep a video log on everything that happens in my house, and I've recorded every member on tape."

    "Really! I'd love to see some of the subject matter," Lamont chimed. "Tell me, what do you mean by whether they know it or not?"

    "Well, one entire wall panel of our great room is mirrored. It actually makes for a lot of fun because guests get a kick out of watching themselves having sex. But, the secret is that the mirrors are one way, and the room on the other side holds quite an extensive video camera setup. Usually, I have two cameras going at the same time at different angles. That way I get just about everyone. Then I edit the film with the best clips."

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    Rating: Rating: Good (votes: 22)
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    The story is great but too far drawn out. There's not enough written in about animals, after all this is supposed to be a Zoophilia site! It would be great if one of the girls ended up pregnant and carrying the kid to full term. I guess that you'd have to find a suitable home for the black kid to make the story more possible! Maybe the girls could end up being baby machines for an adoption home! There's many possibilities here for you to work with. Keep writing.


    Jun 27 2013 16:47
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