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    My wife joined right in the party, sauntering up to the men, two of whom she knew and the rest meeting their acquaintance. Mia stepped forward to stand by me, looking in my eyes for a reaction. I smiled and told her I was looking forward to exploring her body, and felt her hand, which was moist with sweat. I noticed that the rest of her was flushed and hot, since she was not used to the company of black men, especially when she was naked and they were all staring. By contrast, my wife and her sister were mingling like hired whores. White innocence among black masters, proudly displaying their bodies and working it for full effect.

    "This is not what I expected," Mia whispered in my ear. "Do Jess and Jodi expect me to party with these guys? I mean, I've never made it with a black man before, and to have six of them here at once, well, you know."

    "Know what?"

    "If I was going to try it, I kind of wanted to do it in private."

    "It's not your party, it's theirs. Neither one of us was supposed to be here, especially me, but since I spoiled their privacy, they decided to reward my good sportsmanship by giving you to me so that I wouldn't go without while they were being screwed. It's also their way of throwing you into the pool. Sink or swim, so to speak. Either you get into the club's inner circle, or you can be satisfied with the normal parties and social gatherings. You want my opinion? I think you should relax. I think you should let your body go, and I think you should start getting in the mood to fuck me." Her eyes glowed at that last statement, and I could immediately tell that this was the kind of girl who not only liked sex, she liked having someone take control of her sex life. Her body relaxed and snuggled, bare breasted at my side.

    The men, I found out, were acquaintances of Jerry, one being a professional actor, and four business contacts. The businessmen were special guests that he had invited with the promise of special gifts to them, gifts in the form of my wife and her sister who willingly set up the weekend so they could play the part. Chosen carefully so as not to offend them with a dirty bar scene, he knew them well enough to play to their wild side while keeping everything confidential, high class and discreet. It certainly helped that none of them knew each other well, and were told in advance to respect everyone's anonymity, and for that reason, introductions were made using only first names. Jerry knew that the girls preferred darker skinned black men, and catered to their wishes whenever possible, and the men here tonight were very black indeed. After all, Jerry pampered his bread and butter girls, and took great pains to make them happy. Where else would he find two white housewives, sisters no less, so willing to be party pussies for his camera and profit? He either couldn't quite grasp, or accept, that it was to their delight.

    Chandler was the man that provided Jodi and Jessica with their opportunity for fame by publishing their photos in the glossy porn magazines. He had a keen interest in the women, and wanted to meet the two who gave him such success and recent volumes of wealth. Lamont (Chandler's major financial partner) wanted to "interview" the new talent for possible referral to another one of his business associates who made custom content videos for an exclusive clientele. Lee was the actor, sometimes used in the videos, who came along to pass judgment on the possibilities of using the girls. Strange as it may seem, not all pretty women actually make good fucks on screen. Denzel, a local restaurateur, liked to use Jerry's work in all his advertising (and Jerry enjoyed the free meals). Finally, Datron, his buddy, and owner of a local gym, would ensure him not only free gym membership, but access to the private office on the other side of the one way mirror into the woman's locker room for perusing new model material. He had heard about Jodi's success in recruiting new girls for her swinger's club from the clientele of the gym where she worked as a lifeguard, and he figured he could utilize her talents in much the same way at his place. Oddly enough, the men spoke quite freely about their association with Stick (Jerry), but were hesitant about my presence.

    After some apparent discomfort, one of the men spoke to Jerry as he looked at me, "I don't see no reason to have this white boy here while we're enjoying your arrangements." Then he turned and spoke directly to me, "Don't you feel a little 'unsafe' being here? Why, you're almost as small as these two blonde housewives. I hope we don't mistake you for one of them." All the men laughed, including myself as I put on a good show. The man's arrogance was really annoying, since all my other wife's black studs seemed pleasant enough. As everyone waited in silence for my answer, Jessica looked at me, nodded knowingly, and left the room to retrieve something like.... a chair. She brushed her nude body past the men, and retrieved a wooden bow-backed chair from the kitchen, the kind you would find in a caf‚. She placed the lone chair in the middle of the dance floor, and, as she backed away, she smiled at me and at the men saying, "Oh, I have a feeling my husband is quite comfortable wherever he goes."

    There wasn't more than five seconds for her bombshell to take effect before I smiled back at the man, turned, and sunk my fist straight through the seat of the chair, smashing the wood in several pieces. "She's right, you know," I followed as I retrieved my arm from the splintered piece of furniture. "I was just hoping you wouldn't mind me enjoying the show my wife and her sister were going to put on for my friends," I said calmly as I extended my hand to shake his. As he reached for my hand, he looked at it as if expecting to grasp some piece of tenderized meat, but was greeted instead by my usual firm handshake. The look on his speechless face was something to behold, and I once again gave silent thanks to the training that afforded me my black belt. The man's face began grinning, warming to my smile, then beamed with excitement as he said, "Wife? Sisters? Sheeeit! I knew this was going to be good, but, well.... welcome to the hood, Bro!"

