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    "Yeah, I know. That's what they used on me. I'll tell you about it some time."

    "So then you know how it goes. I'm going to go home and let Roger see what I look like, then I'm going to let it develop from there. He needs to know what's in store for us."

    "You know that it will affect your whole family, don't you?" I asked.

    "Probably, but that's what a marriage is all about....sharing the truth. I can't live half a life, one for Roger and my family, and the other half for myself and inner feelings. I want to live! Will you help me?"

    "Okay. If that's what you want, I guess I'm committed, which is more than I can say for my wife. Just follow along with my lead. If you go against me, then you'll never see me or the club again. Do you understand?"

    "Agreed," was all she said. I watched as her smooth skin was chilled from the night air blowing through the car, and I wasn't sure whether her hard nipples were the result of our talk, or the temperature. I decided it couldn't possibly be the temperature as we passed the bank sign that registered 80 degrees.

    Mia's final challenge was the walk to her front door. "No, don't park too close. I want to savor the feeling," she said to my amazement. So I parked about half a block away, choosing to reign her enthusiasm just in case the neighbors got a glimpse. After all, the game was to go nude in public, not to destroy her life, and the nude walks were usually done in some location where the women would not likely be recognized. I was quite surprised when my wife and her sister walked naked with their black escort in our own neighborhood. But, I figured that we didn't have all that great a relationship with any of them anyway, and the sisters probably didn't care if half the area propositioned them on the sly. It was just another body rush for them.

    Night had fallen, but the streetlights lit up the neighborhood as I stepped around to the passenger side to open Mia's door. She stepped right out onto the sidewalk, and stood there as I retrieved the video tape. I made no effort to silence the car door as it slammed shut, and I turned to escort Mia, totally naked except for shoes, half a block to her house. Her heels clicked along the pavement, but she stood straight and proudly jiggled her breasts as she walked. Cum streamed down her inner thighs as well as her face and glistened in the light. She held my hand all the way, not flinching as one of her neighbors from three doors away who had just finished turning off his sprinklers, turned to face us as we walked by. His look of shock froze him in his tracks as Mia merely nodded a hello, and continued her nude stroll down the street without a look back.

    We made it to her front door, and stood there in the porch light as we waited for the door to be opened. After about a minute, the door swung open, and Roger stood there in more shock than the neighbor. Mia walked right in to the great room where her ten and twelve year old were watching television. Roger quickly closed the door and raced behind his wife who was being greeted by two stunned youngsters. Their mom had just walked in without clothes, and was standing in front of them nude. Not only nude, but she was dripping some white fluid from her bald pussy, and the same stuff seemed to be in her hair and running down her chin to her boobs.

    "Hi, honey! Hi, kids! Did you have a good weekend?" she asked like everything was normal. Her ten year old boy just stared, and the twelve year old girl stood in shock asking, "What happened to you, mom?"

    "I'll get something for you to put on," stammered Roger.

    "No thanks. Mia is just fine the way she is," I interrupted. "In fact, from now on, she's not going to need much to wear most of the time. Just a little something when you two go out. Maybe not even that, but surely she wants to be naked here at home."

    "But, but....." Roger was muttering, not knowing if he should shit or go blind. "Is that what I think it is?" he said as he sheepishly pointed to the cum dripping from her.

    "Mom!" her daughter insisted, "What's going on?"

    "Roger, sit down," Mia said in a positive tone. "I want to tell you about a decision I've made. Yes, Roger, it's cum. Do you know what cum is, kids?"

    "Mia! Stop that!" shouted Roger, trying to silence her.

    "Roger, sit down," I said in a calm voice. "Your wife has been fucked, and she wants to tell you about it. Actually, it sounds to me like she wants to tell the whole family."

    "That's right everyone. From now on there are no secrets." Mia scraped some of the cum rope that was by this time pretty well gone from her face, and combined it with a larger glob of spunk she wiped from her cunt. "This is cum, and, to say the least, I'm quite full of it. Kids, cum is what a man squirts out of his balls when he fucks a woman. Do you know what fuck means?" The kids shook their heads sheepishly, and Roger just sat flushed at what was unfolding.

    Mia stood nude in front of her family, and explained to her children what fucking was, and to Roger's amazement, they all sat glued to her fascinating story. "So, mommy was having sex, or getting fucked this weekend, and this is all the baby juice that I brought home. In fact, that's what your dad and I have been doing the last few weeks when we go out. We go to parties where we make love to other guests, and have sex all we want. It really feels good, and I want you to know that we are happy. The only thing is that you can't tell your friends. Is that absolutely clear?" The kids nodded agreement, as they tried to soak in the new information. "Okay, now to bed with you while I talk with your father. Oh, and one more thing, a new rule is that no one has to wear clothes in the house any more if you don't want to. Okay?"