    There was no doubt of my acceptance as the small group began trading confidences with me, seeing as I was lending them my wife to fuck. I also assumed that if I made any attempt to destroy that confidence, they had the muscle to return the favor. Anyway, these guys were extremely polite, and, again, so impressed with my open confident attitude, that I too relaxed.

    "Oh, and one other thing," Jessica said to the group. "Mia is our gift to my husband for being such a good sport. She's his to enjoy while you're enjoying us. Fair enough? Besides, I see no reason to have to share all this wonderful talent with anyone but my sister." And she rubbed one of the men's cock through his pants as she referred to talent, at the same time wrapping her other arm around his waist and snuggling her nylon covered breast against him. The man grinned, reached around her shoulder and pulled her close. His left had moved down to her exposed left breast, which he took fondled and began massaging like a loaf of bread. My wife made every attempt to make his reach easier, and moaned with pleasure as the massive paw enveloped her well rounded, but demure breast meat.

    The mood immediately relaxed, and the music took over any awkward moments. The next hour was spent in finding out more about each other on a social basis, just like any normal cocktail party where couples mingled, traded stories, ate lightly and laughed at each other's jokes. The only differences were that the women were white, mostly naked, and playing grab ass with the men who were black as the ace of spades. I could see that my wife and her sister really enjoyed the attention they got from such an environment. Blonde housewives offering themselves to the black men, having their tits squeezed, nipples pinched and rolled, and opening their legs so their cunts could be fingered at will. I had to admit that the lighting was perfect, the temperature just right, food superb, and the music pulsed an exotic erotic theme. Even Mia was getting into the scene as she too began to mingle and took pleasure in showing off her body that was heretofore untouched by black hands. I could see that she was testing her own waters, as her movements became increasingly bold. Watching Jodi and Jessica work their bodies for the black men especially turned her on. Not at all ashamed of their nudity, the two blondes took advantage of the taboo shamefulness and played up every opportunity to get a body rush from the shock of forbidding acts.

    They pushed the conversation whenever a chance arose, like the time that one guy by the name of Datron said, "You're not wearing a whole helluva lot for a pretty little white girl," to which Jodi responded smiling, "Why, thank you, we hoped that you wouldn't be disappointed." The sisters were masters of seduction, and knew just when to use girlish charm over slutty brashness. It was quite entertaining, watching my wife and Jodi use their coy, teenage voices for the men. Their body language, expressions, eye contact and touching all began as sweet angelic young things. Jodi would say in a soft feminine voice, "We were both looking forward to being with you tonight, and were wondering about what you would enjoy the most."

    Datron said, "I think you know what we fantasize about. How's about you girls? What do you like to do?"

    Jodi postured in a shy calm manner, and spoke slowly and softly while holding her drink in one hand and circling a nipple with the finger of her other hand, "We like the to experience life. Jerry has taken good care of us, and we want to return the favor. Besides, a good body rush is something that never gets old. I guess you might call us just a couple of horny housewives out for adventure. We are your small, petite white girls looking for a strong black body to master us. I know what you would like to do to my sister and me, and we want to make you happy. We want to get a hold of strong hard black meat, Datron. We want you to watch while I give a little lick on your big black cum filled balls. They are cum filled, aren't they?"

    "Right about now you could say that they're overflowing," he said trying to be macho, but sweating under Jodi's feminine talk.

    "Good, because Jessica and I just love the taste of cum. And, we love the warm feel of it when it pumps directly from a solid pair of hot balls." Jodi was looking directly into the man's eyes and was speaking so calmly and nicely as she turned to make sure that the others in the gathering could hear.

    The guy pushed back, "Damn, woman! You're hurting my virgin ears; we're decent fellows, here. Sounds like you're expecting some kind of orgy or gang bang or something."

    My wife, standing in the same group looked him in the eye and calmly replied in her own little girl sexy voice, " orgy sounds yummy! Then again, a good gang fuck sounds nice too. Gee, it's kinda hard to decide. Would I be too greedy if I wanted to try both?" and held his stare until he broke into a broad grin. Then Jess turned to politely address Jerry, "Jerry, one of our guests says he's decent. I thought you were going to invite horny guys, not decent ones." Jerry returned in his best Al Jarreau voice, "Oh, pay no attention to him, he's probably used to sloppy seconds or thirds.... or, for that matter, fourths, fifths...." Everyone got a good laugh at the Datron's expense, and my wife went over to him, put her arm around his waste and reached up on her tip toes to kiss him. "Don't worry, baby," she whispered, "you can squirt your seed into me as many times as you want, whenever you want, and in whatever hole you want." Her words were spoken so sweetly, so softly, and so openly that it made her sound incredibly sexy. While they were kissing, he massaged her free breast and rolled her nipple between his fingers.