    "Alright!" was the enthusiastic response as both kids ran up to their bedrooms to discuss the new rules.

    "Mia, I can't believe this is happening. It's one thing to swing once in awhile, but to do this...." Roger didn't know where to start, and I could feel for him.

    I knew that Roger wasn't a total wimp, but he didn't cut a very macho figure either. I stepped in and spoke with a commanding voice, "Okay, time for some ground rules. Roger, do you want to be involved in this, or do you want to have your wife fuck around on you behind your back? Choose!"

    "Well, yes, I mean, no, I mean.......I don't want her fuck behind my back, and, yes, I want to join in," he stammered as expected.

    "Good. Then the first thing you need to understand is that this is not a kid's game. In other words, don't involve them. When your kids are old enough to know better then you can involve them, but until that time, keep it at an arm length. Is that understood?" Having been quite stern about this, the couple both answered yes.

    " Next, Mia belongs to me as far as sex is concerned. I tell her what to do, what to wear, who to fuck and where to go. You'll be taken care of and will get to participate in almost everything. Is that understood?"

    "Yeah," came a soft response from Roger.

    I continued, "Now, Mia, undress your husband, and show him what you've got for him." Mia took instruction well, and helped Roger out of his clothes, tossing them into a corner behind the couch. She next pushed him backwards, and straddled his lap. As she did, her shaved cunny opened wide, and she guided his hand to scoop up the cum that was escaping. While he was scooping, she fed him one of her tits which was encrusted with semen, and made him suck and lick her nipple. When he had a handful of spunk, she leaned back and brought his hand to his mouth, making him eat what he gathered. Mia continued to catch the leaking sperm and feed it to her husband, until the supply had tapered off.

    Seizing the moment, I started in, "Are we ready for some entertainment? This is a tape of some thing that's going to be big part of your lives, Roger." I slipped the tape in the VCR, and pressed play. In a daze of excitement, both Roger and Mia turned to watch the video of Mia's black gang bang orgy. Roger nearly jumped out of his skin, and the red flush on both their bodies told me that she didn't expect me to show the video, and that Roger was in shock. In fact, Roger was so much in shock that his cock sprang to life and was poking at Mia with a vengeance. As the tape showed Mia getting her face spattered with her first load from the black cock, I continued laying out the plan for them.

    "Let's begin with a few rules that are not be broken. If they are, all action with the club will cease, and these tapes will be used to ensure your silence. First, Mia will no longer be on any form of birth control. She will be meeting Ron, an alternate form of birth control. If an unavoidable pregnancy occurs, it will be your responsibility. Second, Roger, you will arrange for both you and Mia to have the hair removed from your genitals permanently. I suggest laser treatment, and this is to be done in the next two weeks. Third, Mia will come and visit me in Las Vegas once a month for a four-day weekend at your expense. While there, she will be fucked as I see fit, primarily by me, bot also my friends. For travel clothes, see Jodi or Jessica. They'll fix you up. Oh, and by the way, while we're on the subject of clothes, Mia is right. This house is now declared clothes free, which means, all family members will remain nude while at home. This means at all times, including any time family, friends, or even strangers come knocking. You'll just have to explain your new lifestyle to them. Fourth, every two months, you two will introduce a new couple to the lifestyle. Most important, Mia, is that I want you to ask Jodi or Jessica to assign Roger to a female member of the club. That should be quite interesting. Fifth, there will be some body jewelry that I'll want for Mia, but she'll have to earn it by having a few photos done. Jerry will help with that, and I'll arrange for the installation during her trips to see me. And last, for now, Mia will be taking some hormone shots that will make her cervix dilate a little, but will make her start lactating. Roger, you will help by sucking her tits mornings and evenings until she develops a good steady supply of milk. Is all that understood?"

    Both Roger and Mia nodded, their heads swimming with the implications of my instructions, and half crazed by the sexual tension in the room.

    "Good. Oh, I almost forgot. Roger, your wife will be entertaining some of her new stable from time to time, so get used to explaining to the neighbors why black men are showing up at your door, and get used to her going off nude with them from time to time." I knew this would get them. "That will ensure that she's ready for some real stable mates."

    Mia couldn't contain herself any more, blurting, "Honey, I want you to eat me." And, she pulled her husband down between her legs as she fell back onto the couch. She held his head, and forcibly rubbed his nose in her wet cunt while his tongue busily lapped the semen from her body. Her pussy lips were swollen, but her clitoris was sticking up like the champ that it was. As he ate, Mia continued, "I hope it tastes good to you, because I really enjoyed getting my pussy filled. In fact, my pussy isn't the only thing that I got filled. I managed to get my womb filled too. You can't believe the amount of sperm I have inside, and from now on I intend to keep it filled." Roger just moaned as he continued to slurp.