    "Oh, I didn't know you were thirsty. Here, let me help," she quipped as she took his wineglass, stood back and started squeezing her own tit. Under her expert manipulation, breast milk began flowing from her nipple, and while the black men watched, she expressed streams of warm baby milk into his glass and handed it back to him. His big black lips savored the mixture, then covered my wife's small pink ones as he French kissed her in thanks for her precious fluid. The other guys liking what they saw, asked Jodi if she could do the same, to which she replied of course. This was one of the sisters' best party tricks, as they enjoyed keeping themselves lactating for just such occasions. Quite often I would come home to find Jessica's boobs swollen and full of milk, and she would beg me to suck them to relieve the pressure. I even had the pleasure of doing the same for Jodi on one occasion, having just finished draining Jessica seconds before. Ah, the sweet memories of being sandwiched between the two naked sisters, both fondling my prick while I feasted heartily on their titty juice. My wife was so thoughtful in sharing.

    Their milk supply seemed endless, and soon the two sisters were putting on a show of milking their white globes for the horny blacks, filling their glasses with streams of their milk. They were really quite good at this little trick, sometimes being able to shoot two or three small streams from each nipple. Besides being fun to watch, the milk was actually very tasty, and was either good straight, or mixed with whatever was handy at the time. More than the fact that it was warm and fresh, it was the shear delight of seeing it produced that made it taste so erotic. One other thing about breast milk is the shear volume that one woman can produce. It seemed as if they had an endless supply, and, as far as the sisters were concerned, that provided two important benefits. First, their swollen tits gave them a fuller shape, and second, they made a game of finding someone to milk them on a consistent basis. As they repeatedly filled the glasses, the girls mocked the six men saying that they hoped that the streams of milky stuff the men would provide would be a lot thicker and full of baby seed.

    "Stand back, girls, we've got all the seed you need. Full, thick, hot and black!" Lee quipped.

    "Stand back, guys," Jessica mocked back, "we've got all the pussy you can handle. White, tight, willing and unprotected!" Again she held the stare of the man making the boast, and again her bombshell gave her a verbal victory. What she really wanted, however, was an oral victory, and I could tell that she was laying the groundwork before she would be laid to ground.

    Chapter 5

    Jodi and Jessica were having quite a time keeping up with the men's demands for breast milk, and finally gave up on trying to fill their glasses. They switched to aiming their streams directly into the guys' mouths, making a game of seeing if they could hit their open mouths. Jessica had run out of milk in her left tit and pulled her right one from beneath the thin veil. It slipped easily to the side and out into full view for squeezing. Laughing and cavorting, the duo had the men kneeling in front of them with mouths gaping like birds in a nest. They were laughing so hard, that very little of the liquid actually hit its mark, and most went to soaking the faces and clothes of the girls' targets.

    Mia and I had our own pre-sexual games well in hand. My hand, that is, for as we mingled, I couldn't keep myself from squeezing her almost perfect breasts as I watched my wife and her sister play with the men that would soon be fucking them. Games, playing like kids, playing with the fire of sex, that's what this was all about. I'll be the first to admit that the sight of the two blondes in foreplay with the black men gave me a hard on that couldn't wait for Mia's pussy. I could tell that the feeling was mutual from the dripping cunt at my side and the rock hard nipples between my fingers.

    They were playing, and I could see why it was fun for them. I could also see why they liked this place. It was an adult amusement park of gadgets, toys, and creative moods that Jerry went to great lengths and expense to provide for his own pleasure. The high ceiling, painted like a sky, was changing from evening to night from the lighting effects. Music was changing too, as the almost imperceptible increase in beat and volume was raising the mood of the guests and the entire party. This place was amazing! I had no doubt that if he wanted it to thunder and lightning, Jerry could simply command the change and it would be done. It certainly worked on the women's attitudes, and I guess that the end justified the means, and expense.

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    The story is great but too far drawn out. There's not enough written in about animals, after all this is supposed to be a Zoophilia site! It would be great if one of the girls ended up pregnant and carrying the kid to full term. I guess that you'd have to find a suitable home for the black kid to make the story more possible! Maybe the girls could end up being baby machines for an adoption home! There's many possibilities here for you to work with. Keep writing.


    Jun 27 2013 16:47
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