    As Roger ate, they both watched the video, Mia reliving her earlier experiences and Roger seeing his wife gang fucked by a group of black men. The screen showed Mia getting blasted with load after load of semen that was deposited in her cunt. Roger, realizing that all the semen he was eating was from those black fuckers, moaned in resignation while Mia held him by the ears and fed him the stale sperm. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed that we were not alone, and decided to make a show of it. I instructed the couple to get into a sixty-nine, and Mia turned around, and took Roger's stiff prick into her mouth. In seconds she was rewarded with the biggest load she had gotten from her husband in weeks. It flooded her mouth at about the same time she closed her eyes in ecstasy from her own tumble down the climax mountain. As the feeling hit her, she squeezed and unloaded a stream of spunk into Roger's mouth, which he eagerly ate as some ran down his cheeks.

    I sat with my own cum covered cock, having jacked off in the chair watching the action. Mia was already learning, as she got up, knelt between my legs, and dutifully began lapping up my sperm. When finished, she stood up and stretched her nakedness in front of Roger and me.

    "Well, how do you like it so far, Roger?" I asked.

    He was more relaxed now, and answered, "So far, so good. It's worth a shot, and I can say that the video got is really getting me going. Mia, is that really you?"

    Before she could answer, I piped up, "Of course it's her, and she enjoyed every minute of it."

    "Yes, those are some of my new friends, dear. And, yes, they'll be coming to our house on a regular basis," responded Mia in a motherly tone. "Oh, and Roger, we have a new account at the adult book store. There are a few things I want to pick up. That is, if it's alright with my new master."

    "We'll work with that idea. Mia, I think one of your first projects is going to be seducing a new female member of the club. Let's say, Roger's boss's wife? I figure it would make one hell of a video. Don't you think?"


    I left their house, and was busy making plans for Mia's visit to my place in a few weeks. I had been part and parcel in creating a new monster like my wife had become. As the current master of a strange girl, Jessica and Jodi had guessed that I would rise to the occasion and fall into their sexual trap. Their mastery at understanding the human libido had worked again, and I became a willing victim to their sordid manipulations. I knew in the back of my mind that it wouldn't be long before Mia embraced the lifestyle of black sexing, and wouldn't hesitate to involve her family if that's what it took to keep her new found fetish. The strange thing was that it wasn't forced, it was chosen. It wasn't a compulsive behavior, it was fun, enjoyable, and offered her a new exciting outlook on life. So exciting, in fact, that she would want to share it with others in different ways. Share it with her husband, her kids, her mother, her own sister, her in-laws? For now, she was mine to control and to mold either into a hopeless, dirty slut, or a fun and happy slut. The choice was mine, and I can tell you that I'll take a fun loving slut any day. The only question remaining was how far would I take her. She was mine to mold, to build, or destroy. Even impregnate as I saw fit.

    End of Best Laid Wives...


    Here are some more chapters for the book. I made the descriptions of the events as explicit as I remembered them, and spiced up the language like you requested.

    I really am proud that you're taking this opportunity to write about your experiences and mine. I had no idea that my whole marriage was wasting away, I really thought that I could hang on by playing Jessica's games. Boy was I wrong. Thank God you came along, not only to sex up my life and keep my physically happy, but also to force me into writing down all the things that happened.

    At any rate, I'm glad that you decided to make the most of our wretched adventures and write this book. It has actually been a relief to me, putting down on paper those things that actually occurred, because now I know I can rise above any of the heartbreak that went along with it. Let's see now, these must be chapters twelve through sixteen so far. You said that you enjoyed reading the first eleven, so that's what inspired me to continue. At last I'm getting it all out, and that seems to make me feel a whole lot better.

    I hope that you're ok with the story line about Jodi, Jessica and the dog. After you said that their previous misadventures about fucking the horses wasn't so bad, and it actually turned you on, I figured I could tell the rest of their perversions.

    Anyway, please let me know what you think about these chapters. Do they need some more details? Some more graphic language? Are they too long and drawn out? I'll be happy to modify them as long as they are still factual. I'll just keep working on the rest. I can't believe that I've only written about one and half years so far. With about three more years of parties and wild stuff to tell about, I'll bet no one in the world will believe this. I guess that's why it's turning out to be so much fun. Sometimes when I read this, I can't believe it actually happened myself.

    By the way, how are your kids and your hubby? I still think it was awfully lucky that your last one was the right color!

    Love, V.J.

    P.s. I still think it's hard as hell writing this in first person without using my name, but I guess you know best.

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    Rating: Rating: Good (votes: 22)
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    The story is great but too far drawn out. There's not enough written in about animals, after all this is supposed to be a Zoophilia site! It would be great if one of the girls ended up pregnant and carrying the kid to full term. I guess that you'd have to find a suitable home for the black kid to make the story more possible! Maybe the girls could end up being baby machines for an adoption home! There's many possibilities here for you to work with. Keep writing.


    Jun 27 2013 16:47
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